Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 770 The fusion of 767 dual Mach, dual omniscience and omnipotence! (4k)

Chapter 770 767. Dual Mach → Dual Omniscient and Omnipotent → Fusion! (4k)


"Mach's serve was hit back?"

The serve played by the wiser Phantom was caught by Berti and hit back. This phenomenon immediately aroused exclamation.

"Hey, that's awesome."

Kise sighed, but he didn't miss it. Using Murasakibara's ability that he imitated, he swung his racket and hit the incoming tennis ball back.


The ball, full of power and texture, was caught by Schneider standing behind and hit the opposite corner at the same time.

"It seems that you are somewhat capable of dealing with this group of people."

Compared with the previous combination of "Echizen Ryoma" and "Toyama Kintaro", the combination of Ochi and Murasakihara actually allowed Berti and Schneider to resist.

"of course"

"A huge opponent and a Mach serve, it's not something to worry about."

Berti's two simple sentences showed his calm style.

"Really? What about this?"

The cyan light began to form the shape of a giant, with armor draped over its body, and its waving arms deepened the weight of its power.


Murasakihara's swing is so powerful and heavy, you can see the piercing wind pressure just by watching it.

Schneider took a step forward, held the racket against his chest, and just faced the incoming ball.


The moment the ball hit the racket, his huge body slid backwards, his feet rubbing against the ground unable to stop, bringing up dust visible to the naked eye.

"What an amazing power"

Seeing that even the racket surface blessed with armed colors was shaking, Schneider looked solemn.

You must know that the racket blessed with armed color and domineering spirit is recognized by the world as powerful.

There are only a handful of players who can pose a threat to him.


The ball failed to return successfully and lost the point. Compared to Berti and Schneider, who were facing formidable enemies, Nioh and Kise looked particularly relaxed.


Maher struck out again, and this time it was Schneider's turn to return it.

"Then both of them can return Mach's serve."

"As expected of a professional player, he really has some skills."

Obviously, Mach's serve is not a good threat to Berti and Schneider.

"It's useless. As long as we are prepared, mental assassination will not work on us."

Having avoided looking directly into Ochi's eyes, Berti and Schneider also had ways to deal with it.

With information about the strategy, they would not suffer a loss foolishly.

"But, if I beat you hard, I won't be my opponent."



Murasakibara, imitated by Kise, once again used the power of Tengyi Susana, and the ball once again carried Schneider's huge body, causing him to lose points.

"That unusual strength does take some time to get used to in such a situation."

Glancing at Schneider's way of catching the ball, Berti was not surprised.

Although the other party is only a junior high school student, he is also a leader of the contemporary generation.



"Berti and the others have no plans to take action yet."

"Still observing."

"They want to see how to deal with this almighty combination through these games."

Everyone in the German team looked at the two people who were at a disadvantage at the beginning and then exchanged words.

This is also a helpless move for Berti and Schneider.

The combination of Nioh and Kise is simply a combination that extremely tests the opponent's adaptability.



Leading by two games, the situation became different from what many viewers imagined.

It was hard for them to believe that two professional players would fall into headwinds when faced with two junior high school students.

"Collect data?"

"Well, he seems confident."

Kise and Nioh have become accustomed to this aspect, as they themselves need to have a deep understanding of the phantom/imitation object in order to perform well.

Berti is good at gathering and analyzing intelligence, and then seeing through the opponent's flaws before counterattacking.

They would rather retain their strength first, but also want to find out the current performance of Kise and Niou first.

"Then come and see if your understanding can keep up with our changes in this endless confrontation."

This is also something worth looking forward to for Kise and Niou.

The more opponents resist and struggle, the more "passion" they can stir up.

"This time it's"

"Ah! It's so enjoyable!"


In the field of vision, the two people have undergone new "changes" due to the resonance of their abilities.

"Shiraishi Kuranosuke of Neon Team"

"Zeus of the Greek team."

After identifying the two people's identities in an instant, Berti felt troubled.

"The omniscient and omnipotent duo."

That is the ultimate power of “data”.

Everything he knows will be dealt with.

It can be said to be a symbol of "information comes from itself".

"Is it faster than analysis?"

"Otherwise, how can we defeat you head-on and force them to use all their strength?"

Berti's words elicited a response from Niou, who responded softly with the appearance of "Zeus".

"It's an experience I've never had before."

Schneider's face was very stiff. He had never expected such a combination.

Each round is a different experience, which simply tests the player's golf intelligence and strength.


But in this regard, he could only bite the bullet and hit the serve.


(The back-right spin ball bounces at an angle of 60°)

Turning his eyes to the movement of his arm, Berti judged the nature of the ball.


Schneider also understood the meaning of Berti's signal, and then ran into position to fight back.

"Such a simple counterattack is unlikely to be effective."

Kise imitated Shiraishi's movements and hit a standard hitting opening.

"That's the same for us."

Rushing to the net and hitting a sideways shot, Berti was silent.

"It's a shame that's not possible."

After hitting a conspicuous lob, Kise and Niou said in unison.



The rainbow light flashing high in the sky seemed so intuitive, but to Berti and Schneider, it was a bit strange.

"Can't see!"




It wasn't until the ball gently dropped and rolled on the back baseline that the two of them reacted.

"Using bright light to stimulate our eyes so we can't see the hidden ball?"

There is no doubt that Kise had just hit a lob that overlapped the sunlight by imitating Shiraishi. In that environment, Berti and Schneider lost their perspective.

"Ah, it's such a joy!"

With his own appearance and voice, Kise assumed the exact same pose.

"It seems that omniscience and omnipotence are superior to profession."

