Netherworld Game Producer

Chapter 148: There is no game company with a more conscience than Happy Paradise

As for the boss battle that should have the most cards, such as the doctor's one-two-three-four form, it is very simple.

The weakness is too obvious, and the boss looks fierce, but in fact the speed is very slow, leaving the player with a very long time to reflect.

In addition, the boss's attack is very monotonous, and the players don't need to do any strategic play, and the king of Qin can just circle the pillar to stun the boss.

When the tyrant became the BOSS and could be killed, the sense of oppression that was brought to the players in the police station before was completely gone.

The difficulty is almost the same as that of the doctor. As long as the players see the tyrant sprint, there is almost no threat to dodge in time.

Overall, the hardest part of the game is the police station.

Especially after Tyrants, Lickers, and ordinary zombies get together, the difficulty directly breaks through the sky.

Almost must die!

As for the sewer at the back, since there is no harassment from lickers and tyrants, it is not difficult except that the smell is unbearable for players.

Players who accidentally fall into the liquid of the sewer mystery can even taste the taste of coconut milk.

This will give players a very painful feeling.

Obviously the smell is very bad, much stronger than snail noodles, but the taste is actually coconut milk.

Players will first fall into self-doubt when stimulated by two senses.

This is what everyone often says, chocolate-flavored shit.

The sewer is really one of the levels that makes players very awkward.

Well, making the liquid in the sewer into coconut milk does make the players feel the thoughtfulness of some strange aspects of the production team.

It is a blessing in misfortune for players not to taste the real taste of sewer liquid.

But... since we know that the smell of this sewer liquid will irritate the players, why not directly design it as colorless and odorless?

Players said that although the sense of taste and touch is standard in next-generation games, it will be very uncomfortable if it is missing, but for the level of the sewer, players really feel that it is better to be colorless and tasteless!

The level of the sewer is simply an ordeal for some cleanliness players.

These players with cleanliness try hard to convince themselves that it is all fake, it just smells like it.

When they finally made up their minds to enter the sewer, a nightmare came.

Especially the Lyon line, there is also an exciting scene of being chased by a big crocodile in the sewer.

When being chased, the player's adrenaline soars, and the cleanliness will be forgotten immediately, and only from time to time will he feel that he has eaten something very sweet in his mouth.

After the chase was over, the cleanliness players realized that all the sweet things they ate just now were from the sewer, and they felt worse than eating a fly in an instant.

After all, eating flies is not as disgusting as eating shit directly...

The level setting of Resident Evil 2 is very reasonable, and the process is neither too long nor too short.

Many players play with the acceleration time turned on, and they will soon be able to clear the A-line and B-line.

In one night, most players not only cleared the main body of Resident Evil 2, but also cleared the unlocked large DLC.

The large DLC also takes place in Raccoon City.

The protagonist is Jill who has become very familiar to a generation of old players.

The first plot is one day earlier than the main body.

There is no tyrant in Jill's DLC, but there is a Nemesis who is stronger than the tyrant.

Also a tracker.

At the beginning of the game, there will be a CG of the umbrella staff releasing the Nemesis.

The mission of Nemesis is to kill Jill and other survivors of the former STARS team in Raccoon City.

In order to prevent these people from spreading the secret.

In addition, the virus in Raccoon City spread to the entire urban area due to the rats in the sewers, turning countless people into a zombie apocalypse.

It is even more aboveboard to send biochemical weapons like Nemesis to Raccoon City to kill people.

Players said that although the plot is a bit old-fashioned, the DLC is very comfortable to play, and the quality is also online, which is very good.

It is precisely because of this free high-quality large-scale DLC that Happy Paradise has completely climbed to the top of this year's most conscientious game company, none of them.

According to the degree of completion of this DLC, many companies estimate that some things will be added, the process will be longer, and then it will be sold as a new game.

It will even be bundled with an online game that most players are not interested in at all, selling it at a high price!

No game company has such a conscience as Happy Paradise! No!

