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“Poof! Keep serving, Sasaki! Nioh Masaharu glanced at Jiro Sasaki, and then focused his attention on Yoshiro Akasawa and Ichiro Kaneda on the opposite side.

Jiro Sasaki nodded his head vigorously twice! Then he threw up the tennis ball under the eyes of Yoshiro Akasawa and Ichiro Kaneda who had not yet returned, and once again sent it out, chasing after the victory! Then he immediately backed away and stood on the sideline!

Once again, the sound of the ball sounded, and the tennis ball went straight through the court! The tennis ball crossed the net and now alternately catches the ball, with Ichiro Kaneda catching the ball! The tennis ball reflected back.

“Poof!” Masaharu Renwang once again phantomed, and Shusuke’s figure perseverance was on the court!

With a little step, the person jumped directly over, raised his right hand, raised the racket, and counterattacked the ball!

Yoshiro Akasawa and Kindaichi “703” looked at each other and ran on the court, and the two of them cooperated for nearly two years Ichiro Kaneda was Yoshiro Akasawa’s loyal fan brother! He has been chasing Yoshiro Akasawa’s back!

The cooperation of two people is very tacit understanding! He has the cool judgment and wealth of knowledge that is indispensable for doubles players!

Yoshiro Akasawa stared at Fujisuke of the phantom of Masaharu Renoh, and he aimed in the direction of the far corner, and the tennis ball shot straight out. Hit in the very edge direction!

The phantom of Nioh Masaharu, Fujisuke, took a basic broken step with one foot, raised his backhand in front of the net, and the tennis ball presented a high hanging ball! Fly into the air.

“Here’s your chance!” Yoshiro Akasawa gave Kinda a look, and Kinda jumped up, jumped into the air, and was about to smash down.

“Oops! Hit the count! Kangetsu’s gaze looked in the direction of Akasawa Yoshiro and Kinda Ichiro.

Just as Ichiro Kaneda smashed vertically, Fuji Shusuke, who was phantomed by Masaharu Renwang, turned his body and knelt on one knee! One of the three return balls that are not assisted by two weeks, the brown bear is caught!

The smash ball was directly ejected back by him and shot straight above the bottom line, and Akasawa Yoshiro and Kinda Ichiro did not react at all!

“GME, Yinhua Middle School scored, the ratio is 30-0!” Once again, the referee pronounced the score.

Fuji Yuta looked at Fuji Shusuke, who was phantomed by Renwang Masaji, his eyes drifted and flashed with essence, his brother, is Fuji Shusuke so strong? It was the first time he had seen the strength of Buji Shusuke!

Or from the phantom of Fuji Shusuke by Renwang Masaji, the strength of Fuji Shusuke, if it is really exactly the same, can he still surpass his brother Fuji Shusuke?

This question mark has been lingering in his heart, what kind of strength is his brother? He found that he had never known, that he had never been close! Just thinking about how to get rid of the name of this genius title younger brother!

The wind blew directly, blowing up the hair in front of Renwang Masaji’s phantom Shusuke.

After Jiro Sasaki served, next, Nioh Masaharu’s phantom Shusuke was fully prepared!

Akasawa Yoshiro and Kinda Ichiro were under extremely intense pressure, and Akasawa Yoshiro held the racket in both hands and jerked! Full of power!

I saw that Renwang Masaji’s phantom Shusuke went directly to the ball, and the tennis ball flew towards the sky when it crossed the net! One of the three kinds that is not two weeks to help, Moby Dick!

“Missed?” When Yoshiro Akasawa and Ichiro Kaneda were puzzled, the tennis ball fell from the air, hit the net cable impartially, bounced up, and flew towards Fuji Shusuke, who was phantomed by Masaharu Renwang!

Akasawa Yoshiro and Kinda Ichiro didn’t have time to react, and the tennis ball was directly caught by Fujisuke who was phantomed by Masaharu Ninno!

“GME, Yinhua Middle School score, the score is 40-0” was easily won by Masaharu Renwang!

The gap between the two sides is too huge, they are not at all a level, and the phantom Shusuke of Nioh Masaharu, with one enemy and two, beat Akasawa Yoshiro and Kinda Ichiro as if they were powerless to fight back.

Fuji Yuta’s eyes flashed with essence, “Brother! “He has completely regarded Masaharu Nioh on the court as a noji shusuke!

On the court, everyone was impressed by the phantom of Renwang Masaharu, which surpassed ordinary people’s skill tricks.

It’s really worthy of being a genius Zhou Suke, even this kind of trick can be performed, it’s really gorgeous!

“GME, Yinhua Middle School won this game, the score is 1-0!” The first point has been completely won by him!

The Youth Academy and the Ice Emperor Academy who came to explore the Yinhua Middle School competition were shocked and speechless by Masaharu Renwang’s tennis style that surpassed ordinary people………

They opened their mouths wide, ah, ah for a long time, they couldn’t jump a word, especially the people who came to watch this game from the Youth Academy!

The people on the court are simply Buji Shusuke himself, the three kinds of balls, the smile that narrows his eyes, and the flexibility of his body, all exactly the same as Buji Zhousuke!

“GME, Yinhua Middle School won this game, the score is 2-0!” When the referee announced the scoreline, cold sweat dripped from the foreheads of both Yoshiro Akasawa and Ichiro Kaneda.

Akasawa Yoshiro and Kinda Ichiro were almost completely helpless, and originally the two of them planned to specialize in Sasaki Jiro.

However, it was easily avoided by Jiro Sasaki, and every time Jiro Sasaki received the serve, he would stand quietly on the bottom line on the side, and let Masaharu Nioh play alone!

No matter where the tennis ball is hit, how far away it is from Masaharu Nioh, he is not moved!

This left Yoshiro Akasawa and Ichiro Kaneda with nothing to do! Akasawa Yoshiro looked at Kangetsu, wanting to get some information from it!

Guan Yue’s face was extremely hideous, his hands clenched into fists, and he muttered in his mouth, “No, no!” That’s impossible! No, Zhou Suke couldn’t be so strong! “Because of his data, not two weeks to help completely 1. Not so powerful!

In the eyes of Guan Yue, this is simply not Ji Zhousuke, but the strength of Renwang Masaji himself!

On the court, the two sides alternately served, served by Masaharu Renwang, and I saw that he was a phantom of no two weeks, pinched the tennis ball, and then spun it up and fished it from below! The tennis ball shot straight out!

“This ball will disappear!” The voice of the phantom of Renwang Masaji is exactly the same as that of Fuji Shusuke! There is no difference at all!

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