Netherworld Game Producer

Chapter 105 That's it! ?

Wesker ordered Barry back to the ground. Barry was very obedient and left without looking back.

After Barry left, he told Jill and Li Wen that in fact, he and Umbrella were just separated from each other, and he was only for his own self-interest.

Then, Wesker showed the two a boss that was being cultivated in a water tank.

That is, a tyrant, but in terms of form, it is much stronger than the initial tyrant.

In the cultivation warehouse, it looks extremely oppressive.

When Wesker was most proud, Barry, who had already left, took out a gun and gave Wesker two shots.

Barry felt that Jill and Li Wen should be more important than their own family.

However, now is not the time to focus on these things.

The cultivating bin that nurtured the tyrant was also broken by the bullet, and the tyrant ran out of it.


The tyrant who had just been freed gave Wesker a hard punch.

Wesker: ? ? ?

Wesker, who had already suffered a gunshot wound, had his wound even worse, and he was directly knocked to the ground.

The tyrant didn't stop, and slapped Barry, who was rushing over, into the air...

Barry also fell into a coma, unconscious.

The boss battle started, and Li Wen and Jill officially joined the battle.

This tyrant belongs to the complete body and is very powerful, much stronger than the initial tyrant.

After a fierce battle, the tyrant was finally brought down.

Most of the props Li Wen collected were also consumed in this battle.

The tyrant is really too fleshy, and his movements are flexible and very difficult to deal with.

In normal mode, with intelligent AI bonus, the difficulty of the game is much higher.

If you don't use the second world to play, but play on the old platform, the tyrant in normal mode can beat Li Wen's shit out.

In the second world, players can dodge boss attacks in a very extreme pose.

This is not possible in the old version.

The live broadcast is more like watching an exciting battle, which is much more exciting than traditional live broadcasts.

The live audience was very comfortable watching.

I am looking forward to doing more in the Resident Evil Remake after I get the second world.

After defeating the tyrant, the two went to check on Barry.

Barry is still alive, not dead.

However, the 'corpse' that Wesker had fallen to the ground disappeared.

And the experimental base started the self-destruction program again.

The three knew that this must be Wesker's ghost, but the most important thing now is to take the elevator and find the way out.

In another room in the underground laboratory, the forgotten Chris is found.

Since the lab was about to explode, the four of them didn't have time to continue chatting and speed up their escape.

Chris stopped Barry and seemed to want to check something, let Li Wen and Jill go up first, and the four met on the tarmac.

Li Wen and Jill came to the tarmac and fired a flare.

Barry and Chris also managed to escape, and the four of them converged.

While waiting for the rescue, the tyrant who was defeated by Li Wen and Jill suddenly jumped out again.

As soon as he came up, he knocked out Chris who was playing soy sauce.

Li Wen, Barry, and Jill fell into a hard battle.

The complete tyrant is very powerful, and as the boss in the Resident Evil crisis.

Nature is very difficult.

Fortunately, in the final battle, players only need to get off the rescue helicopter to clear the level.

It's not too difficult, as long as you don't die and draw some water, you can successfully survive.

Finally, after this period of time.

Brad (the pilot who was scared to flee at the beginning of Resident Evil 1) came to the scene.

And threw an artifact, a bazooka.

As we all know, there is no monster in Resident Evil that can withstand the blow of the artifact.

If there is, then do it again.

Jill picked up the bazooka and killed the tyrant.

After blowing up the tyrant, the four finally escaped from the mansion.

After getting on the helicopter, the laboratory under the mansion also exploded at this moment.

In the helicopter, Jill was tired and leaned on Li Wen's shoulder.

Barry continued to play with his seemingly majestic pistol.

Chris was sitting in a daze, as if thinking about something.

The helicopter faced the rising sun and flew into the distance.

This is the end of the Resident Evil 1 storyline.

As for what happened to Rebecca, who was forgotten by everyone.

This requires players to choose to accompany Chris through the game to understand.

The audience in the live broadcast room thought that the live broadcast of Resident Evil 1 was over, and they were about to turn off the live broadcast and go to bed.

Who knows, a new picture has appeared.

Li Wen seemed to be in a room that looked very period.

The TV was on, and it was playing some news of wild beasts eating people in the suburbs.

The bathroom was half open, and it seemed that someone was taking a shower inside.

It didn't take long for Jill, who was just wrapped in a bath towel, to walk out.

‘Is this something you can watch without paying? ’

' this really Resident Evil? I do not believe…'

'Today I have really learned a lot. ’

The barrage exploded instantly when Jill came out wrapped in a bath towel.

However, at this moment, Li Wen reached out and grabbed Jill's bath towel, just when the fragrance was about to be revealed.

The live broadcast is interrupted.

All the viewers watching the live broadcast were stunned and did not respond.

That's it?

Is this the end?

The pants are all taken off and then gone?



The barrage exploded at this moment...

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, and all the audience are turned around by the abrupt end of Li Wen's hand.

They went to his Weibo to leave a message.

