Netherworld Game Producer

Chapter 128 This game seems to cost more than I thought?

Li Wen silently pulled out the pan behind him and moved slowly towards Voldemort in front.

Voldemort was observing the battle zone not far away, not seeing him behind him.

When he got closer, he changed from crawling to squatting, holding a frying pan in his hand and smashing it at Voldemort's head.


A good sound is a good head.

The crisp head and the intertwined sound of steel are particularly pleasant.

Because Voldemort had the protection of the secondary head, he did not smash it to death in the first blow, but smashed the secondary head.


Without a head protected by a second-level head, he ate a frying pan, and Voldemort put it into a box.

This is a lone wolf, and the player will not turn into an egg after death without teammates, but directly into a box.

Li Wen got down again and started licking the bag.

What are these?

The bag was full of 9mm bullets and bandages, not even drinks or pills.

This game is still too new, and newbies don't even know what weapons and bullets to use.

This guy's bag is full of submachine guns, and the melee effect is good, but the medium and long-range submachine gun hair is useless.

Li Wen motioned to Xiao Tian who was behind to move on.

At this point, there were still five people alive.

The direction of the fierce battle just now has also ceased, and it seems that the winner is determined.

In fact, according to the level of the player who has just entered the game now, he doesn't need to be so careful at all, and even swaggeringly rampages in the finals, he can also rely on experience to eat chicken.

But when he is playing the game, his character is relatively stable and calm, and he usually plays the game in the most stable way.

Just like now, he crawled on the ground and looked around while searching for enemies in the circle.

His goal at the moment is a single-family toilet on the hillside.

He just saw someone sticking out of the toilet door.

Soon, he and Xiao Tian came to the periphery of the toilet. He took out a grenade and aimed it at the window above the toilet, and threw it gently.

Fuck, grenade!


With the exclamations of the players in the toilet, the grenade exploded and two kills appeared.

There is a squad hiding inside.


This game is fun only if you abuse vegetables like it is now. When the players' level is up, it will not be so easy to play.

It was the first time that Li Wen had such a good experience in the battle royale game.

When he was still in that world, during the game, he was the target of being blown up with a grenade while hiding in the toilet.

very real.

You have no game experience if you are blown up to death, but if you blow up other people with a grenade, the game experience will explode.

So cool.

There are currently three players left.

In addition to Li Wen and Xiao Tian, ​​there is one enemy player left in the whole game.

I want to perform a unique trick, you hide behind and save me at any time.

Li Wen soon discovered the hiding place of the last hostile player.

Behind a tree, due to inexperience, the butt was exposed, which was very conspicuous, and it was difficult not to see it.

A unique skill? What unique skill?

Xiao Tian had a puzzled look on her face, but she still nodded. Since the beginning of this game, she has been a dozen soy saucers.

She watched Li Wen's performance from beginning to end, and it was not until the end of a game that she mastered some gun ballistic skills, and the game became more interesting.

She also saw the hostile player with his butt sticking out of the tree.

Originally, she was going to use 98k to blow the guy's ass, but Li Wen stopped her.

Give me your frying pan?

Li Wen stretched out a hand and asked for Xiaotian's pan.

Xiao Tian silently took off the frying pan and handed it to him, Don't you all have a frying pan?

They've all said unique skills, but one will definitely not work.

Okay, it's best to record it. This unique skill can only be performed in next-generation games on the second platform.

Li Wenshuang rushed out with a frying pan, leaving his whole body exposed on the open space without any obstructions.

The last remaining player saw him as soon as he rushed out, and without hesitation, he picked up his SCAR and shot it.

The player's marksmanship is good, not the so-called sunset red stroke marksmanship.

At least half of the round of bullets landed on the target.

The distance between the two is about 100 meters. Under normal circumstances, a character who has eaten half a shuttle of bullets will definitely not be able to hold his blood.

But... a miracle happened.

bang bang bang bang ——————

The sound of a series of bullets hitting the frying pan sounded.

I saw Li Wen running towards the enemy while fluttering two frying pans, and he actually bounced the bullets that were shot one by one.

Of course, he wasn't uninjured, he was shot.

There was some pain in the abdomen, and most of his blood strips were directly knocked out.

But with energy drinks and pill-supplied energy bars, his wounds are healing fast.

He didn't stop, waving the frying pan and continuing to charge forward.

The whole scene is not only stared blankly by Xiao Tian, ​​but the players who are 100 meters away are also stunned, and even forget to change the magazine.

Is this what this guy is talking about?

Can it still be like this?

Although I don't know anything about firearms, in reality, frying pans can't hold bullets...

Well, even if it can block bullets, what the hell was that scene just now?


Xiao Tian made some incoherent complaints.

The viewers who had not left her live broadcast room were also shocked by Li Wen's unique skill and even forgot to swipe the barrage.

At this moment, there are only hundreds of thousands of viewers left in Xiaotian's live broadcast room.

These viewers were also planning to go to sleep, or play the battle royale game in person.

However, I'm still ready to watch this game and be a spectator from beginning to end.

Because of this, they saw this extremely exaggerated scene.

