However, such a man did not trust her at all.

If he wants to go to Daxi to save the national master and say hello in advance, will she fall into such a passive situation?

In modern times, other people feel sorry for the left behind children and the left behind elderly people. She has never thought that she has gone through the ancient times and turned into a left behind woman

"Yes We have set up people to monitor the emperor. Now we can only judge that he has something to do with the disappearance of the king and the national master, but we have no concrete evidence... "

Zhang Qiao answered with guilt, and did not dare to look directly into Mu Yun's eyes.

"I see."

Mu Yun Jian nodded, his face was like a layer of grey gauze, and his whole body was full of resentment.

"My subordinates know that their crimes are unforgivable, and they also ask the princess to punish them."

Zhang Bridge kowtowed to the ground and made a startling sound in the quiet hall.

This is a marble floor

Even if I didn't knock to death, I would get a mild concussion.

Do you think it's modern with advanced medical technology? Do you really want your life to show your attitude?

"Get up for me!"

Mu Yun, who was originally angry, went up and held the collar of the bridge.

I don't know how to solve the problem. Do you have a fart?!

Men's commitment should not be expressed in this way, you know?

Knock to death one of you, may not the national master and Yu Jiao, hundred Li Chong Hua can come back?

What happened before can be solved satisfactorily?

Most annoying of this superficial behavior, what Mu Yundi needs now is a subordinate who can stand up, come up with solutions and solve problems, rather than a waste who has knocked himself to death here to show his loyalty.

"Now you and Wang Dagui are going to gather people. I need you to do two things. First, strengthen the defense of sin city for me; second, divide a group of effective people out, and I will take my team to the big Xi."

"Princess --"

"Mu Niangzi --"

several waves of people stepped forward to dissuade them, but mu Yundi waved a big hand and ignored them at all.

Her man had an accident, do you expect her to be able to safely stay on the stone mountain to raise the body and have a baby?!

No matter who's talking nonsense, what should we do? It's not their men. They don't care. Bai Li Chonghua is her husband who has been revived very hard. Can she still care?

"Hurry up and arrange for me. I want to start in one day - in addition, no one is allowed to tell the public that I am recuperating. As for Baili Zhonghua, I will take maternity leave with me!"

"What is maternity leave?"

Iron lady a face muddled force, the first time heard this word.

"When a woman is in confinement, a man is not allowed to accompany her?"

Speechless turned a white eye in the past, Mu Yun is really the first time to see his own such a miserable woman.

It's impossible to raise the body, and it's impossible to accompany the children. She has to clean up the mess for her dishonorable man. Can she work harder?


Iron lady wants to ask more clearly, but to Mu Yun's venomous eyes, she silences her voice automatically and goes out to work.

After Wang Dagui was captured this time, Iron Lady didn't have much confidence in herself.

This time, it's not mu Yun who sacrificed his life to save them. In addition, the odd child expels insects and kills enemies. Whether she and Wang Dagui can come back alive this time is still a question - ah, right! That kid!

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