Netherworld Game Producer

Chapter 114 What the hell, are you still here? (10,000 words reached)

Xiao Tian started to get nervous when she heard the voice.

Because this is not an ordinary voice, but a voice made by many people together.

She moved forward cautiously, and finally figured out what the sound in front of her was all about.

It turned out that a group of people dressed in strange clothes were holding some kind of ceremony.

What happened was a chorus song that sounded extremely weird.

At this moment, the sky was completely dark, and it was night.

Two particularly conspicuous people slowly appeared from a distance and walked into the crowd.

Both were wearing black ceremonial clothes.

The shorter man, under the light of the fire, Xiao Tian could clearly see his appearance.

It was the girl who was destroying something just now.

The girl's face was shrouded in a transparent black veil, and it was like a shadow, but if you look closely, you can still see her appearance clearly.

'My wife came out again. Although she was wearing very strange clothes, she was also very good-looking. ’

‘As expected of a beautiful girl with a long and straight black, I just want to know if I can do it. If I count carefully, there are too many beautiful girls who need my strategy recently, but I am willing to give her all the time for the first strategy. ’

'You guys, obviously it's a weird horror game, but you call it a beautiful girl game, I'm really convinced. ’

Only Xiao Tian who is in the game can clearly feel how strange the ceremony held by this group of people is.

The ritual song made her head a little dizzy.

It was this dizziness that made her movements a little bigger.

It was discovered by people who were holding strange rituals at once.

who is it?

After one of them discovered Xiao Tian, ​​all the people who held the evil ceremony all looked at her.

Her reaction was quick, and without hesitation, she started running backwards.

These are all the reactions that Li Wen has exercised in the previous game.

It didn't take long to run wild in the lush woods.

Suddenly, she only felt a pain in her head, as if something wanted to get into her brain.

The pain caused her to stop running quickly, stay where she was, and cover her head with her hands.

When her head just returned to normal.

Suddenly there were footsteps behind him.

is a policeman...

However, the policeman's body was crooked and looked extremely abnormal.

The police raised their guns and aimed them at Sweetie.

Have a gun?

It's definitely unwinnable.

So, Xiao Tian chose to run away, but luckily there were many obstacles to avoid bullets in the woods.

There were no dangers during the escape.

However, the range of the woods is not much, and soon came to an open place.

And the police, who already looked abnormal, followed.

Xiao Tian, ​​who was powerless to fight back, could only bury her head and run forward.


She stepped on the air and fell down a step.

The steps are more than two meters visually, and are very high…

Fortunately, there is soft soil underneath.

But even if it was soft soil, this fall still threw her into a mess, with gold stars in her eyes.



The abnormal policeman did not leave, but continued to track Xiao Tian while shooting.

Xiao Tian was a little anxious and wanted to get up and leave immediately, but because of the heavy fall, she was exhausted, so she could only watch the police jump down from the steps above.

A dramatic scene happened.

The policeman who jumped directly from the steps fell abruptly to the ground.

And dropped the gun in his hand.

A shiny document was also thrown out.

When she picked up the document and was about to watch it, the policeman who had just fallen climbed up again, and at the same time picked up the dropped pistol again, and charged towards Xiao Tian.

This scene frightened Xiaotian to enter the game menu interface to relieve herself.

However, the most ridiculous point is that the game will not pause when entering the menu interface?


She was completely stunned.

The weird policeman's hand was directly on her neck.

The feeling of suffocation came instantly, she couldn't care about other things, struggled hard, and finally broke free from the weird policeman's hand grabbing her neck.

Cough cough cough...

She coughed, but before she could recover, the strange policeman's hand found her neck again.

Sweetie: ? ? ?

What the hell, are you still here?

She broke free again. After this time, she resisted the discomfort in her neck and started to run away.

The place where she is currently seems to be in a small courtyard.

A pickup truck was parked in the middle of the courtyard. She ran to the pickup truck and tried to open the pickup truck to hide inside.

However, without the key, it cannot be opened at all.

Looking at the policeman who continued to pounce on her in strange postures, she was both scared and angry.

This weird policeman did not shoot her with the gun in his hand, but had to choke her with his hand.

Although, the second world can only reach about fifty percent realism.

But being strangled, the suffocation will make her very uncomfortable, which is poisonous.

The sense of oppression is much stronger than all of Li Wen's previous games.

Even if the feeling is turned to the lowest level, you can still enjoy the feeling of suffocation.

Li Wen's other games have almost no suffocation for the player to die. After the pain is lowered, being attacked by a hostile NPC, no matter what kind of wound is caused, is not much different from being bitten by a mosquito.

Therefore, it will not produce such a sense of oppression now.

here we go again...

The ghost doesn't go away!

This guy.

Xiao Tian can only complain while surrounding the small truck with the strange policeman Qin Wang around the pillar.

After a few laps, Xiao Tian hasn't exploded...the barrage has exploded.

