Netherworld Game Producer

Chapter 171: The murder caused by the high bonus in Happy Paradise

Maintaining popularity and avoiding series of games from being overwhelmed by a large number of game listings is the foundation of the current game industry.

Zhou Wu has been doing this all the time.

He is not as famous as Li Wen personally, so the account he uses is the official account of the Resident Evil production team.

Fans of Resident Evil, who want to obtain information about Resident Evil in advance, generally pay attention to the account of the production team.

Therefore, the official account of the Resident Evil production team still has a lot of fans.

This CG of Claire avoiding the helicopter shooting at the beginning was reposted by many fans.

Coupled with the popularity of Happy Paradise today, domestic and some foreign game media will immediately forward the developments of each production team.

This short CG video, not long after it was released, has been reposted on its own website by major media, giving it a lot of traffic.

The current Happy Paradise is no longer the little-known Happy Paradise that was a little bit hot before.

The best horror game of the year, the nominee for the best game of the year, and the battle royale that currently holds the record of simultaneous play by online players all over the world.

This is not what it used to be.

At least they already have the treatment of first-line manufacturers.

Although the battle royale is a free game, anyone with a discerning eye can see how much money the battle royale has.

In-game purchases continue to stimulate players to spend.

Krypton gold players are increasing a lot every day.

Happy Paradise has never announced the profits of the battle royale.

Nobody knows how lucrative Battle Royale really is.

In the past, other manufacturers may still have doubts about battle royale. How can such a free game make money?

But now even players can see that battle royale is very profitable, how can these manufacturers and game media not see it.

Battle Royale is really starting to make money.

And earn more and more money.

The profits obtained have become the number one in Happy Paradise.

The previous fifty game drags have accomplished the feat of starting a prairie fire from a single spark, and they returned to the production team where they used to work.

Because of their past efforts, now they can get the battle royale profit dividend every week, which is a very considerable dividend.

From the fact that Chen Xin's eyes were narrowed into slits with a smile, he knew how much the weekly bonus was.

Battle Royale is a large-scale online game that has been in operation for a long time.

Benefits will continue indefinitely.

It is fundamentally different from other games with a buyout system. The buyout system has been sold for almost a month.

Even if there will be profit dividends in the future, the profits that can be shared will be less and less.

Unlike Battle Royale, krypton gold players are still on a rising trend.

Every week the profit dividend is more and more.

People in the entire game company are very envious of the Battle Royale production team.

Stable dividends are much better than what they do for employees every day.

Playing games is a dream, but even if it is a dream, you have to eat. No one will sublimate simply by relying on a few meaningless poisonous chicken soup from the boss.

Everything still depends on money.

The more money you have, the more passionate and motivated your employees are about their work. So are you afraid of losing talent? Are you still afraid that the quality of the developed game is not high?

Whether the game quality is high or not is directly linked to the income of each employee. There is no need for Li Wen to say anything. The employees can motivate themselves and polish the details of the game to the extreme.

Even overtime and so on are not mandatory, it all depends on the employees' self-consciousness.

Don't look at other production teams envious of the Battle Royale production team.

There are also many bonuses for other production teams, especially the Resident Evil production team.

With the success of Resident Evil 2, every employee gets a lot of share.

Zero, Survival 3, and other games have a lot of profits.

Of course, it is the battle royale production team that makes the most money now, and the dawn of the night that is faintly surpassing battle royale.

Dawn of the Dark Night is also a potential stock in the current Happy Paradise.

Every time a bonus is distributed, Happy Paradise will not hide it and publish it directly on the company's intranet.

All employees can see.

At present, the ones who really envy other production teams are probably the production teams of Fengshen and Demon's Soul.

How similar history is.

When Crescent Company was acquired just now, the various production teams under Crescent Company were also very envious of the production teams of Happy Paradise Escape and Resident Evil.

Now, after sharing the bonus, to be honest, I really don't feel so envious.

Even everyone has a bit of Versailles.

