Netherworld Game Producer

Chapter 154 This wave can only be called a blood loss!

Because the colleague's injury was entirely caused by Zhou Bo, he could only rely on his clothes to stop the bleeding.

Pull the short steel pipe from the colleague, and then use a simple bandage made of his own T-shirt to wrap it on the wound.

Because the wound was too large, the blood from the wound wetted the entire bandage in just an instant.

Forget it, I'll reopen it, it's really unlucky...

The colleague's wound was too serious, and the two of them didn't have any medical kits. This was almost a certain death.

Fortunately, in some internal tests, resurrection doesn't cost money, it just needs to restart.

Zhou Bo looked at his dying colleague, who tilted his head to the death, the embarrassing scene was finally over.

Unexpectedly, the first blood he got from Heiye Shuguang was not a zombie, but a player.

Since it is an internal test of the company, everyone bows their heads and does not look up, so under normal circumstances there will be no scenes of cannibalism.

At least when everyone meets, they will choose to hug each other to keep warm.

However, since Raccoon City is so big, there are only more than 200 people tested, and the probability of two people meeting is very low.

Zhou Bo, who came to the fourth floor, was wearing a suit of blood-stained clothes with a hole in it.

When the player dies, the corpse will disappear after ten seconds, and all the materials on the corpse, including clothes, etc., will fall in place.

Zhou Bo changed his colleague's clothes on his body, and finally put on his shoes.

Materials such as clothes will be automatically adjusted according to the size of the character or manually adjusted by the player.

The same is true for shoes, because the game will completely delete the file after the player dies, so the file can only be rebuilt.

So there is no way to sell skins and hairstyles like Battle Royale.

The face pinching system of the whole game is very powerful, you can pinch any appearance, and there is no limit.

At the same time, there is no in-app shopping mall in the game, creating a completely real doomsday raccoon city.

All the players have to do is to survive in the doomsday Raccoon City, and then become stronger Kai Wushuang.

There are a small number of players, with the blessing of luck and strength, who can become very powerful in a very short period of time.

As an insider of the company, Zhou Bo naturally knows some simple strategies of this game.

For example, the most important thing at the beginning of the game is not weapons and strengthening, but food.

When a character's satiety drops to a certain value, it will have a great impact on the character's own attributes.

The lower the satiety, the lower the character attributes, until the satiation is cleared and died.

Even if you become a superman, you will become a useless person if your hunger level is low.

Even if there is Superman, this game can still be regarded as a survival game, and food is naturally the most important.

In the end times, it is difficult to obtain enough supplies to survive.

This game is not friendly to lone wolves. Without friends, even survival is a problem.

In the shopping mall on the fourth floor, Zhou Bo carefully searched while holding a short steel pipe.

The shopping mall is now in a mess, there are bloody scenes everywhere that are not suitable for children, and all kinds of broken corpses and organs are everywhere.

After getting used to the powerful bloody scenes of Resident Evil and escape, he still has a little bit of resistance.

At least he didn't feel any discomfort during this process, at most he was disgusted by a piece of intestine that happened to fall from the ceiling to his feet.

But I have to say that Happy Paradise is really good at designing such a tragic art scene.

It has enough visual impact.

Although Li Xin has become the art director, she is still in charge of the chief art design of Dark Night Dawn.

This kind of intense and exciting artistic expression was designed by her personally.

The Resident Evil production team has indeed made a complete Raccoon City.

But in Raccoon City, except for the scene art that will be used in the Resident Evil game.

Other scenes that cannot be seen in the game are basically not designed.

The vast majority of home interior designs are copy and paste.

Such a scene will have a very bad influence on the players for the dawn of the night.

Moreover, the cookie-cutter design in the room will soon cause players aesthetic fatigue.

With the assistance of AI, it is possible to design each room differently and give players enough desire to explore.

Although the four-story shopping mall looked miserable, Zhou Bo walked around and didn't encounter any zombies, so it was safe.

A large backpack was also found, along with a crossbow and bolts.

These are all supplies he found in a wilderness survival hobby store.

