Netherworld Game Producer

Chapter 150: Life is hard for foreign game manufacturers!

The areas that need to be optimized in Demon's Soul will definitely be well optimized. This game is also produced according to the next-generation game standards.

With the addition of the next era, all players who buy Demon's Soul will have a more immersive experience of what suffering is.

Li Wen knew very well that the game Demon's Soul would not be liked by players from the very beginning, and it is estimated that the number of players who scolded him would increase a lot.

It is very likely that the player favorability accumulated with great difficulty will be wiped out.

Although Fengshen also suffered a lot, he had the background bonus of China's Fengshen List, as well as various fancy skills.

Players can experience the thrill of becoming stronger little by little, and the plot will not be as obscure as Demon's Soul. Follow the main quest, and you can clearly understand the plot of the whole game.

Although the beginning of the game is indeed a bit difficult, the players will definitely lose their lives, but it's okay.

Especially in the middle and late stages, players have enough levels and enough skill points to support the fancy gameplay.

The game will enter a very refreshing rhythm.

Of course, the difficulty of the game has not changed. Because the players have grown up, the game is indeed much easier than when they first started.

Coupled with the addition of Wuxingshu, the difficulty of the game will be greatly reduced, and players can even fight the boss head-on.

However, these skills require players to go to the game to experiment a little bit.

Just like in Nioh 2, many newcomers don't know it, they just need to choose the faction to absorb spiritual energy to restore blood, but after the Yin Yang technique clicks on the spirit seizing talisman.

Players can push from the first round all the way to the fifth round without deliberately brushing any equipment.

It is not until the beginning of the deep layer that the player will be under pressure. After the school uniform, the Yin Yang warrior and the mountain suit are complete, the last 30 layers of hell, which is the most difficult in Nioh 2, are also very easy.

Games like Nioh 2 are completely different from soul games. You need to use various game mechanisms flexibly. After using it, you will find that it opens the door to a new world.

It's like the ninety-nine chains of Nioh 1, every second of every second.

For soul games like Devil's Soul, after Li Wen's optimization, such as after the flame storm was cut, it is even more difficult for players to skip class.

Although soul games are said to be real-time battles, in fact, the game is more inclined to turn-based design techniques.

Every time the players attack and defend, they need to make judgments based on the monster's behavior.

Especially in the boss battle, this turn-based mechanism is more obvious.

Players need to find the right opportunity to attack in the gap between BOSS attacks. The error tolerance rate is extremely low, and the game becomes very difficult.

This is also the case, players will gain a great sense of accomplishment by clearing the level and defeating the BOSS with such a low fault tolerance rate.

This is the reason why soul games have gradually become popular from the perspective of the minority.


It's not that every player who likes soul games is Shaking M, they just prefer this kind of game that can challenge themselves.

Soul games just provide such a platform.

The harsh death penalty mechanism will cause countless players to have a strong sense of frustration in the process of dying and losing their souls.

This is unmatched by other games.

In the world before Li Wen's rebirth, most games could choose the difficulty of the game.

These games choose the highest difficulty, which may not be easier than Soul games.

It is also very difficult, such as the Jedi at the end of the United States, isn't it difficult?

It's so hard to explode Well, not only can't see the character's blood bar during the whole game, even the listening skills that players rely on most can't be used.

On top of this, you can even choose the more perverted one-life mode.

If you die, you will end the game completely. This difficulty is not small compared to soul games.

Under Jedi difficulty, it is never possible to beat a wave of enemies head-on.

very difficult.

Let’s not talk about the perverted one-life mode, just talk about Jedi difficulty.

In fact, the frustration after the player dies is not as good as that of the soul game.

This involves a design of picking up souls after death.

According to the unique death of soul games or after sitting on a bonfire, the regular enemies in the game will be refreshed.

The souls collected by the player before will fall to the place of death.

At this time, although the players felt that picking up souls was very difficult, there was still a glimmer of hope.