What to say, so many bonuses have been issued, money is just a number to me and so on.

At the same time, every time a bonus is distributed, there will always be employees who can't help showing off their bonuses outside.

Although the Fengshen production team and the Devil's Soul production team have just been established and the games are in production, they have not won any bonuses. There is always hope for them, right?

And other netizens who are not in Happy Paradise are envious.

In the battle royale production team, one of the employees posted the 380,000 bonus this week on the Internet, and marked that it was just a one-week bonus.

This directly drove countless netizens crazy. You must know that this is just a little-known employee in the battle royale production team.

It's not a well-known producer or high-level executive of Happy Paradise.

Although netizens already know that Happy Paradise's bonuses are exaggerated, they still feel very uncomfortable every time they see it.

Who wouldn't feel bad if he made more money in a week than he made in a year?

Although the impact on netizens was great, it would not cause any substantial changes, but this high bonus has an impact on the entire game circle and the game company.

When the employees of Happy Paradise announced their bonuses online for the first time, although the employees of other companies were very envious, they didn't really believe it in their hearts.

This bonus is too exaggerated.

A third-tier game manufacturer, an ordinary programmer, worked overtime all year round, and his monthly salary after tax was about 15,000.

Coupled with the five insurances and one housing fund, you can get a little over 10,000 yuan.

This is an ordinary employee.

If the game produced is a big hit and generates a lot of profits for the company, the year-end bonus will probably be between 50,000 and 100,000 yuan.

Counting the highest bonus of 100,000 yuan, you can get 10,000 yuan a month, and 120,000 yuan a year.

The total bonus is only 220,000 yuan.

This salary is actually not low, but think carefully about how many third-tier manufacturers are there in China? How many third-tier manufacturers employees?

Ordinary employees of second-tier manufacturers can earn about 300,000 yuan.

Ordinary employees of first-line manufacturers can earn about 400,000 yuan a year.

Ordinary employees of top manufacturers can have about 500,000 a year.

However, before Happy Paradise became a third-tier manufacturer, the dividends for an ordinary employee had already exceeded one million.

What kind of concept is this...

And Li Wen's wages for employees are getting higher and higher.

There is no difference between the top-tier factories whose standards are already good, except that they can get a salary of about 500,000 a year.

You will also continue to receive high bonuses.

This made the employees of countless other game companies so envious that they were about to cry...

The ordinary employees of other game companies, even the ordinary employees of the top manufacturers, have been staring at Happy Paradise to recruit people.

When Fengshen was recruiting employees, almost domestic and even foreign game company employees were frantically submitting their resumes.

This behavior directly offended many game companies in Happy Paradise.

At that time, there were even many foreign media criticizing Happy Paradise.

What do you say, Happy Paradise corrupted the pure and beautiful hearts of practitioners in the game industry with money...

In short, scold.

The meaning behind it is that it is simply not human to talk about Happy Paradise doing this kind of thing.

However, nothing has changed at Happy Paradise and the high bonuses are still maintained.

The members of the Fengshen production team are basically ordinary employees from the three major domestic factories and first-line manufacturers.

Such a move directly caused the three major manufacturers and first-tier manufacturers to sound the alarm.

Brain drain is fatal to any industry.

For those who can get to this point, they will naturally not be like those low-level companies that can only see immediate benefits.

So they can only increase the bonuses of the company's employees, just like Happy Paradise.

Although they hated the fucking thing called Happy Paradise, they had no choice but to do it this way.

In fact, when Happy Paradise was just emerging, the three major factories had already tried to recruit talents from Happy Paradise to their own companies.

However, this poaching was not successful. Although the three major factories were well-known, the poached employees seemed to have no interest in their own company at all.

It wasn't until the exposure of Happy Paradise's high bonuses that the three major factories realized why it was so difficult to find employees of Happy Paradise.

Although Happy Paradise has great potential, it is nothing in their eyes, so the matter of poaching talents is nothing.

