Netherworld Game Producer

Chapter 133 The first limited-time red prop

Chen Xin's score in the company's internal game support was the tail of the crane. She also remembered many of Professor Li Wen's professional deception terms, and she often made mistakes.

However, this girl's game technology has progressed very quickly, and her technical level exceeds that of most players, and she can already be called a master.

The level is close to Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian's current skills are not the weak chicken level when she was in double row with Li Wen for the first time.

Although she doesn't like shooting games, she also finds the fun of the battle royale game, and the more she plays, the more fun she is. She has been playing it since the battle royale went online.

The live broadcast time is basically only live broadcast of the two games Escape 3 and Battle Royale.

Although both games have an escape word.

However, the two games are so different that they are not the same genre at all.

Her current level is almost the same as the previous Li Wen, and she is even better than her.

Among all the weapons, her favorite is the sniper rifle, especially the 98k or M1 sniper rifle. She likes the thrill of taking a headshot away from a distance of 800 meters.

I was bored with Li Wenshouqiao before because she didn't know how to play.

Only now I know that it feels really great to stay in one place and harvest other players.

Likewise, as players become more familiar with Battle Royale, it is now much more difficult to guard the bridge.

Moreover, some players have invented a special way to defend against sniper rifles.

In places that are easy to be targeted by sniper rifles, if players want to hide behind obstacles on the other side, they usually take out the pan to block their heads.

When full of blood, as long as it is not hit on the head, even if the body is shot, it will not die.

This routine has become a normal routine for players and is very common.

It is also difficult to crack.

Unless you can hit the leg of the player holding the pan with one shot, make him lose his balance and fall, and then make another shot.

Otherwise, hitting the chest, although it will cause pain to the player, cannot make the player lose balance.

After adjusting the pain sensation to the lowest level, a sniper shot was shot in the chest, at best, it was just a light kick on the chest with a foot.

It just feels a little tight in my chest.

It doesn't affect the player's actions at all.

And because most players don't adjust their pain to the highest level, using a pan to cover their head movement has become the most classic and easiest operation among players.

The cracking method is indeed feasible, but it is too difficult. It is even more difficult to hit the legs of players who are moving at medium and high speed than the head.

The current sweetie can't do it.

This cracking method is not a theory, but a method that a player has personally practiced.

This is the top player in the current battle royale game.

This master is very powerful, and Xiao Tian was fortunate to have played against the first person in the game.

The two met in the desert map and villa.

Xiao Tian only remembered that she just showed her head tentatively, and the first master knocked her helmet off, and the blood bar also bottomed out in an instant.

Then, he ate another grenade from the other party and was sent to the sky directly by the grenade.

Her whole head was buzzing, and she died before she could figure out what was going on.

After viewing the death replay, I can clearly see the other party's actions.

That guy's marksmanship was so accurate, and he hit her head precisely the moment she probed.

If this scene was placed in Li Wen's world, the other party would most likely have opened the lock, otherwise it would be impossible to be so fast and accurate.

However, since cheating in this world is illegal, the punishment is very serious.

Including the domestic game market is normal, and has not been poisoned by krypton gold online games, the psychology of game players is very normal.

There is no distorted idea of ​​hacking and destroying the playing experience of other players.

Domestic players are now playing games to enjoy the games.

Therefore, Xiaotian didn't link the operation of the first player with points and opening the plug-in at all.

If it is on the old platform, even the average professional player can't do the same operation as the first player in the standings. After all, how long has the game been online?

Although the mouse and keyboard are really convenient to operate, there is always a large delay.

And the second world second-age game uses neural control, which is not a level of existence at all.

Even the cheapest device in the second world has much lower latency than a keyboard and mouse.

The battle royale in the next era is indeed much simpler than the old platform.

Especially for some players who are specialized in firearms, it is easier to get started.

These players only need to play a few games and become familiar with the ballistics of various firearms in the game, as well as the auxiliary ballistics system added by the battle royale to make it easier for players to start.