All scold him.

The main owner, Li Wen, left the company with everyone after talking on the phone with Xiao Tian.

There is no intention to explain on the scarf at all.

Obviously, he did it on purpose.

Highlights from Li Wen's live broadcast of the three remastered games were sent online.

Although he played well, the viewers who watched the live broadcast yesterday did not think so.

Pedestrians turned dark...

And he used to hate his players, and now he hates it even more.

It was not until the next day that he posted a message lightly on his scarf.

Zero Sum Dead Soul Song, coming soon...

It also comes with two promotional videos for the game.

In Zero's promotional video, the perspective is the first person, and she and the beautiful young woman experience terrifying and terrifying supernatural events.

In addition, there are some special interactions, which directly and accurately target a certain group.

Although it is still a horror game in essence, but because of the existence of beautiful girls in the game, the style of play seems to be a little off?

Anyone who doesn't regard Zero as a horror game.

In the end, it will definitely be frightened into a flying.

After all, this is a game made by Li Wen himself!

How can it only give benefits to players.

However, the game does not have escape series horror, which is a good news for fans of mild horror games.

And another promotional video for the game Dead Souls.

That is a pure horror game, but because of the commercial value and the patience of players in this world for horror games.

Therefore, the game as a whole is not as scary as Silent Hill.

However, for players, this game is also very scary.

As a pure horror film, players will enjoy a thrilling horror journey.

The promotional videos of the two games made the players who were criticizing Li Wen exploded.

Not only that, but other manufacturers in the industry are also working on the promotional videos for the two games.

When other manufacturers saw that what Li Wen was doing was still a horror game, they were relieved a lot.

The games they made were not the same type of games as Li Wen, and there was no competition.

Today, although they are also researching horror games, the sales of Li Wen's horror games are not too exaggerated, but rather average.

So, so far, they are just studying and watching.

It's absolutely impossible to spend a fortune on developing a horror game right now.

Their purpose is to make money, not to do charity.

When there is enough market for horror games, they will start developing horror games.

These game companies are all third-tier manufacturers.

As for the game companies in the middle and lower reaches, there have been many games imitating escape and Resident Evil.

For third-tier manufacturers, the average sales volume is a delicious cake that is enough for them to survive in the middle and lower reaches.

However, the imitation of these mid-stream and downstream companies is still very clumsy.

It seems that some are not able to let go of themselves.

Mainly because of the lessons learned from the previous new moon games.

I don't understand the copy, and even lose the entire company. This is the consequence of letting myself go.

Therefore, it is difficult for a mid-stream and downstream company to imitate a sophisticated horror game.

Of course, there are still one or two good horror games out there.

The sales of players' word-of-mouth are also not bad, but compared to Li Wen's games, it is indeed still a little worse.

After the two game promotional videos were released.

Li Wen turned off the scarf without looking at it. The live broadcast ended so suddenly yesterday, of course he knew that he would be sprayed by the audience later.

Although the audience also knows that the plot after the bath towel is pulled down will definitely not be broadcast, but since it can't be broadcast! Why do you want to broadcast the previous content live?

Isn't that just hanging them up...

I'm off today and don't know what to do.

Li Wen spent a day at home and watched several high-scoring movies in this world.

Before he was reborn, because of the impact of short videos, he became more and more impatient.

It seems that I haven't had the patience to watch a movie for a long time.

The same is true of games. As long as the game system is a little complicated, he has no patience to continue playing.

Unless it's the kind of game that really appeals to him.

Now that he has been reborn, he seems to have become more patient. At least today, when he is watching a movie, he has no idea of ​​fast-forwarding or fast-playing.

Instead, patiently watched the entire movie from start to finish.

Until the evening, Chen Xin, who went out to play, came home and saw Li Wen with salted fish lying on the sofa.

Brother, have you been lying on the sofa all day today?

Li Wen raised his head and glanced at Chen Xin, who had returned with a reward, You spend so much money all day, why don't you buy a house, move out, and live independently!

Chen Xin rolled his eyes at him, ignored him, turned and entered his room.

He was speechless for a while, but there was nothing he could do!

The finishing touches on Dead Souls and Zero are coming to an end.

Li Wen focused on Resident Evil 2 and Escape 3.

The game producer of Resident Evil 2 is still him, and the game producer of Escape 3 is still Zhang Chunsheng.

Escape 3 production team expanded by fifty people.

They were all transferred from Crescent Games. Fortunately, the office of the escape production team is large enough, and they only need to set up the desk to start work.

The Resident Evil 2 production team also expanded a lot of staff.

Due to the need to design a very complex raccoon city, as well as a sewer and an underground research institute.

And it is also necessary to make Resident Evil 3 a 2nd generation dlc, although some materials can be reused.

As a dlc, Resident Evil 3's overall game size is pretty good.

Two games are combined into one game, and the volume of the game Resident Evil 2 is very large.

This is much bigger than Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 1 combined.

Whether it is the scene of Resident Evil 0 or the scene of Resident Evil 1, the scene is not very complicated.