'Little sweet, you... I don't know what to say, you got into a fight with that monster that doesn't look like a normal human being! ’

'More than two thousand years ago, there was an assassin who was dragged to death by a fat man like this... But if you do this, Sweetie, you must be dragged to death first. ’

'Xiao Tian, ​​your face has turned green, if you don't think of any other way, you will definitely be a calf. ’

Xiao Tian, ​​who is surrounded by the pillars of King Qin, naturally knows her current state, damn it.

Under the continuous running, the physical strength of the character she controlled was also rapidly decreasing, and she felt that her lungs were about to explode.

If you don't think of any other way, if you don't get strangled by the monster, you'll have to die of exhaustion first.

She walked away from the range of the pickup and ran towards the house next to her.

The door was unlocked, and the house was opened with a slight push.

Then use your body against the door.



The monster's power is very strong, and it just knocks the door open with her in two strokes.

Damn, my mother fought with you.

Little Sweet, who was about to go forward and fight the monster desperately, suddenly saw a shining key on the long table in the room.

She immediately ran towards the flash point, and after picking up the key, a line of text appeared under her field of vision, the truck key.


There was also a document collected next to the key, but there was simply no time for her to check what it was.

Slammed out the door from the other side of the long table.

Using the van key to open the door, she entered the pickup without hesitation, closed the door, and immediately started the pickup as soon as the key was inserted.

On the co-pilot on her left, there is also a photo book of beautiful women, and she just glanced at it.

The island country is different from China because of the driving rules.

So the driver's seat is on the right.

Start the car, shift the gear, release the clutch, all in one go.

These are all driving skills learned in Escape 1.

If you can't drive, it doesn't matter when you get here, you just need to insert the key and choose automatic driving, and the system will assist in starting the pickup.

After the pickup started, the weird policeman was right in front.


The horsepower of the pickup truck is relatively strong, and it will be knocked out in one fell swoop...

It should be dead now.

Stopping the pickup, Xiao Tian stuck her head out and glanced at the weird policeman who was crawling on the ground.

Suddenly seeing the pistol on the ground, I was very moved.

She got out of the pickup, walked carefully to the pistol, and picked it up.

With weapons, there seems to be nothing to fear.

at this time.

The tinnitus and headache suddenly came up.

It seems that the whole world is shaking, as if something terrible has changed...

Suddenly, the sound of an air raid siren sounded out of thin air, which made Xiao Tian even more uncomfortable.

The pistol that had just arrived fell to the ground again.

Suddenly, the policeman who was hit by the pickup truck got up from the ground again, holding the pistol she just dropped in his hand.

The pistol was aimed at her.


She only felt a pain in her chest, and the impact of the bullet knocked her back several steps, just in the abyss of cracks that appeared when the ground shook...

A line of subtitles appears on a black screen.

Suda Kyouya

Big Characters Rough Household/On the Bank of Zhenyu River

Day 1/2:28.

After subtitles.

Sweetie regained consciousness, she seemed to be lying in a liquid.

She slowly got up from the ground. There were gunshot marks on her chest, and the wound had healed, leaving only the blood hole on her clothes that had been shot through by the bullet.

Her flashlight was not lost, even if it was soaked in water, it didn't seem to have any effect.

Turn on the flashlight, and the beam shines on the writing below her.

blood red water...

Very scary under the flashlight beam.

She took two steps back, left the blood-red water, and walked towards the shore.

She always felt that by staying by the blood-red water, something bad would definitely happen.

When Xiao Tian went ashore, another burst of tinnitus sounded, and her head became dizzy again.

Just then, a female voice came from behind her.

You're also having a reaction with me, right?

Xiao Tian followed the voice and turned her head to see that this was a woman in red and white church clothes with a red turban on her head.

Can you also intercept the horizon?

The woman's words were very strange, Xiao Tian couldn't understand it at all, and looked at the woman blankly.

The woman seemed to look at Xiaotian who was cautiously guarding herself, gasping for breath, and asked softly.

Hello, my name is Yawei Bisha, are you alright?

Sweetie pointed to her chest, You try being shot...

Before she could finish her sentence, Hachiko Bisako interrupted her, Anyway, it's not safe here, come with me.

As he spoke, he ripped off the red hood.


Such a woman with personality, she glanced around, and finally chose to keep up with Yawei Bisha.

Yashio Bisha walked and explained to Xiao Tian, ​​This red water has invaded your body.

The weight is equivalent to the blood you shed.

Your wound can be healed, and it is all thanks to this water.

Although the wound looks unstable, don't worry, it will be fine in a short time.

That's great, otherwise it will go on like this...

She was originally speaking with a worried look, but suddenly paused, and the expression on her face began to change, becoming softer, More importantly, we have to speed up our pace.

Now that you have been in contact with water and can sense me, you can try to use horizon interception.

With a serious face, Yaao began to teach Sweetie how to use the horizon interception.

This is a special gameplay in Dead Souls.

You can obtain information through the vision of other NPCs to help players clear the level.

However, when entering other perspectives, the player will not be able to move, so this is not a brainless skill that needs to be used in the right place.

Xiaotian immediately used the horizon interception according to the teaching prompt.