Soon you will become a first-class master.

Especially those players who shoot very accurately in reality are more likely to kill the Quartet in the game.

Of course, because of the existence of the ballistic assistance system, an ordinary person can also hit the enemy at a distance of 800 meters.

Therefore, the game does not have the effect of training. On the contrary, after playing the battle royale too much, I don't know how to shoot in reality.

Battle Royale is just a pure game.


Today will be the first update of the battle royale with red props.

This is a skin that not only changes the player's appearance, hairstyle, but also a very fancy outfit.

Male characters and female characters have different looks.

You can change your gender at any time in the game.

So, this skin is universal.

The skin is a very classic image of clowns and Harley Quinn.

The world also has Batman, and the Joker and Harley Quinn are very popular.

Although the popularity is high, the copyright is not expensive.

Since Warners has no idea of ​​making games at the moment, there is no such game as Arkham in this world.

So, the Joker and Harley Quinn licenses were purchased for a fraction of the cost.

As the first red item in the battle royale, it can only be obtained by lottery.

And there is only a one-month limited draw.

All red items have a very low probability of being drawn, and they are all limited items.

As long as any player can have the skin of the clown and the clown girl, don't worry! In this game, that player is definitely the most beautiful boy.

Chen Xin and the game supporters of Happy Paradise naturally all got the clown girl skin.

Chen Xin is now using Harley Quinn's skin in the game, bells and whistles everywhere.

She may not be a qualified child, but in fact, she only needs to put on the Harley Quinn skin and stand in the square where the matching has just started.

It can have a good publicity effect.

She enjoyed so many players' glances today that she seemed to be a star.

In the matching square, it was surrounded by countless people and was admired by countless people.

The teammates in the special team spoke to her with a lot of envy.

It made her enjoy it very much.

Of course, as a supporter, she not only has a skin like Harley Quinn, but also a large number of various rare items.

All kinds of fancy gun skins, and even light effects when running, the whole person is very cyberpunk.

She enjoyed being surrounded by everyone.

This sense of superiority over ordinary players even made her a little lost.

If it weren't for her being a caregiver, maybe she would start spending a lot of money in order to enjoy this feeling of being surrounded by stars.

Buy these useless, only bells and whistles.

After enjoying such a feeling, Chen Xin finally understood why Li Wen made a free game.

This sense of superiority over ordinary players is poisonous!

This is the same feeling as in reality, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury villa to make other ordinary people envy.

Sure enough, his cousin.

It's hard to grasp people's hearts.

Of course, while enjoying the envy of other players, she did not forget her work.

Starting to brainwash your teammates can make you happy.

Since she now has the most expensive skin item in Battle Royale right now.

So her words really worked.

The other three teammates were dumbfounded by her.

Just relying on her and other game support to promote krypton gold, the effect is really limited in front of a large number of players.

But Li Wen believes that a single spark can start a prairie fire!

One day, a large number of players will start kryptonite gold!

No. 1, how much did you spend on this skin? It's the red one in the prize pool.

No. 2 looked at Chen Xin dressed as a clown girl, a little curious.

He had watched Xiao Tian's live broadcast, when Xiao Tian was in the lottery pool with an orange face and an orange costume.

A draw is five dollars.

He didn't know how many times Xiao Tian smoked at that time, but at least a thousand times.

I just took out an orange look, and then I took out a lot of times before I took out an orange outfit.

He estimated that Xiao Tian spent at least 10,000 yuan in the lottery.

Orange props are so difficult to draw, this red skin, the probability of not even thinking about it.

This must be a rich woman.

Ten dollars.

This is the common language of their group of games, to give players the feeling that they can get the rarest items for a relatively small amount of money.



You got the red props for only ten dollars? You are too European.

Number two, number three, number four are full of disbelief.

This feeling is as incredible as buying a house for a hundred dollars.

No matter how you think about it, it feels impossible!

