Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 678 27 students from 675 Junior High School! 10 high school students!

Chapter 678 675. 27 junior high school students! 10 high school students!

"Coach Mifune, is this a little too greedy?"

"After all, they broke a lot of rules, but they are a bunch of outright thorns."

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate to give more places like this."

Looking at the paper in front of him, Saito felt a little stunned.

The main reason was that the list in front of him required too many positions, which made him think that the young girl was too greedy. It was inevitable that high school students would become mentally unbalanced after seeing this.

"Do you think they follow the rules here?"

"It is true that a guy who cannot abide by the rules will not become a great person, but a guy who is bound by the rules will not become a great person either."

"It will be their time from now on. To put it bluntly, Byodoin and the others are more like members of the gang this time."

With a full wine gourd hanging around his waist, Mifune was speaking very seriously.

"Moreover, the changes in the world require the combat power of junior high school students to make up for it."

"Of course they account for the majority."

During this time, Byodo-in had already informed him of the future events, and Mifune naturally understood the importance of it.

Not to mention the relatively comprehensive talents of junior high school students, there are outstanding players in various fields, so it is worth picking up a few more for preparation.

"Although there is no upper limit on the number of players in this World Championship, it is just conducive to our performance."

"But such a disparity in the number of people is still a bit worrying."

In addition to requiring a minimum number of participants, officials did not give a specific number of upper limits.

But Saito and the others are worried about something else.

Only ten places are given to high school students, but more than twenty places are given to junior high school students.

If the strength of the junior high school students hadn't been convincing, it might have caused internal conflicts.

"No problem, those little devils know their position and role very well."

"I'll put the notice up later."

"Besides, we also have to prepare to go to the host venue."

But Mifune was not worried about whether there would be disputes between junior high school students and high school students. Based on their mutual experiences, Mifune would not take the initiative to find any trouble.

"so be it."

Takuchi Ryūji saw Mifune making his decision, and it was hard to refute it. Then he picked up the two lists on the table and walked out.

"Oh oh oh, I chose it!"

"Chitose, you're in there too!"

"Qianshi also went in."

On the bulletin board, junior high school students and high school students each received information.

"There are actually 27 junior high school students?"

"There are only 10 high school students here."

The difference in proportion is honestly shocking to the uninformed.

"I've been tricked, doctor."

"Yes, Professor."

"It seems that our coach is not satisfied with letting you and I stay in our seats peacefully."

Yanagi Renji and Inui Sadaharu naturally saw their names on the list and were surprised.

They thought they might go as a supporting assistant, but they didn't expect to be selected as a player.

The mood of the two of them was very subtle, but they were also inexplicably relieved.

Generally speaking, the two of them will not play in the game in the future. Being selected this time means that their trajectory has begun to change.

While feeling sad, I was also full of joy.

"The world?"


"Let's try it!"

The words spoken in unison almost made the people around them suspect that there was synchronicity.

"Why are there so many places for junior high school students?"

"This is too much!"

Compared with the middle school students who accepted it naturally, the high school students did not feel it so well.

After all, this list clearly favors junior high school students.

Why were 27 junior high school students selected, but only 10 high school students were selected? And they just gave it to the top ten in the army, and refused to give one more.

For those uninformed high school students, this is indeed a bit unacceptable.


"Okay, nothing to complain about."

"Since the coach posted this, it means that he has made a decision."

The ghost stood in front of the bulletin board and clapped his hands violently, then spoke in a deep voice.


"That's enough, there's no point in making noise here."

"And for us, ten people are just right."

Daqu fiddled with his hat, interrupting what others wanted to say.

"That's right. After all, it seems that there is no use in having more."

Kimijima looked at the names on the list, glanced at Tono who was sweating but couldn't help laughing and whispered.

His partner seems to have just missed the passing mark.

"It's so dangerous."

Tohno Atsukyo was selected into the list with the No. 9 pick. To be honest, he was only promoted in the past few days.

Fortunately, Kimijima broke some news for him, which caused him to double his training during this period. Even if he asked those junior high school students for guidance and training, he would not hesitate to improve. In the end, he defeated Kiritani and improved his rank. .

"Is this also what you are considering?"

The ghost turned his head and glanced at Ruijiang, and suddenly said.

"Looking at you, I can't help but want to do something."

"Once you feel separated from there, it's a little bit unacceptable."

There was a brilliance in his eyes that had never been seen before, and Irie's tone was full of seriousness.

In the original trajectory, he should not have been selected.

And this time, he was selected as the last member of the army as the No. 10.

"Hmph, it's rare that you are so motivated."

"You used to not care about anything, but now you have learned to take the initiative to fight for it."

"It's changed, Irie."

There was not even a moment of mourning for the defeat of Kiritani, the original No. 9, and Kaji Fuata, the original No. 10, was immediately replaced.

Compared to Tono Atsukyo's recent promotion, Irie eliminated Kaji earlier than him and was promoted to NO.10.

At first Tono Atsukyo planned to target him, but Kimijima stopped him with two words.

"If you want to lose your last chance, go find him."

"Irie Kanata, he is extremely eager to win now. It will not be easy to defeat him with your strength."

Oni is not the only one who can notice the change in Irie. After all, everyone knows who the original quota is, but with Kaji's defeat, everyone can see that Irie has become stronger.

In particular, his attitude towards playing is no longer the slow-paced "acting" and "it doesn't matter" like in the past, but he is fighting with the consciousness of "win even if he dies".

Kaji Fengta, who also had future experience, fell in the duel with him and was replaced.

It can only be said that the title of the so-called "Little Fuji Shusuke" has been confirmed.

"Sa, go back and get ready."

"It's time to get ready and head out to the field."

Byodoin doesn't care who will be selected. In his opinion, as long as he can win, it doesn't matter who he is.

What greeted him was the collective sound of high school students roaring in his ears.



One more chapter will come later.

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