By the way, he also replaced his ordinary flat shoes with the hunter survival shoes in the store, which looked very good in quality.

Replaced the whole body with a new set.

The crossbow is a semi-automatic shooting crossbow, which can fire three arrows at a time.

He tried his power, and he could easily shoot into a hard wall.

not bad.

It is much stronger than the short steel pipes he broke off from the discarded office chairs.

He is now fully armed and fat.

Holding the crossbow, he gained a lot of confidence and continued to explore vigorously.

He felt that he was so strong at this moment that he even had the confidence to face the tyrant head-on.

Reality hits too fast.

The moment the elevator opened, he saw a very familiar figure appearing inside the elevator.


Tyrant, as one of the important monsters running through the Lyon line, has left a deep impression on Zhou Bo from the very beginning to the end of Resident Evil 2.

The appearance of the tyrant at this moment made him a little dumbfounded.

Face to face, his mind froze for a moment.

Seeing the gradually enlarged fist in his field of vision, Zhou Bo came back to his senses, and immediately rolled to the side, dodging the tyrant's punch.

After the roll, he immediately started running away without saying a word.

What a joke, he's just holding a crossbow.

After meeting the real tyrant, the impulse just now disappeared in an instant, or is it not fragrant? Don't go looking for shit.

Anyone who has played Resident Evil 2 knows how thick the blood bar of the tyrant is and how high the attack power is.

The high spirits just now were completely blown away by the sudden tyrant.

He has only one idea now, to leave this broken mall.

It was obviously just a broken shopping mall, how could there be such a cruel creature as a tyrant.

When he escapes, a task prompt appears in the lower left corner of the field of vision.

Please kill the tyrants in Siglo Mall.

Tyrant, as one of the special bosses of Dawn of the Night, has a high probability of dropping T-Virus enhancers and superhuman nerve adjustments, etc.

T virus enhancer, after injection, it can control zombies.

And the body will also be greatly strengthened and become more powerful.

The level division for players to become stronger was improved by Li Wen's suggestions.

These levels were not created by Li Wen himself.

From a well-known web writer before his rebirth, the gene lock in Z's novel Infinite Horror.

The game will adjust the player's character strength and restore the gene lock level settings as much as possible.

Genes are locked in the dawn of the night, divided into four levels.

Not like in the novel, there is a fifth level.

After injecting the T virus enhancer or superman enhancer, the first stage of the gene lock can be forcibly opened.

After opening it, the player's combat level will be greatly improved, and the strength and agility will also be greatly improved.

Gene locks don't have as many restrictions as in the novel.

No matter what stage it is, the genetic lock can always be opened, after all, this is a game.

Without injecting T-virus enhancer props, players can also advance to the first stage of the gene lock.

It's not like in the novel, it needs to break out at the moment of life and death to open the gene lock.

In the game, it is set to increase experience by killing monsters. If you kill enough monsters, you can unlock the gene lock by upgrading your experience.

Among them, there is another hidden setting, that is, players fight each other.

The surviving player will get half the experience of the other player who was killed by him.

In other words, players may often see the peak duels of elders who have survived and become stronger.

After all, you can gain a lot of experience by killing the opponent, so you can't fight to the death?

That is definitely more exciting than watching any movie.

The gene lock upgrade system is one of the core gameplays of the game.

After all, it is simply a survival horror construction game. Players will indeed be very interested in it at first, but they will get tired of it soon.

Adding some extraordinary power into it has a lot to do with the retention of players.

In fact, as soon as Dawn of the Night players enter the game, as long as they don't provoke those elite monsters, they can blow the heads of zombies with bare hands.

attributes are very powerful.

Who doesn't want to become a super strongman leading a group of brothers to dominate in the last days.

In addition, the death of the game character will be completely deleted. After the game character grows and makes a career, the sense of accomplishment is not comparable to other games.

At the same time, clearing the server data to allow players to start again is just a setting at present. As for whether to do this or not, it still depends on the players' intentions after operation.

After all, players are customers, and the first priority of game companies is to make games that players want to play.