The soul is the resource that players rely on very much. Everything such as attribute enhancement, weapon upgrade, etc. needs the support of the soul.

It can be said that it is the most basic and important resource of soul games.

If the player has very few souls, it's okay to die.

The most frustrating part of the player is that the player takes a lot of souls and dies.

On the way to pick up the soul again, he died again.

In this way, the soul that died before can no longer be picked up, and in this way, the players will have a very strong sense of frustration.

In addition, there is no choice of difficulty in the game. Not only are the miscellaneous soldiers very brave, but there are also countless traps and sneak attacks.

Death is a common occurrence for players, even after the level is raised, it is also very easy to die.

This kind of game mode, if players who like this kind of game don't have a tendency to shake M, even the old thief doesn't believe it.

The most classic design in the game is not all kinds of sinister mobs, all kinds of fancy traps, and the poisonous pool map that every soul game must bring.

The most classic soul game is the BOSS battle.

Even in the first version of the Souls game, Demon's Souls, the boss battle is still very exciting.

One of the best designed BOSS is not a dragon god who can be killed in the plot.

But Lao Huang.

Lao Huang, the boss, is very interesting and unique, and it is also very unique among all the bosses in the soul game.

Challenge this BOSS, divided into online version and offline version.

There is nothing to say about the offline version. Huang just summons a weak NPC to fight the boss with the player. There is almost no difficulty and it can be solved easily.

In the online version, players are summoned as BOSS.

This is very interesting.

Especially when encountering old ASs who specialize in training new accounts to bully Mengxin, the difficulty can be imagined.

It is almost impossible for new players to defeat this boss.

Players who like PVP can fully enjoy the fun. When Li Wen played the remastered version of Demon's Soul, he was the boss at Lao Huang's place, and he never tired of being the boss for nearly a month.

As a PS3 period, Li Wen has already started playing Demon's Soul.

After the reset version came out, I bought the PS5 and the reset version of Demon's Soul immediately.

The improvement in image quality shocked him greatly.

However, the shock was only before his rebirth.

In this reborn world, just drag out an independent game, not to mention next-generation games, but only independent games on the old platform.

That picture can beat the remastered version of Demon's Soul. There is no way that the game industry in this world is too developed.

Now even more, just record a video in the game and put it on the Internet.

The naked eye can't tell whether this is a game screen or a real screen.

He is very much looking forward to using the world's technology to make an authentic Demon's Soul.

It doesn't matter whether the first soul game can be successful, the important thing is to be able to take this step.

Li Wen is ready to lose money.

Now the company's liquidity has reached more than 8 billion.

This is all thanks to the sales brought by the escape 1 nomination for the best game of the year.

Happy Paradise's entire line of games has sold many copies crazily without discounts.

This time he is going to do Demon's Soul, and he is going to spend 3 billion to do it.

This is already the highest budget for a game made by Happy Paradise.

Compared with other games under development, this budget is a bit exaggerated.

Zero's second work, in order to improve the quality and interaction, there are rich details, and it has made a lot of money for the company.

This time the budget reached 500 million.

As for Fengshen, because action is the core of the game, Happy Paradise, including Fang Hong, has no experience in action games.

So it can only be smashed by money.

The budget only reached 1.5 billion.

Before the establishment of Demon's Souls, it was the highest budget in the entire company.

Fang Hong originally thought that he would give them a budget of 500 million at most and let them play freely.

Unexpectedly, with a wave of his hand, Li Wen directly allocated a budget of 1.5 billion to their Conferred God Team.

All these budgets are only the cost of game production, and all expenses such as the equipment purchased when the Conferred God Group was established are not included in the budget.

Of course, buying an action game engine, this cost is included in the budget.

But the current top action game engine is actually only tens of millions.

Too stubborn, Fang Hong never thought that one day he would talk about an action game engine worth tens of millions, just tens of millions.

In the past, all the cost of his game development was not even enough to buy a top-notch game engine.

With the 1.5 billion, Fang Hong and the people who came from the light of dawn were stunned and completely at a loss.