In the DLC, the player's value is much higher than that of the main story, and there is even a dodge system.

Dodging while the enemy is attacking will trigger the dodge effect.

Time will slow down, and players can more easily target the enemy's weaknesses. The addition of this system has greatly improved the fluency of the game.

The playing experience is much higher than that of the main body of Resident Evil 2. After all, the two protagonists of the main body have not high values, and there is no dodge system at all.

The combat experience is really not as good as the DLC.

Although the process of the DLC is not as good as the main body, it is quite good. After playing, many players are still a little bit unsatisfied.

In fact, the main body plus DLC is not the most conscientious part of Resident Evil 2.

The most conscientious place is the multiplayer online mode.

A mode that will be automatically unlocked just by clearing the Resident Evil 2 main body AB line.

The online mode of Resident Evil 2 is still in the L4D form, which is the same as the old version of Resident Evil 1.

However, the gameplay has been improved a lot, and new elite monsters have been added.

An elite monster with strong arms that can grab players directly and run all the way to the end of the world.

This elite monster is very powerful, and players will be a little overwhelmed when they encounter it for the first time.

Players with a generation of experience thought it was a tank at first.

Unexpectedly, this elite monster just exercised its arms, which is completely different from the tank with muscles all over its body.

The speed of the one-armed brother is very fast, and it is difficult for the player to aim. Only when the one-armed brother stops when he hits an obstacle can he shoot accurately.

It’s okay to have obstacles, but the one-armed brother can only grab the player and move forward for a certain distance before stopping.

If it is in an open place, in the blink of an eye, the player will take the one-armed brother to go shopping and disappear immediately! A very tough elite monster.

The newly added elite monster also has a monster that rides on the players' heads.

If this kind of monster is when the player advances the map normally, it is actually not difficult at all, and it can be easily solved.

But if the player is guarding a point in a certain place, then this kind of monster will look a little disgusting.

It can ride on the players' heads and control the players to walk. It is easy to take the players out of the defensive position under the tide of corpses, and let the players be attacked by the enemy and besieged by the tide of corpses.

It belongs to a kind of elite monster that is disgusting, but its life value is not much, and it is still balanced.

Finally, there is also an elite monster that is newly added, which can spit out a pool of slime, and this pool of slime will continue to damage the player.

For the players who squatted in a safe position and kept outputting, this was the most disgusting monster.

I don't know if this monster has specially strengthened the AI.

This monster will hide, it is difficult for players to catch it, and it will only spit out mucus to drive players away at critical moments, which is very disgusting.

It is a hundred times more disgusting than the monster riding on the players' heads.

Of the three newly added elite monsters, two are elite monsters specially designed for players who habitually squat in a 'safe' position.

And one of them is a regular increase.

None of the original elite monsters were left behind in this part.

It has even been strengthened to varying degrees.

Just like witch, in the original generation, they all squatted in a certain place and cried.

It's different now, the witch is still crying and patrolling at the same time! Leading to lower success rates for players attempting to bypass it.

Generally, you can only choose to sacrifice a player who will fall to the ground 100% to trigger the witch hatred, and then the other three players will take it away with no brain output.

This is the easiest way to play that the players summed up after playing all night.

It's nothing more than wasting a blood bag.

The monsters have been strengthened, so have the players strengthened?

That is naturally enhanced. The second generation not only added the melee system, but it can only use game-specific melee weapons to attack.

However, melee weapons are also abundant enough, from the most common bat, to very sharp long knives, and even the most powerful melee weapon, a chainsaw!

The first generation could only rely on firearms to shoot, and did not design a melee system.

The second generation has improved a lot of playability, and killing zombies in melee can make players' adrenaline soar quickly.

Not only the melee system has been added, but also many models of firearms have been added, allowing players to choose more diversely.

Although there is a melee system, firearms are still the main means of output.

After all, there are elite monsters like tanks, and if they use melee weapons to fight tanks, they are undoubtedly looking for death. Tanks can shoot players away with just one click.

