Night Evolution

Chapter 1070: Frog at the bottom of the well

Chapter 1070

   "You better not try to shoot me."

   The King of Doom and Scourge stretched out his hand and pressed it on the heart.

   I saw that his heart suddenly became transparent, and he could see the heart directly through clothes, skin, flesh, bones and heart. There were countless mini black hearts piled together in his heart, which looked terrifying.

   The facts are indeed terrifying, because all these hearts are the hearts of death, and all they possess are the source of death power.

   can increase lifespan, not like replenishing vitality like a longevity fruit, but relying on the source of death to deprive a life of death itself, the death of a life is deprived, naturally it is equivalent to extending life in disguise.

   But this cannot be changed. The essence of the heart of death is the source of death.

There are at least thousands of death hearts. The King of Doom and Scourge did not absorb it, but was sealed in his own heart of natural disasters in series. If all these hearts of death are activated, let alone the strongest immortal, it is the immortal sacred city. It may not be unscathed.

   It turns out that this is the self-confidence of the King of Doom and Natural Disaster, a super powerful means of all.

   "I can bring all these deaths to you through doom and natural disasters."

The King of Doom and Scourge said confidently, "Your dimensional source of both time and space does advance, attack and retreat, but as long as you do not leave the world of giant beasts, my curse of doom and natural disaster can lock you in, and you can count on them. Time I have locked in your doom in life.

   From now on, as long as you leave me more than a hundred meters, I will die with you.

   As long as you try to shield your own destiny, I will die with you.

   I want you to share everything about you with me. If you refuse, you will die together. "

   Zhao Mu tried to use the rules of fate to shield himself from the doom lock of the Doom and Scourge King. As soon as this thought occurred, the Doom and Scourge King's heart immediately began to swell. Unexpectedly, one day someone would use this method to try to make him compromise.

   I have to say, the King of Doom and Scourge Rat is short-sighted.

   It's not that he has a brain problem, but that he is trapped in the world of giant beasts like a frog in the bottom of a well.

   I have too little knowledge, and I don’t know that my trump card in the behemoth world will not work in the outside world.

First of all, he has the eyes of straight death and the eyes of catastrophe. As long as the natural disaster of death caused by the source of death cannot solve him in the first time, he can seal all the damage and digest it a little bit, and finally become the evolutionary resource of his pupil technique. .

   Secondly, the King of Doom and Scourge thought it was not easy for him to get in and out of the behemoth world, but he didn't know he could leave at any time.

   As long as he is willing to have the current dimensional source power, there is no place inside the Immortal Holy Realm to trap him.

   Zhao Mu smiled, and the King of Doom and Scourge felt his heart beat faster after he felt the evil thoughts.

   The current dimensional power of the size of a thumb dissipated, and the rules of dimensionality now block the body of the King of Doom and Scourge.

   The dimensional space is blocked, and the dimensional time accelerates.

   Thousands of years, forcibly depriving the Lord of Doom and Scourge of time.

   Relying on the power of time to deprive life, this is useless for immortality, but it has a miraculous effect for the king of natural disasters, but three moments later, the remaining life of the king of doom and natural disasters has been completely deprived.

   At the moment of life and death, the king of doom and natural disasters instinctively consumed the heart of death accumulated in the two natural disaster eras.

   However, the life-span replenishment speed is far behind the elapsed speed.

   Feeling the completely frozen space around him, the King of Doom and Scourge knew that he could not break this kind of space blockade in a short time.

   He finally understood that this Zhao Mu was not threatened by him at all.

   He misjudged Zhao Mu, and the only thing he could do now was drag Zhao Mutong to his death.

   Exhausted the last strength, all the hearts of death were broken, the source of death was integrated into the cloud of doom and disaster, and the disaster of doom was transformed into a fusion of death and disaster. Through the lock of fate, the cloud of natural disaster appeared on top of Zhao Mu through the dimensional space blockade.

   Time Lost City was immediately suppressed.

The net of    rules of law is even more real, extracting all the power of the immortal and the king of natural disasters in an instant to wrap the natural disaster cloud.

The king of natural disasters, who was suddenly drawn with power, finally realized that the immortal source of natural disasters in their bodies had been manipulated by Zhao Mu. They could feel their lives and the net that wrapped the natural disaster cloud and suddenly appeared. The phantom of the city is closely related.

   Seeing that it was still unable to suppress the natural disaster cloud, Hong Linger, who was hiding in the dark, finally made a move.

   The blood sea treasure chest opened, and the bow and arrow transformed by the source of blood appeared in the hand again.

   Bend the bow and shoot the arrow, the arrow pierced through the air to tear the natural disaster cloud.

More than 20% of the natural disaster clouds and arrows died together, and the remaining 30% were suppressed by the Lost City of Time and the Web of Laws, 30% were sealed by the sea of ​​blood, and the last 20% finally fell and turned into black thunder strike Zhao Mu gave him death. Kind of bad luck.

   Zhao Mu tried to shift dimensions, but black lightning followed like a shadow.

   Unless he has been teleporting in dimensions continuously, or leaving the world of giant beasts directly, he will not end the pursuit.

   Immortal Holy Art-Infinite Spirit World!

  The infinite spiritual world composed of countless overlapping dimensional worlds introduces black lightning into it.

Zhao Mu casually threw the infinite spirit world into the furnace of the immortal source quality of the original rules, then melted the immortal dream world into the furnace, and finally took off his eyes and threw them into the original furnace to look at, taking the black lightning and his own eyes as a fusion refining Object.

   When the black lightning is refined, he will blend into the rest of the sealed natural disaster cloud.

   The cloud of doom and natural disaster is And he has hunted more than 5,000 natural disaster hearts and death hearts in the past few years.

   Seeing that Zhao Mu was not dead, the King of Doom and Natural Disaster, who had reached the end of his life, closed his eyes in despair.

   Hong Linger threw the bleeding sea treasure box and sealed the King of Doom and Scourge, whose true spirit was dying out, not intending to save him, but to dig out all the secrets he knew from his true spirit.

   Zhao Mu ignored the sluggish and desperate King of Natural Disasters, and put away the Lost City of Time away from Shengguan City.

   With the help of Hong Ling'er's Blood Sea Treasure Box, Zhao Mu took the Lost City of Time to the blood source world that first entered the world of giant beasts.

The blood source world is transformed from the broken blood source sacred stone. There is no blood source power source inside, but the blood source power is indeed not a minority. Otherwise, it is impossible to block the world of giant beasts. The previous generation of doom and natural disaster kings believed that it was From here left the behemoth world.

When    came in, he didn't explore the blood source realm well.

   After all, I didn’t know what was going on inside the Sacred King Rattle. Now the situation in the Giant Beast World has been explored. This blood source world cannot be let go. It is best to let the blood source world disappear completely.

   Coming to the edge of the blood source world, Zhao Mu released the immortal fetish void flying boat.

   Void Flying Boat penetrated into the blood source world, and was immediately eroded by the blood source power ubiquitous in the blood source world.

Seeing that Hong Ling'er had completely suppressed some of the natural disaster clouds, Zhao Mu immediately pulled Hong Ling'er from the Lost City of Time. He wanted to destroy the blood source world and could not do it on his own. Only Hong Ling's blood sea treasure box could complete it. this matter.

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