Although they have always worked in the third-tier manufacturers, but the third-tier manufacturers that make such a big game, there is really only Happy Paradise.

Perhaps only second-tier manufacturers will give such a high budget to make a game.

If the budget is generous, Fang Hong and his staff will naturally work hard.

This is all thanks to a boss like Li Wen.

Regardless of losses, just to make a good game!

Of course, if all games are so free of losses, Happy Paradise will go bankrupt sooner or later.

Therefore, he also produced some stable projects.

Like zero.

To put it bluntly, this game is a tool for making money for Happy Paradise.

After all, a man's money is the best cheat.

A man can deceive his mind, but not his body.

Now the game Zero has sold 25 million copies worldwide and on all platforms.

Belonging is the best-selling game in Happy Paradise.

Domestic players only contributed more than nine million sales.

Most of the other sales are purchased by foreigners from ZZZQ.

Although Zero, this game is often criticized on foreigners' forums.

Not only zero, but also beautiful girl games will be criticized by these foreigners.

However, sales never lie.

The sales of games under the influence of foreigners ZZZQ are getting less and less, even the top foreign manufacturers have to compromise because of this factor.

But after adding the operation of ZZZQ in the game, it will inevitably affect the sales of the game.

As a result, the Eastern Game Group is growing stronger and stronger.

After all, Dongfang is not affected by ZZZQ at all. After all, this is just a game, and people with normal brains will not substitute the characters in the game into reality to talk about things.

It is precisely because of this reason that the sales of games produced in the East without ZZZQ are getting higher and higher, and they have faintly overwhelmed the games of foreigners.

After all, everyone's technical skills are similar now, and it is difficult to have any qualitative difference in the game experience.

The most important thing in playing games is to be comfortable.

Think about it, it is obviously a beautiful girl game, because of the influence of ZZZQ, the character is changed into a melon-faced, dark-skinned, gender-aware female, but in fact it is still a male.

As a player with normal aesthetics, who can bear this?

Although the foreigners talk about opposing the beautiful girl games in the East, their bodies are extremely honest.

This is not an example.

But something like this actually happened.

OKO is a first-line foreign manufacturer, and a well-known game manufacturer all over the world.

Because of the popularity of beautiful girl games, OKO is jealous and wants to produce a localized beautiful girl game.

It's not an island-style beautiful girl game.

Of course, because only the island country style can set the beautiful girl at the age of seventeen, in other countries, due to the influence of policies, the beautiful girl generally needs to be over twenty years old.

In order to be able to localize, it doesn't matter if the age setting is higher, the main thing is whether the beautiful girl is attractive or not.

When OKO released the localized beautiful girl game promotion for the first time.

And then it's tragic...

He was criticized by countless people, and was even sued by many people.

Since a lot of money has been invested in it, I can only bite the bullet and add all kinds of ZZZQ in the beautiful girl game.

No way, if you don't join, OKO may not even be able to keep the company.

When the final product came out, I thought those who criticized the most would pay for it.

It's a pity that the reality is extremely cruel, no one cares about this ZZZQ beautiful girl at all.

As I said, men can deceive their brains, but they cannot deceive their bodies.

Such a monster game for beautiful girls, can this horse riding be considered a beautiful girl game?

Those monsters in horror games are more pleasing to the eye than beautiful girls. Who would buy them?

It is precisely because of this that foreigners have never produced a beautiful girl game again. It is not that they have aesthetic problems, but that they simply have no way to make it.

All the games released will more or less bring ZZZQ's things in them.

There's no way, it's heartbreaking to survive.

But it is also because of this reason that Eastern game manufacturers have gradually occupied the dominant position in the game industry.

And the manufacturers invited by the Second World are all from the top domestic manufacturers, which has already shown that the game manufacturers of foreigners are becoming less and less popular.

Li Wen didn't have any objection to foreigners' attacks on the game Happy Paradise Zero! After all, these guys account for the majority of zero sales...

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