Shooting bullets with a frying pan is no less than the scene of the Superman movie.

The only bad thing is that Li Wen didn't add a slow-motion shot when he shot the bullets, and Assamwei was not so pure.

'Fuck, it can still be like this. I thought it would be outrageous for the player to turn into an egg after falling to the ground, but I didn't expect something even more outrageous to happen. ’

‘Coach, I want to learn this too. ’

'Isn't the artifact of this game an unremarkable weapon like a frying pan? ’

‘Gan! Burned. ’

'I have a hunch that Li Thief's operation will definitely become a famous scene. ’

There are more and more barrages from the audience, and Xiaotian has no energy to pay attention to the barrage now, and her eyes are all on Li Wen.

Li Wen, who was waving a frying pan, was getting closer and closer to the last player.

Fortunately, she turned on the video recording function, and recorded all the scenes of the pans being shot.

It was also at this moment that the last player seemed to have reacted and started changing the magazines.

Looking at Li Wen who was getting closer and closer to him, it was impossible to say not to panic.

After changing the magazine, he raised the SCAR and continued to shoot.

The closer you get, the greater the impact of the assault rifle bullet.

bang bang bang bang ---

The impact of the bullet almost lifted the pan in Li Wen's hand.

Fortunately, the physical quality of the characters in the game is very strong, and they survived abruptly.

This time, Li Wen deflected all the bullets.

The two were still five meters away.

three meters.

two meters.

one meter.

Big brother, big brother, I surrender!

When the last player looked at Li Wen who rushed in front of him aggressively, he was about to urinate.

He just replaced the new magazine, and while surrendering, he pointed the gun at Li Wen without saying anything about martial arts.

Between the lightning and flint, Li Wen stretched out a finger and stuffed it into the muzzle of the gun.


The bullet didn't come out, but the SCAR in his hand exploded.

This is a little easter egg in the game. In reality, I don't know if the finger sticks in the muzzle of the gun and it will explode.

But the next-generation game of Battle Royale does this, and it can really blow up the gun.



Li Wen didn't hesitate to use the frying pan in his other hand to aim at the last player twice.

The first time the helmet is broken, the second time it is taken away directly.

Good luck, chicken tonight.

The first game is won.

Li Wen played for the first time, 21 kills and chickens.

Although Xiao Tian has been playing soy sauce all the time, she also got 5 kills.

I want to learn that trick just now!

After returning to the matching room, Xiao Tian looked at Li Wen with bright eyes, and her eyes were very excited.

I'm sorry, the secret book is unique, not rumored.

Li Wendan opened his mouth, not because he didn't pass it on, but he himself was just a fool.

As for flying bullets or something, it's all about luck, not manipulation.

After all, there is no such thing as a good operation.

And if the opponent's marksmanship was better, and he aimed specifically at his lower three-way attack, he would have no way to resist.

This move can be used when the game just came out. After players are familiar with the game, if they dare to use it, it is undoubtedly courting death.

Of course, the most indispensable thing in the game is the players who study all kinds of tricks.

In the future, maybe the pan will be played by these players as a flower, but it is definitely not a flurry like his king and eight fists.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Wild Fruit to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used on Android and Apple. 】

It's stingy.

Xiao Tian and Li Wen double-lined three more times.

The level of players has improved visibly with the naked eye.

From the first feeling of hitting a man-machine, to the third game, there were already strong players, who eliminated Li Wen and Xiao Tian with one sniper rifle.

It also made them experience the embarrassing scene of being beaten to death before anyone saw it.

Battle Royale is on fire.

Just one day after it was launched, it went viral among the players.

Since only the country is online at present, the external server has not been done, so the game is only popular in China.

It's strange that this novel mode is still free to play.

Although it is free, the game is not shoddy, and every detail is polished very well.

And there is also a very good ballistic assist system, so that all players can enjoy the joy of being a sniper.

Although targets that are too far away are still not easy to hit, as long as the play time increases, everyone can become a sniper.

There is also a most realistic mode option in the game.

Players who have experienced the most realistic mode can't stand it.

When players form a team, they are dead, they will not turn into eggs, waiting for rescue.

Items that can be treated, such as medical kits and bandages, can only stop the bleeding, but cannot completely heal the wound.

And the game has no health bar, everything is designed according to the most realistic interaction.

For example, if a player's leg is broken, then the subsequent game experience can only be a one-legged king.

If you are lucky, you are all in the poison circle, and you may be able to successfully eat chicken.

However, once the player is brushed out of the poison circle, waiting for him to be poisoned.

The poison circle is really poisonous. Once involved in the poison circle, it will not deduct blood like the normal mode.

Instead, they will be directly poisoned.

Moreover, players can also perform indescribable movements between them.

After all, in pursuit of truth.

Real mode seems to be more than just games, but let players experience a truly brutal battle royale.

And the pain settings cannot be adjusted in the real mode.

The production team adjusted the pain to a level that is almost the same as the actual pain.

Players with weak mental endurance are not recommended to experience the real mode.

Moreover, playing the real mode also requires signing a contract designated by Happy Paradise.