The four-person team is currently squatting in the building group next to the school, and the game is about to enter the finals.

The team is hiding in one of the buildings waiting for the poison circle to refresh.

Because Chen Xin's words were really amazing, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4, who were originally pressing their bodies, jumped up in shock.

With this jump, their team was exposed.

Several grenades smashed the window glass and fell into the room.




The explosions sounded one after another, and the four-person team was destroyed.

Since it was a temporary team, after the end of the game, the four of them went their separate ways.

Chen Xin glanced at the time, and now there are still two hours before get off work.

Under the acceleration of time, she has to play for a long, long time.

Fortunately, Happy Paradise's nerve adjustment equipment is the cheapest, and it can only adjust the time at most 1 to 10.

The top-of-the-line nerve adjustment equipment from the three major factories to be purchased will feel like the time spent playing every day will be longer, long enough to make her collapse.

Of course, she can also play the game quickly without turning on the time.

But because of the particularity of this function of time acceleration.

Therefore, players must be at the same frequency in order to play the game.

In addition to the anchors, there are also some players who are very sensitive to time and very unsuitable for time acceleration, and master players who have meticulous requirements for operation.

Other players will basically play with the time quick option turned on.

In fact, the principle of time acceleration is very simple.

It is to speed up the game, and then use the neural adjustment device to make the player's nerve adapt to the accelerated speed of the game.

Let the player feel that there is not much difference between playing and playing normally.

This is the principle of time acceleration. It is easy to say, but difficult to do.

Because of the particularity of the nervous system, there are still some players who cannot enjoy the joy of time acceleration.

Only play with normal time flow rate.

Of course, because of the fast time characteristics, it is not suitable for professional and expert players.

If you just enjoy the game normally, using time acceleration can indeed give ordinary players a good experience.

However, for expert and professional players, the time acceleration can destroy a lot of delicate operation.

On the anchor's side, if you use time acceleration, the audience can only watch lonely.

The average viewer doesn't wear the second world to adjust the time flow to watch the live broadcast.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the anchors use the normal time flow rate during the live broadcast.

If you do not use time acceleration to match, the matched players are basically masters.

Every master is the same as opening a hang, very perverted!

Ordinary players will have no gaming experience.

Therefore, ordinary players turn on time acceleration.

When the battle royale game formed a match between these two different areas.

Li Wen added a ranked mode to the game.

And the qualifying mode can only be matched in normal time.

This also leads to the fact that it is difficult for ordinary matches to match players in normal times.

The anchors and the masters are almost all fighting in the qualifying matches.

So if you want to promote the idea of ​​krypton gold, Chen Xin and others can only play games under the acceleration of time.

They only have to play for a few hours a day, but as time accelerates, it will make them feel like they are playing games all the time.

People are really messing around.

Chen Xin is a person who prefers to play games. At first, she felt that it was not bad to be able to get a job playing games.

And the battle royale game, she was really happy playing it.

However, when the game turned into a job, she became numb day by day and was about to vomit.

If possible, she would rather serve Li Wen as a cow and a horse with tea and water every day.

She even told Li Wen side-by-side that she just wanted to be a little assistant now, and occasionally play the residual heat in various game production teams and earn a little bonus.

However, Li Wen pretended to be crazy every time, and did not withdraw her from the game team.

She even came to monitor her work from time to time.

If she finds out that she is fishing, she will be deducted 100% of the money.

She was so angry that her teeth were itchy, but she had no choice but to be pinched by Li Wen.

Hmph, I won't give in, and no one can let me move out!

Isn't it just trying to find a way to drive her out to be independent...

She wouldn't compromise so easily, blood is thicker than water!


As an anchor, Xiao Tian is also a master who fights every day in the battle royale qualifying competition.

Orange looks and orange fashion can no longer satisfy her.

With red skin, Harley Quinn suits her very well.

Witnessed by countless audiences, she began to draw a lottery.

This draw is really just a show.

This is the lottery after communicating with Happy Heaven...

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