Niou also spoke provocatively like Zeus.

With such a blatant "invitation", ordinary people might not be able to help but "explode".

But for Berti and Schneider, who are used to playing professionally, the verbal inducement from their opponents is nothing at all.

"Schneider, maybe you have to admit it."

"These two have a level that requires us to fight with all our strength from the beginning."

Muttering softly, and acquiescing to Nioh's words, Berti said to Schneider behind him.

"Yeah, so let's do our best to deal with them."

"Giving too many points for observation can easily lead to an irreversible situation."

"They are not players that we are 100 percent sure of beating."

Acknowledging Berti's words, Schneider's body grew in size under the shocked eyes of the audience.

"Hey, hey, hey, although there is such a thing in my memory."

"But is that guy bigger?"

Vulcan raised his head and looked at Schneider ahead with an unspeakable sense of shock.

"Indeed, it's at least seven or eight meters taller than I remembered."

"A true giant."

"It's almost like Susanoo looking at Murasakibara."

For everyone, Schneider is somewhat aware of what abilities he has. One of them is "enlargement", which can expand his body to a certain extent and deepen his five-dimensional abilities. The other one is to cooperate with Berti to manipulate Watch the "satellite view" of the entire stadium.

"Oh, that's an exaggeration."

Nioh looked at the huge body in front of him with interest. The opponent's body alone occupied nearly one-third of the field.


"So fast!"

The serve was hit, and Nioh reacted and tried to catch the ball.




But with the blessing of the armed color, the racket was still knocked out.

The ball hit the ground and even caused a shock similar to the previous "Super Tornado Smash" and "Volcanic Eruption Ball".

"Did your omniscience tell you how to deal with the unmatched power of the serve?"

After issuing a similar provocation before, Berti spoke.


Hearing this, Nioh and Kise suddenly became excited and their interest increased.

"You can force professional players to go all out so quickly."

"Those two junior high school students are really amazing."

"I've never seen such a strong doubles team."

It was completely unexpected that as a professional player, he would be forced into such a situation by a junior high school student. Many viewers found it incredible.


The fierce third serve was hit by Schneider. With the power of his huge body, he was an unshakable force.


"I'll just tell you."

"Omniscient did tell us how to deal with such a serve."

In response to Berti's previous inquiry, Kise and Niou both spoke out.


Under Berti's solemn gaze, the two of them experienced new changes.

This time it's



The fiery red aura exploded, leaping across the field with a roaring sound.

That is. It has infinite explosion.

Vulcan Daigo!


"Berti let me do it!"

Schneider didn't dare to let Berti's small body catch that powerful ball.

His huge body was swinging an equally huge racket, which suddenly covered the ball.


"Fight back?!"

"Take it!"

Seeing the ball flying towards the corner at extremely fast speed, everyone thought they would definitely score.


But a low roar came out, and the scream that penetrated the skin made people feel frightened.

"Oh Duo, if you forget about me, that won't work."

The teleporting figure appeared in the opposite corner faster than the ball, and then he swung the racket and hit the ball back.



The too-fast swing also highlights his own presence.

Possessing the ultimate speed.

Qingfeng Dahui!

"This is the answer brought by omniscience and omnipotence."

With a vague smile, Kise and Niou answered in unison.

"Could it be."

For a moment, Berti's previous calmness was gone.

If we say that the combination of Niou and Kise is so versatile that it’s hard to know where to start.

The "Vulcan" and "Qingfeng" in front of me are terrifyingly powerful.

"Yes, that's right"

"They can do it."

"We can reproduce it naturally."

They spoke in unison again, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, they merged into one through the alternation of dance.

"Becoming a human being?"

"Who is that!"


With the help of "tricks", the strongest player came again.

"The green fire illuminates me."

"Can it be reproduced using the imitation phantom?"

"The two of them can do anything!"

Even their teammates were stunned by their performance, and even Kagami and Aomine admired them.

"Hey, stay with me for a while?"

With overlapping sounds, the fused person issued a joking invitation.

"Be careful, Schneider."

"That player"

There was no time to be careful, Berti could only inform Schneider of the danger of the other party.

"I know!"

Cold sweat began to fall. It was precisely because of his own strength that Schneider was able to appreciate the bottomless strength of the opponent.

There is obviously no imposing or oppressive feeling, but it makes people shudder when faced directly.


The serve was just hit, and then it was easily beaten by the opponent.

"That serve that shook the ground, he hit back without changing his expression!!"

"how come."


Compared with the performance of "Vulcan" and "Qingfeng" just now, the calm demeanor of the fused person further demonstrates its power.


The huge body twisted, and he swung the racket with both hands towards the ball.


But in everyone's sight, it is not the scene of the ball being hit back, but the scene of being penetrated with armed colors.


"Oh, I used a little too much strength."

"I didn't expect you wouldn't be able to take it like that."

"It's a little weaker than I expected."

With that unexpected expression, it's really hard to imagine how strong he is at this moment.

"Hoo, fly through the racket into the air, the clouds are pierced."

"If you ask me, this guy shouldn't exist at all."

"It's outrageous that Nioh and Kise can be recreated."

It was as if they were watching a performance by themselves, and the members of the Neon Team were also making comparisons while communicating.

"If you want to describe the fusion of Kagami and Aomine."

"That must be it."

"Strength itself."



The next time he hit the ball, he still achieved an overwhelming victory. The unknown fusion brought an unimaginable impact to the world.

"Your enlargement seems to be unable to touch my fusion at all."

Holding the ball and looking forward, he spoke affirmatively.

And next will be his solo serve game!


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