Resident Evil 2's online mode has been greatly upgraded, which really makes players who love this game very happy.

The next-generation version of the heart and mind really lived up to the expectations of the players.

There are not many official self-made maps, but players can make their own.

You can even magically modify melee weapons and firearms to take the gameplay to a higher level.

After the players get tired of playing the official self-made maps, after playing a map modified by other players, the refreshing feeling will take off immediately.

Now that the online mode of Resident Evil 2 has just come out, players don't have the energy to make magically modified maps.

However, with the relationship of time acceleration, the appearance of the magic map is estimated to come back soon.

On the old platform of Resident Evil 1, there were some magically modified maps that were very anti-human, but their popularity was very high.

Clearing a level in online mode is a big level.

In the big level, players need to clear four small levels.

In these four small levels, the level will become more and more difficult as the player advances.

Especially the last evacuation level, the difficulty of the game has soared.

Generally, the fourth level requires players to defend against corpse waves twice.

The two corpse waves contained all elite monsters except witches.

Every time the players need to fight against the tank, the tank is rough and thick and very difficult to fight.

Fortunately, the tanks will only appear when the tide of corpses is about to end.

Therefore, it is still safe to fight against tanks.

And there is one of the most popular magically modified maps, the guy who made the map, I don't know what stimulated him.

They actually replaced all the zombies that left the last level with tanks...

That black tank directly made the player's scalp tingle.

So far, no players have cleared this magically modified map, although players have always challenged it.

Later, after the map author changed the gun demon to an infinite bullet rifle that does not need to change magazines, there are still no players who have cleared the level.

This difficulty is really too perverted, there is no way to play it at all, okay?

Tanks will not only chase the player to attack at close range, they will also grab a large boulder on the ground and throw it at the player.

Under the siege of tanks from the tide of corpses, the boulder was like a meteor shower, and there was no way for players to avoid it.

After one round, the players have to return home.

The online mode of Resident Evil 2 still gives players the authority to make their own maps.

At that time, the next-generation version of the corpse tide tank is expected to meet the players.

It is estimated that no player can pass the level.

The player who made the map of the corpse tide tank magic modification said that he was influenced by Li Wen, so he made such a great map.

And what the players don't know is.

In fact, the player who made the corpse tide tank was Li Wen himself!


This is a secret that even the rest of Happy Paradise doesn't know.


The sales of Resident Evil 2 exceeded expectations, and the media and player scores were also very good.

It can be regarded as a very high-quality sequel, with higher sales and evaluation than the first generation.

Although the current total sales volume of Resident Evil 2 is still far behind that of the first generation, but according to this sales momentum, it is not a problem to surpass the first generation.

Moreover, the game is currently only sold on the national server of the STE platform, and it will be sold on the STE global platform in the early hours of the next day.

This belongs to the old tradition of Happy Paradise.

Chinese people can experience the game one day earlier than foreigners.

Foreigners also protested to Happy Paradise, but Happy Paradise only replied in very official language.

'Please forgive me for having a bad impact on your game experience due to technical reasons...'

It was just such an official reply, and I never thought that all servers would be released at the same time.

As a reborn person, in the previous world, as a Chinese player, Li Wen was often discriminated against by those foreign manufacturers and foreign players.

These manufacturers and foreigners do not look down on Chinese players in their bones.

Obviously earning money from Chinese players, but also put on a high-ranking posture.

This made him very unhappy.

There is no way, in the world he was reborn in, apart from the online and mobile games that deceive Krypton, it is difficult to produce a high-quality domestic game.

I can't stand it at all!

Now in this world, it is reasonable for these foreigners to play games one day later, right?

Although the world is different, foreigners are still the same group of foreigners who know what ZZZQ they are doing all day long.

What gender recognition, etc., are all stuffed into the game.

Black people can appear in Norse mythology themes... This is simply.

It is as speechless as the world before Li Wen traveled!

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