Night Evolution

Chapter 993: The world falls

Chapter 993

"Strike first is better."

Zhao Mu took out the Lost City of Time and activated the time dimension to enter the time dream of Dawn Continent.

Interfering with reality through dreams, the rule of dimensionality envelopes the entire Dawn Continent.

At most six days, the dimensional rules will penetrate the Dawn Continent. At that time, if you want to cross him and integrate the origin of the Dark Continent into the Dawn Continent, if you think too beautifully, don't even think about it. The biggest part of this cake must belong to him.

In a blink of an eye, six days passed, and only some of the water of Yangjiao Lake was left outside the Dawn Continent.

The vast dark continent was eventually destroyed a little bit.

At the moment when the last tens of millions of square kilometers of land was destroyed, endless malicious and destructive power came from the depths of the void. This force directly impacted on the Dawn Continent, trying to integrate into the Dawn Continent and occupy the Dawn Continent to completely control the Dawn Continent.

Is the Dark Continent weak?

The answer is of course not. How can the vast and endless dark continent that can feed countless dark creatures be weak?

Why was it destroyed in a short time?

There are many reasons. Ninety-nine percent of the spirits of the Dark Continent are drawn away by the Primitive Spirit World. The heavens and the earth of the Dark Continent will naturally weaken to the limit if they lose their spirits. The second is the immortal betrayal of the dark creatures. They rule the Dark Continent and know what the Dark Continent has Energy node.

The Heavenly Emperor Demon destroys the Dark Continent and only needs to continuously destroy each energy node.

This is the same as the load-bearing pillars of buildings. Destroying some load-bearing pillars will lead to the chain collapse of the entire building. It is precisely because of the immortal betrayal of dark creatures and the restraint ability of the Emperor's rules to the world, the Emperor Demon can destroy the darkness in a short time. mainland.

But this does not mean that the Dark Continent is weak.

If we say that the will of the previous dark continent world needs to coordinate the entire huge world, the origin of the world needs to be scattered on the huge dark continent, it is equivalent to the scattered power, now the dark continent is destroyed, the power originally scattered on the dark continent is completely Concentrated.

At this time, the will of the Dark Continent world and the world's origin are definitely not something that a few immortals can easily contend.

The void kept distorting, and only a pure black light ball came from the void.

Evil, distortion, destruction, but no life...

This is the true face of the will of the world and the origin of the world. Seeing this true face, the emperor, the demon, and the dark creatures are immortal and change their colors.

They found that the development of things was beyond their control.

Such a world will and world origin, if it is completely integrated into the Dawn Continent, then the entire Dawn Continent will become a land of death, and all life will be completely eroded by the Dark Source Force, even if the Dawn Continent is promoted to the upper dimension, it cannot be their foundation. place.

"You knew it a long time ago?"

The immortal human demon transformed by the emperor of the earth questioned the dawn that was sealed by them together.

He wondered how Shuguang was so calm.

Over the years, they can say that they have said all the good things, and all kinds of superior conditions have been constantly put forward. However, Suguang is dragging and refusing to cooperate with them to promote the Sugon Continent. Now it seems that Sugon has probably long known that their plan will fail. Up.

The world will and origin of the Dark Continent had been completely polluted long before they knew it.

They are not ignorant of the pollution of the will and origin of the world.

If there is no pollution, how did the dark creatures come from?

But they didn't expect the pollution to be so serious. They thought that it would pollute part of it at most. They only need to strip off the polluted part, and the remaining part is enough to promote the Dawn Continent. As a result, they never dreamed that it would be polluted all.

If all are contaminated, what is the clean and immortal magic element rewarded by heaven and earth?

Taking the spirit from the primitive spirit world into the dark continent, is the immortal magic element rewarded by the world fake? They are also immortal one by one, and they can tell that the reward of the immortal magic element is indeed the dark continent world will, but one is completely polluted How does his world will reward the true immortal magic element?

"Now, don't you understand?"

Shuguang smiled disdainfully.

The immortal human demon transformed by the earth emperor was silent, he really wanted to understand but he didn't want to believe it.

For countless years, all dark creatures believed that the primitive spirit world was a cancer.

It is precisely because the primitive spirit world has taken too many spirits away, the dark continent will be deserted and can only rely on a few oases for life to survive.

But what if the truth is reversed?

The existence of the primitive spirit world is essentially saving the dark continent.

If the Dark Continent had no spirits in all things, the corresponding spirits would not be contaminated by the Dark Continent.

They plundered spirits from the primitive spirit world, and allowed the dark continent to appear one by one tenaciously resisting oasis, which just allowed the dark continent to continue the pollution of life, they are equivalent to the sheep grazing in the dark continent, and the continuous growth of the dark continent is hidden in the will of the world. The source of darkness is pollution.

In this process, the Dark Continent World Will will extract the uncontaminated parts and reward them.

And they stupidly didn't know, but thought that the primitive spirit world was destroying the dark continent, and they were saving the dark continent, so they were rewarded by the world, but they didn't know that their cognition and truth for countless years were the opposite.

This time, they once again helped the dark continent world will.

Destroying the Dark Continent, the countless powers of death and destruction that were born, all of these have become the catalyst for the Dark Continent’s will to pollute the origin of the When the Dark Continent is finally completely destroyed, the Dark Continent’s will and the origin of the world are also Was completely polluted by the source of darkness.

"Does the dark continent world have wisdom?"

The immortal human demon transformed by the Emperor of the Earth trembled.

"If you don't have a lot of fun, you go round and round."

Shuguang said lightly.

The immortality of the six dark creatures immediately jumped.

If what Dawn said is true, the world will of the Dark Continent has high self-intelligence, then the world will of the Dark Continent will become very scary. The reason is very simple. With the same computing power, which is better than artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence?

"Continue to seal us, and you will just wait for it to fall short."

Shuguang sneered.

The immortality of the six dark creatures removed their seals on Dawn almost at the same time. They can no longer take care of sealing Dawn and Heaven and Earth Immortals. If the Dark Continent world will completely control the Dawn Continent, their years of planning will Chicken fly egg beat.

The six immortals tear the void and join forces with the gods and demons who intercept the will of the dark continent world.

With a pair of sevens, it can still have a little advantage.

But for a while, Shuguang and Heavenly Ji Dixian had already broken the seal.

Then, apart from anything else, they joined forces to kill the Xiangtian Emperor Human Demon.

With the successful interference of the two, the Dark Continent World Will successfully broke through the blockade. However, to the surprise of the Heavenly Emperor and Demon and others, the Dark Continent World Will did not integrate into the Dawn Continent with a completely polluted origin, but broke into the shadow position. The face disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, the Dawn Continent was shrouded in darkness.

The infinite black mist covered the Dawn Continent like a living thing. At this moment, the shadow plane had the meaning of devouring the Dawn Continent.

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