Although the Resident Evil Remake is a lot more complicated, it is all added on the finished product, and the workload is actually decent.

Resident Evil 2 and 3 contain a complex raccoon city, police station, sewers, and two different research institutes.

And to make it the scale of a Resident Evil Remake.

This workload is quite large.

There were definitely not enough staff before.

We had to recruit more than 100 people from New Moon Company.

The number of Resident Evil 2 production team has been supplemented to 200 people.

Both Happy Paradise production teams have more than doubled in size.

The escape production team is okay, after all, the office can accommodate it.

However, the office of the Resident Evil production team seems a little too small.

In the end, I had to work separately, which was also impossible.

After all, this building is not Li Wen's, it is impossible to directly dismantle the wall next to the Resident Evil production team.

Before, he did ask the landlord if he could dismantle the wall or something.

As a result, it was ruthlessly rejected by the landlord.

Isn't this nonsense...

It will definitely be rejected outright!

Even if it is to add some more money, the landlord does not agree, and finally the office can only be separated.

Fortunately, it is still on the same floor, so communication is not too troublesome, and the progress of production has not been significantly reduced.

Escape 3 is currently one third completed.

Resident Evil 2 is a quarter completed.

It has only been more than a week since the project was officially launched, and the progress is very good.

Especially Escape 3, Zhang Chunsheng already has experience in making Escape 2 and has grown a lot.

This time, the story background of Escape 3 happened in a remote mountain village in China.

Here, players will experience the charm of Chinese horror stories.

Paper figures, zombies, ghosts, etc., the ghosts and ghosts seen in the familiar horror stories will appear one by one.

Players are still playing the role of the five scumbags who are powerless.

Prepare to go to the deserted village to shoot a horror film crew in the form of a documentary.

This deserted village is a research site created by Mukoff Company and domestic partner companies.

All the strange things encountered in it are made by domestic cooperative companies.

At present, the news that Escape 3 is being produced, Li Wen sent it out very early.

And it is also mentioned that the plot of Escape 3 takes place in a deserted village in a remote part of the country.

This time Escape 3, ready to try a new way of playing.

Fragment the main storyline, bury it in the game, and understand the game storyline by understanding the introduction of the items in the game.

The formation of the deserted village, and the beginning and end of the strange events in the deserted village, etc.

This is mainly to pave the way for the fragmented plot of the soul game.

Moreover, players will explore freely in the deserted village.

At the beginning of the game, the player will be told what to do to escape this terrifying illusion.

But it doesn't tell the player where to complete the final mission.

This requires players to explore by themselves in the terrifying deserted village.

As for Resident Evil 2, in fact, there is not much difference in operation from the Resident Evil Remake.

And it will also allow players of the previous generation to obtain additional benefits based on the archive in the dlc.

Jill's favorability.

Li Wen believes that when players start playing dlc, they will be very excited.

This memory-stored easter egg will allow players who have played the previous generation to experience that the NPCs of Resident Evil are 'alive', not 'dead'.

Of course, just such an easter egg is unlikely to save him, and the players' reputation for him.

Marumi Corporation, regular meeting.

Qiu Zixuan, who was sitting in the corner, was wearing the second world, and she was fishing openly.

The laptop that starts the game is placed directly on the conference table.

The high-level people in the room were shaking their heads after seeing Qiu Zixuan's appearance.

After all, this is Marumi's monthly high-level meeting.

Even the daughter of the chairman of the largest shareholder, can't be so obvious.

At least do it at the meeting, right?

It's a pity that Qiu Zixuan went his own way and ignored the rumors and rumors from high-level officials at all.

The game she is playing now is Escape from Happy Paradise 1.

On the day that Li Wen was broadcasting live in Xiaotian's live broadcast room, she watched it from beginning to end.

As soon as the escape series came online, she bought the game.

Before Li Wen's live broadcast, she had already cleared Escape 1 and Escape 2 in Simple Mode.

Playing the simple mode is not because she is afraid, but simply thinks that she is a rookie in the game and should start with the simplest.

Although, the second world operation is comparable to the extent to which reality itself controls the body.

Still, it's still a game.

As someone who used to have no interest in virtual video games at all.

At the beginning, I only played the simple mode, which was really easy to understand.

As expected of Li Wen, the game is very exciting, although it is not as scary as Silent Hill.

But the game also thrilled her, especially when she was being chased by in-game enemies.

Adrenaline hits the table.

This is different from the Silent Hill pt, the kind of fear that deepens the fear a little bit and finally erupts in the depths of the player's heart.

The escape series is to put the most direct fear in front of the player.

From the very beginning, you can enjoy the excitement and pleasure brought by the game.

For Qiu Zixuan, who has always liked excitement, escaping gave her more excitement than Silent Hill.

She prefers the more direct game of escape.

After clearing the level, I still have no idea, I originally planned to play the normal mode.

Then I discovered Li Wen's live broadcast, and ran to watch Li Wen's live broadcast...

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