However, what the three major factories didn't expect was that Happy Paradise didn't pay attention to martial arts, and even dug it on their own heads.

What makes them most uncomfortable is that the employees on their side did not dig it up by Happy Paradise themselves, but posted it on their own initiative.

To the three major factories, it was as if their own daughter, whom they had raised for many years, had thrown themselves into the arms of Huang Mao, a bum on the street, and felt as uncomfortable as having severed their father-son relationship.

The feelings of first-line manufacturers are similar to those of the three major manufacturers.

Of course, they also knew that Happy Paradise didn't take the initiative to come to poach their people, all of them were taken by their own employees.

This kind of betrayal made them, the top management of the big factory, feel extremely uncomfortable.

Happy Paradise is undoubtedly breaking the rules of the industry by giving employees such high bonuses.

However, this is not against the law, so they can only grit their teeth at Happy Paradise.

In order to prevent the loss of their talents, the first-tier manufacturers and the three major manufacturers can only imitate Happy Paradise, reduce the dividends of shareholders and increase the bonuses of employees.

Although the money is still not as much as Happy Paradise.

But compared to before, the bonus has indeed increased a lot.

At present, the ordinary employees of the first-tier manufacturers can also get an objective bonus when the game is selling well.

Capitalists hate Happy Paradise very much, but game practitioners, especially the ordinary employees of the first-line manufacturers and the three major factories love Happy Paradise very much.

As for the second- and third-tier manufacturers, it is still the same as before, and there is no change.

Then, they also enjoyed what the previous first-tier manufacturers and the three major manufacturers had encountered.

Because, Li Wen started to set up the Devil's Soul production team.

The production team of Demon's Soul needs a large number of talents, and employees who can enter second- and third-tier companies are very in line with Li Wen's requirements.

If others dare to submit resumes to his company, he dares to take them.

The food and clothing parents of the game industry are not peers, but players.

For Happy Paradise, the difference between offending one's peers is not that big.

He doesn't need to rely on his peers to eat.

The Devil's Soul production team not only recruited employees from domestic second- and third-tier manufacturers, but also recruited employees from some foreign first-tier manufacturers and even top manufacturers.

Foreign employees are rarely recruited, because one hard requirement is enough to wipe out most foreigners, who can speak Mandarin and be able to communicate normally.

Now because the translation is very convenient, it is basically possible to communicate seamlessly with foreigners from any country on the Internet.

But in reality, it is very troublesome to communicate without knowing Mandarin.

Li Wen felt that it would be very troublesome to have Li Xin in the company. He needed to rely on his mobile phone or laptop to communicate with other people normally.

If you find a group of foreigners who need to use mobile phones or laptops to communicate with foreigners, it will be very troublesome just thinking about it.

The high bonus of Happy Paradise is indeed very impactful for game practitioners.

Grassroots game practitioners abroad have even united to form a new guild to fight against unfair treatment by game companies.

Use the example of Happy Paradise to remind other game companies.

After many strikes and other demonstrations, some game companies around the world have also increased the bonuses of basic employees.

No way, if these basic employees go on strike, the game company will lose more.

Strikes by basic employees because of bonus issues are very hot things abroad.

Li Wen basically didn't pay attention to it, and he didn't even think about raising the bonuses of the employees, making the employees work harder, and making the company more cohesive.

There was even a strike abroad.

He didn't even know that he had to increase his bonus to retain the employees of the first-tier factories and the three major factories.

That's why, when he went to the best game of the year awards show.

Basically no one greeted him.

He is the creator of escape, a legend who opened up the track of pure horror games.

At the party, except for Qiu Zixuan who greeted him,

No other game practitioners have ever called him, not even a single hello.

When he came to the stage to accept the award, there was only scattered applause from the audience.

His high bonus has offended all the game companies in the world!

He has no sense of it at all.

Why did old man Ye stare at him like that, wishing to eat him alive? Although there was some reason for his own daughter, it was more because of his high bonus.

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