Thanos spouted blood, and Wesley's subsequent attack went all out. Thanos was severely injured, and Wesley's current strength was one section higher than Thanos. After completely suppressing Thanos, the Kitari people looked stupid. They couldn't imagine why their master was beaten like this.

The leader of Kitari suddenly felt bad, he was considering whether he could escape first.

"Ah..." Thanos said with a long mouth, but the voice couldn't spread out in the universe, only Wesley could hear it, but just by looking at him, he knew how angry he was.

The body suddenly disappeared, and then there appeared a Thanos, which is the ability of the gem of wisdom, and Wesley closed his eyes calmly. The Jedi may not test his eyes. All hallucinations are useless to Wesley. What he had learned now broke out completely, his hands were sliding in the air, and some warplane wreckage in the distance moved. This is the core of the gold element.

The metal of the wreckage of "呲呲" turned into spikes, and then flew towards Thanos. Numerous spikes concentrated all of Thanos's welcome, but passed directly through, and the real body was directly discovered.

Wesley's figure also disappeared, but this time it was speed. "Bang" Wesley punched up, but a force field appeared around Thanos, which was still a power gem, but Wesley's arm suddenly disappeared. , And it is the door of space.

"Puff" spurted blood here, the force field disappeared, Wesley waved his hands, a pair of laser swords appeared, and the hot laser sword surprised Thanos. He just wanted to move, but his arm was struck by the heat in surprise, "No...".

The arm with the infinite glove was cut off. The moment he lost the infinite glove, Thanos suddenly wilted, and his whole body convulsed in great pain.

Wesley waved the laser sword again, and Thanos was dismembered, and Wesley put away both swords, took the Infinite Gloves, and put them directly into the internal space.

"Your Excellency Wesley Gibson, have we won?" The Earth Alliance suddenly asked on the communications channel.

"Yes, winning, isn't it easy?" Wesley laughed.

"Yeah, why is it so simple?"

"See? We have sacrificed many people? However, I think now that the enemy should have lost the courage to fight, and ordered to destroy their fighter formations directly. Is the main gun ready?"

"There are still a few minutes."

"Very well, notify the Avengers to evacuate and shoot directly at the local mothership."

Is it simple? Wesley doesn't think so. It has been prepared for this station for a hundred years. If Thanos did not attack the fighter for the last time and the fighter did not travel through time and space, what would be the result now? Perhaps the fleet can suffer both losses, but Thanos is still unable to defeat it unless Gu Yi participates in the attack, but still not sure, after all, the multidimensional space energy she ingests does not know how it compares with the infinite gem.

And now? I just broke out a hundred years of accumulation, and killed the opponent directly. It seemed simple, but in fact it was really difficult. The earth began to attack at full force, and the Avengers retreated, and the fortress guns opened fire. Now there are only five Kitari motherships left, and three are destroyed again.

The Kitari’s mothership began to turn around and wanted to escape, but Wesley flew directly over, then opened the door of space and entered the mothership. Neither of the two motherships escaped, but he did not find Kita. The leader of the Swiss.

The battle was completely over. Wesley looked at the mess. The outer space of the earth was full of debris, and the rescue team was busy. Wesley closed his eyes, the reality gems were launched with all their strength, and all the debris began to disintegrate. , Then gathered, and then the first battleship appeared.

The huge shuttle-shaped battleship slowly took shape, with four frontal main guns and two rear main guns, and the hull was full of defensive guns. These were all energy guns. This was the earth warship that Wesley shot. The people of the earth looked at Wesley excitedly, and now Wesley is their god. Then the second and third ships continued to appear, and a large amount of wreckage finally formed six battleships, which will be the strongest combat power on earth.

A week later, news came from the Qaidars. They just blocked the Cree’s retreating fleet and wiped it out. The leader of the Kitari was captured, and the planets of the Kitari and Cree were wiped out. , But they still sent a message and disappeared, and Loki fled the planet Kitari, setting up his track.

Wesley never thought that Loki was so disappointed that he was on the planet Kitari, but this was beyond his control.

At the end of the Second Infinity War, Wesley held a wedding. He and Daisy were married, and the earth entered the interstellar age and began to have full contact with alien civilizations. At the same time, Wesley created the company again to specialize with aliens. Trade, and Wesley’s name spread throughout the universe. People on earth will be respected wherever they go, because they have Wesley.

However, peace will not always take care of them. Where there are superheroes, there must be super criminals. Now it is only a short-term peace. The Guardians of the Galaxy leave the earth again. They are used to wandering in the universe, doing good and bad things. .

The Avengers have continued to develop. The base on the moon began to expand here. They have two space warships, and the Earth Alliance has four. The Avengers have become the most special organization on the planet, and it has become a kind of Special existence in the sense.

Wesley finally got down, spending a stable time with his family and his new wife every day, but he knew that this kind of peace would not last long, and Rocky had already run away. It is impossible for this guy not to do things. Yes, and the Guardians of the Galaxy will not be peaceful in the universe, he can't say when he will be busy again, and now he needs to hurry up.

Seizing the opportunity to give birth to a few children will make his home more lively. At the same time, he can calm down and study the intelligent life form of the independent existence of the soul. He has never thought about immortality, but this The existence of high-level intelligent life makes him very interested. At that time, can he continue to shuttle infinitely between parallel and direct, and see the wonder of the universe?

At that time, I have to experience each universe well. I will live for hundreds of years, experience the differences of all universes, and accumulate infinite knowledge. Maybe one day he may encounter the advanced life form that codes the apple element text. , Everything is possible in the infinite universe.

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