She got the perspective of Hachiko Hachiko, who was looking at her at the moment.

It was only at this moment that she saw clearly how she controlled the character.

This is an ordinary-looking boy with a childish face...

With the long hair of the mother, it looks nondescript. In island countries, hairstyles like this are very common for teenagers.

But in Huaxia, if a teenager dares to have such long hair, it is estimated that his mother will bring him to Mr. Tony to experience a big change when he goes home.

Horizon interception is easy to learn.

Xiaotian's first experience, she thought it was very magical, and she continued to try it a few times.

This stopped.

And after seeing her stop, Hachiko suggested that the two of them leave here quickly, because this place is actually very dangerous.

Because of the existence of corpses.

On the way between the two of them, Hachiko explained the corpse to Sweetie.

The weird police officer she encountered before was the corpse.

In these messages, she heard a very crucial message.

Corpses don't die...

An immortal monster?


And I really like the trick of strangling my neck...

I feel like this game is getting more and more anxious!

Suddenly, Hachiko Hachiko stopped in front of the stairs leading to the street and looked at Sweetie.

It's very dangerous on the street now. I'll explore the way first. You use the horizon to intercept and observe the surroundings, and then follow up when it's safe.

After speaking, she didn't care whether Xiaotian agreed or not, she went up the stairs and entered the street.

Sweetie is stunned...

I originally thought that these guys who engaged in cult rituals were all bad-hearted.

Unexpectedly, she would help her find the way in such a dangerous situation.

Eight tails are more serious than the sand, she cried to death.

She was very moved, but without hesitation, she used the horizon interception to get the vision of Hachiko Yao.

At this moment, Hashiko Yao seems to be walking towards the street on the right.

When she came to a certain position, she looked back at Xiao Tian.

In the field of vision, a corpse appeared, wandering aimlessly on the street, and Xiaotian also saw a little light in the phone booth near the corpse.

Leaving the field of view to intercept.

She definitely couldn't let go of the spotlight.

Maybe it is a clearance item. If it is a clearance item, it will be very troublesome and difficult to come back and get it after a while.

Now just avoid a corpse to get the item.

Taking advantage of the corpse's turn, Xiaotian carefully touched it.

Fortunately, the stairs are not far from the phone booth.

【Reserve key of the old warehouse】

Sure enough, it was really a key item. After she got the key, she didn't stop. She immediately returned to the entrance of the stairs. After avoiding the corpse, she walked to the right and arrived at Yau Bisako's side.

Yashio Hisako nodded at her and continued forward.

This level seems to be just a tutorial for beginners.

Eight tails than sand to teach players how to avoid corpse...

Such as squatting, such as turning off the flashlight, etc.

It is almost a hands-on teaching.

After a series of tutorials for beginners, Sweetie and Yao Hisako came to a small wooden house.

The cabin is not high, but Xiao Tian can easily climb up.

And Yashio Bisha looked at Sweetie who had already climbed up, Can you give me a hand?

Xiao Tian can only reach out and pull up Hachiko Bisha below.

The two entered the woods from above the cabin.

Xiao Tian's vision began to blur gradually until the screen went black.

Subtitles appear.

Takeuchi Tamon

Big Character Pineapple House / Yebian Village

Day 1 / 2:18

Suddenly, a female voice sounded.

Teacher, how did it become like this? Where is this? It's all messed up everywhere, I really don't understand.

Another male voice sounded.

Didn't I tell you to stay in the car?

Then, Xiao Tian's vision gradually recovered, she seemed to be in a forest, and the body of the character she was controlling could not be controlled by her.

There was a girl next to her, wearing glasses and holding a flashlight, with a confused look, Don't worry about that, what happened, what is this...

The man's voice came from Xiao Tian's mouth. It felt very strange, So I told you not to follow me.

The girl said earnestly, Teacher, let's go to the village first, something must have happened...

The man said impatiently, You give me some peace!


Tinnitus rang out again.

The man and the girl were holding their heads at the same time, and it seemed very painful.

The girl's voice was full of pain, What is this...

The man is also in pain, This is...

Suddenly, the picture flashed through Xiao Tian's mind, and the camera flew across a river...

Immediately after the scene flashed, a girl and a big dog were running away in the woods.

The screen disappears.

The man suddenly said, You know what? You must do what I say next time.

What? The girl was full of questions.

Until I call you, close your eyes and stay still, understand?

After the man finished speaking, he squatted down and pulled out a pistol from his backpack on the ground.

The girl was a little surprised, Teacher, are you holding a real gun?

The man did not answer the girl's words directly, but turned to leave and said to the girl, Come here.

The girl can only follow closely behind, and go forward.

At this time, Xiao Tian finally gained control of her body.

She seemed to be leading the girl through the darkness to somewhere.

She turned to look at the girl.

The girl's name appears below the field of view.

An Yizi.

Protect her from here.

Drag bottle?

Xiaotian looked at An Yeyizi's well-behaved appearance, and didn't know why the word drag bottle appeared in her head...

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