Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 661 658 The third set! myth?

Chapter 661 658. The third set! myth?

"Tsk, I feel like I haven't played such a tiring game in a long time."

Sitting on the sidelines to rest, Byodoin wiped the sweat from his cheeks, his tone full of exhaustion.

"Doesn't this just mean that we still need to work hard, doesn't it?"

The ghost was also sweating profusely, but felt very fulfilled and satisfied.

The first game was purely about being suppressed by the opponent and it was difficult to fight back, while the second game was a real head-to-head confrontation with Kagami and Aomine.

Although they won the head-to-head confrontation, the consumption was indeed not that high.

In such an intense state, it wouldn't be surprising if he fell to the ground exhausted after the beating.

"Isn't it the same with opponents?"

Taneshima stood behind the two of them, turned his head and glanced at the other side before speaking.

"Hahaha, those boys in junior high school have already faintly surpassed us."

"It's so reassuring."

Hearing this, