Night Evolution

Chapter 1014: Immortal disaster

Chapter 1014

The world in the original slime body, the entire world has been transformed into a battlefield capable of carrying immortal battles.

Time Lost City sits in the center, suppressing the stripped out Tiandao formation flag.

After successfully controlling the original slime, Zhao Mu certainly did not forget the Heavenly Dao Formation Flag. Unlike the Earth Immortal Cave Sky, the Heavenly Dao Formation Flag has many opportunities to appear as an immortal divine object. The time dream above must record more experiences of Heaven and Earth Immortal.

Time to dream is very successful, but troubles also follow.

Zhao Mu looked down at his left hand, and dense black magic patterns appeared twisted and strange.

He didn't expect that the Heavenly Dao Formation Flag would hide a special blood moon brilliance the size of a needle, and the Heavenly Ji Dixian was planted on it. Even if he had sealed it for the first time, he still caused the entire left hand to be contaminated by the blood moon brilliance to produce magic patterns.

And this kind of magic pattern seems to be more powerful than the magic patterns of human demon and demon.

Tried all kinds of methods, completely unable to expel.

In desperation, I can only pin my hope on the all-spirit blood jade, hoping that the all-spirit blood jade can turn the magic pattern into a war pattern. The idea is good but it doesn’t work. The all-spirit blood jade can directly increase the war pattern, but there is no way to change it. The magic pattern is transformed into a war pattern.

If you want magic patterns to transform war patterns, you can only rely on the gods and demons of the human-devil tribe.

In fact, he is not completely unable to solve it.

Just cut off the left hand and it's not over. He didn't do this because he had another discovery in the time dream of the Tiandao Array Banner.

Three strong immortals fled back then, and ordinary immortals such as Heavenly Ji Dixian were trapped in the Dawn Continent.

Because of the arrival of the mysterious spiders, their plan to control the Dawn Continent was aborted. The mysterious spiders used the control of the Dawn Continent to fight the heaven and earth fairy and they fled in embarrassment, and finally they had to escape into the plane of shadow.

As soon as they arrived at the plane of shadow, several immortals were surrounded by countless shadow beings.

These shadow beings are nothing but the countless dark creatures that have been immortally abandoned by the dark continent.

They died under the hands of the Heavenly Emperor Demon, but appeared in the plane of shadows that were integrated into the world of the Dark Continent. What's more terrifying is that these shadow beings have the ability to merge, and countless shadow beings merged into immortal-level shadow beings.

Despite being besieged by more than a dozen immortal shadow beings, Tianji Dixian and others wiped out the enemy a few days later.

Then the immortal shadow beings that died were resurrected after a few days.

Heavenly Ji Dixian and other immortals immediately understood that unless they destroy the entire shadow plane, or seal off all the immortal shadow beings, these immortal shadow beings will conserve the energy and immortality on the shadow plane.

In desperation, Tianji Dixian and others fought and retreated to explore the plane of shadow.

They are fearless. After all, they are immortal. Although the immortal shadow life is powerful, it is difficult for them, and it is not enough to pose a real threat to them at the level of life.

Two years passed in this way, and several immortals were found in the shadow plane.

They just determined one thing. The Plane of Shadow that merged with the origins of the Dark Continent came to life. They actually stayed in the center of the Plane of Shadow for several years. No matter how they moved, the Plane of Shadows would move along with it.

They move forward, and the plane of shadow moves forward, they move upward, and the plane of shadow moves upward.

No matter how you go, you will never reach the edge of the shadow plane.

Perceiving this, several immortals brazenly joined forces.

Tianji Dixian uses the Tiandao formation flag to create the formation space, and then uses the pen of fate and the heavenly jade butterfly to turn the formation rule into the formation rule. Several immortal teamed up array forces superimposed, and each used the strongest means to erupt into the world. one strike.

The plane of shadow was penetrated, and a few immortal prepared to escape from it.

It is best to be able to leave the Dawn Continent, and not to leave. It is better to face mysterious spiders than to face the helpless shadow plane.

However, at this moment, Chi who was shrouded in darkness appeared.

He carried a scarlet short knife in his hand, killing immortals one by one like a chicken.

In the face of Chi's attack, they couldn't avoid it at all, and they would directly die if they were stabbed.

Heavenly Ji Dixian was the last one, because the formation he teamed up was based on him at the time. In addition, when Zhi killed the Immortal Demon Lotus, because the Immortal Demon Lotus controlled the defense rules, he had to withstand five full attacks before being attacked by Chi. Kill.

Because of the delay of the Immortal Demon Lotus, Heaven and Earth Immortal seized the opportunity to kill the plane of shadow.

This alarmed the mysterious spider, the mysterious spider borrowed the power and wisdom of the entire Dawn Continent to fight together.

The Heavenly Ji Dixian ran away desperately, and the short knife in Zhi's hand threw a phantom into the Heavenly Ji Dixian's cave. Instead of killing the Heavenly Ji Dixian, he broke the blockade of the Dawn Continent and allowed the Heavenly Ji Dixian to escape successfully.

When the Heavenly Ji Dixian escaped from the Dawn Continent, the seal barrier at the edge of the Dawn Continent also penetrated a black brilliance into the Heavenly Ji Dixian.

Black Guanghua and Blood Moon Guanghua continued to collide in the Earth’s Immortal Cave and Sky. Finally, the Blood Moon Guanghua was slightly better. There was a little bit left. The Heavenly Ji Dixian opened the Earth’s Immortal Cave and was immediately contaminated by the Blood Moon Guanghua. The blood moon brilliance on the body.

At this time, Tianji Dixian was actually dead.

It’s just because of the seal and the blood moon brilliance that Tianji Dixian didn’t realize that he was this is wisdom, but not wisdom..."

Zhao Mu said solemnly.

He can be sure that that person's wisdom is indeed.

But the mysterious corpse has completely polluted the true spirit of wisdom and turned it into a puppet.

The style and breath of the short knife in Zhi’s hand are very familiar to him. It is almost the same as the mysterious blade spirit integrated into the vengeance blade. He feels that the short knife in Zhi’s hand seems to be the physical blade of the mysterious blade spirit. This is nothing wrong. Blade.

Could it be that the mysterious sword spirit is actually the sword spirit bred by the weapon of the mysterious corpse?

This seems unreasonable. If the mysterious sword spirit really belongs to the mysterious corpse, why let the mysterious sword spirit not recover? He did not detect the slightest maliciousness from the mysterious sword spirit. Of course, it is possible that the maliciousness is too deep and he was deceived. Up.

To be careful, Zhao Mu sealed the Blade of Vengeance.

Also sealed is the Immortal Reincarnation Disk, these two things of unknown origin are really unsettling.

Command all world slimes to move away from the darkly expanding shadow plane deep underground.

Zhao Mu knew that the world of humans and demons was about to usher in great changes.

He needs allies and some helpers.

That former old friend and opponent, it's time to meet in the Broken Xinghai.

Dimensional teleportation, Zhao Mu appeared in the holy city of humans and demons.

The portal destroyed by the impact of the Dawn Continent has been restored and reactivated.

Going out to the Broken Star Sea is easy to get in and trouble. When going out, the Holy City of Humans and Demons will even take the initiative to send some star map data of the Broken Sea of ​​Stars. Upon return, a certain tax will be collected according to the length of time left. This is also an important fund of the Holy City of Humans and Demons. source.

Zhao Mu took a memory stone from the staff and disappeared into the holy city of humans and demons through the portal.

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