The real mode will hide the IDs of all players. This is the demon concentration camp. Players will release their bestiality in the real mode.

Real mode is also the most discussed by players.

Many players did experience it once for the sake of early adopters, and it felt very uncomfortable.

In just one day, the real mode has been lined up in seconds at the beginning, and now it takes more than an hour to queue up to see how players really feel about the real mode.

This model... is completely beyond the ability of ordinary human beings.

Players don't know what it means to make a real mode.

The real model is what Li Wen asked to do, the purpose is very simple, to benefit the society, that's all.

It is actually good for reality to let some perverts who are just around the corner release their animal nature in the game.

Although the purpose of making games is to make money, but by the way, it is a small effort to benefit the society.

The real mode is definitely not to satisfy his perverted heart of abusing players, absolutely not!

Just to relieve the social pressure, let the perverts fight in the real mode.

The battle royale is on fire, although there are still very few players in krypton gold at present, only a relatively small number of players have become bells and whistles.

But Li Wen believes that in the near future, many players will become bells and whistles.

Battle orders, lottery draws, shopping malls, etc. are embedded in the game. He used to be a krypton gold point that players all over the world are familiar with.

For this player who has not been baptized by all kinds of bells and whistles.

He even praised Li Wen for releasing a free-to-play game like Battle Royale to benefit players.

As everyone knows, free games are actually the most expensive games.

It's just that these players haven't experienced it yet.

Just like Xiao Tian, ​​she unknowingly spent a lot of money.

She took a fancy to a face and a set of clothes in the lottery pool, and started the endless lottery.

It took a full 8,000 yuan to extract the appearance.

Eight thousand dollars.

How many games do I have to buy?

Although it was very refreshing to draw out her appearance, it also made her ponder for a long time.

This game doesn't seem to be the kind of game she imagined to benefit players?

Although eight thousand dollars is nothing to her.

But before I knew it, I spent 8,000 yuan in less than an hour, and I only got one of the items in my picture.

The probability of this lottery is really low.

The lottery is about five dollars a time.

One thousand sixteen percent chance.


Wouldn't it just be because of her bad luck?

She continued to recharge, wanting to test her luck.

good guy.

This time, it took 10,000 yuan to take out the skirt from the prize pool.

face black?

Or, are the odds of the lottery just so touching?

No wonder it's a free game?

Xiao Tian fell into deep contemplation. This game may be more profitable than all previous buyout games.

Since it was a free game, Li Wen decided to sign a promotional sharing contract with her.

After all, everyone has been working together for so long, and the relationship is so good, the happy paradise full of human touch will definitely choose everyone to have money to make money together.


Xiaotian felt that the game was free and could not make money at all, so she kindly refused.

And one refusal is still two free games.

Thinking about it now, my liver hurts.

Very regretful, but she had already refused after all, so she was embarrassed to go to Li Wen to renew the contract.

Her character is not the kind of person who forgets about profit and doesn't know anything about Qian's surname.

The battle royale became popular in just one day, attracting the attention of major manufacturers.

However, the vast majority of manufacturers do not pay attention to the battle royale.

It's a free game after all.

Although the game has a variety of in-app purchase options, insiders have seen how the game makes money.

But because this way of making money has not been tested by the market.

Therefore, many game companies have not analyzed the reason.

In the end, the battle royale was left alone.

However, although I don’t care about the game Battle Royale, the game mode of Battle Royale can be used for reference.

Stuff the players on the same map, and then force the players to fight by constantly compressing the players' living space, and only one person can win in the end.

This new model is really interesting.

Some manufacturers have already started making new games imitating the battle royale mode.

However, as for second-tier manufacturers and first-tier manufacturers, they do not pay much attention to the battle royale.

Marubi Game Qiu Zixuan's father, because Li Wen once treated his daughter Meng Lang, was always remembered in his heart.

As soon as this battle royale mode game came out, it was carefully analyzed by the professional team of Marumi World.

Get an astonishing statistic.

This will be a game that opens up a whole new charging model.

The professional team even came up with the data that in-app purchase games are more profitable than buyout games.

This made Lao Ye and Marumi seniors ponder for a long time.

make money...

Not shabby.

They felt like they could try the in-app purchase model.

It just so happened that the company had a game just finished, and maybe a change could make it a free-to-play game.

It's just that everyone is not very good at how to change the game, the way to embed in-app purchases, after all, there is no experience.

Ultimately, the decision was made to hold the game down and delay its release until the battle royale was as profitable as they analyzed.

Penguin games and online games are keenly aware that the in-app purchase method of battle royale is very profitable.

After all, the three major factories have been able to stand up to this day, and they do have their own way of doing things.

Although no in-app purchase games have appeared before, their professional team can also analyze the data.

Since the last Second World booth.

Zhou Xing of Penguin and Huang Xin of Wangyin, the young generation leaders have always been concerned about Li Wen and Happy Paradise.

When a mainstream game like Battle Royale is launched, it will naturally attract their attention and analysis.

Now, these two top companies are also showing strong interest in free in-app purchase games.

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