Instead of what game companies do and what players play, if they keep leading players by the nose, then the company must be cold.

Now the question facing Zhou Bo is, should he fight the tyrant?

In the dawn of the night, the character attributes are indeed stronger than those in Resident Evil 2, and even Jill in dlc can't match him.

However, he is also very clear that it is very difficult for one person to win against a boss like Tyrant who can directly burst out enhancers.

If you hesitate, you will lose. He gritted his teeth and fought hard.

He now has a full inventory of crossbow bolts.

These crossbows were all found from the wild survival store, and the power of the crossbows was also very good, but I don't know how much HP the tyrant has.

Now the stats of this body, just need to be careful, it should be able to cope with the tyrant's attack.

Don't underestimate his experience in Resident Evil 2!


Zhou Bo turned around suddenly while running, raised the crossbow in his hand and shot at the tyrant.


The imagined picture of the arrow being inserted into the head of the tyrant did not appear.

Even his worst imagination, the scene where the arrow missed and the tyrant's hard skin was broken did not appear.

The picture that appeared at this moment was even more outrageous, and it was a path he had never imagined.

The tyrant unexpectedly caught the arrow that was flying at it at high speed, and firmly controlled it in his hands.

Although the speed of the arrow's loss cannot keep up with the speed of the bullet's flight.

But it wouldn't be directly caught in its hands.

Zhou Bo was dumbfounded, how can he play with this horse? The difference in combat power seems a bit too big, right?

Then, a scene happened that made his whole scalp tingle.

The tyrant did not break the arrow in his hand or throw it on the ground, but aimed the arrow at him and threw it.

The arrow that was thrown out was extremely fast.

The sound of the arrow breaking through the air during its flight even turned into noise!

He vaguely seemed to see that the arrow was lost in the air and seemed to be about to burn?

How much strength is needed to throw such a powerful arrow and miss it!


The arrow missed in his left arm.

The huge impact cut his left arm in two in an instant.

Fortunately, he adjusted his pain sensation to the lowest level, otherwise this blow would directly make him swear at his mother in pain.

It was too late to pick up the broken arm, so he could only pick up the dropped crossbow and put it in the backpack, then turned and ran away.

The gap between the two is really too big, there is no comparison at all.


This wave...

This wave can only be said to be a blood loss.

The tyrant's strength is great, but the speed is very slow, which is about the same speed as Resident Evil 2.

In the dawn of the night, the player's speed is not as slow as Resident Evil 2.

You can run at full strength, but running at full strength can't last long...

Hoo... hoo... hoo...

Zhou Bo hid in the corner, holding a piece of rag ripped from his T-shirt with his mouth.

Then use the right hand to wrap the rag around the broken left hand.

His health bar was about to bottom out, and his head was dizzy. If he still couldn't find the medical kit, then he probably wouldn't last long.

The tyrant didn't leave the fourth floor, he was barely safe now.

Looking at his broken arm, this feeling is very strange, I don't know if this hand can grow back. If it can't grow back, then don't I want to be a one-armed hero all the time in the test?

There is no Yang Guo in this world, so Zhou Bo has no one-armed stalk.

After the character's blood bar is reduced to a certain level, some side effects will also appear, such as weakened strength, body imbalance, dizziness and so on.

Thinking that Zhou Bo's blood had bottomed out at this moment, his body was a little unsteady, and he wobbled and stood up while leaning on the wall.

Fortunately, the backpack has no weight, otherwise, according to his current state, he would definitely not be able to carry a backpack with a crossbow and a pair of crossbow bolts.



Just as he got up, he heard a voice that made him feel a little desperate.

The roar of zombies, this kind of cry is very familiar, it is the voice of ordinary zombies in Resident Evil 2.

In the beginning, you can fight monsters and upgrade when you encounter ordinary zombies, but now... there is a high probability that you will be eaten up by zombies.

My luck shouldn't be so bad. Anyway, I can be regarded as a European who found a powerful weapon!

At the same time, Li Wen, who was also participating in the test, looked at the bazooka in his hand and the tyrant running back tremblingly, showing a cruel smile.

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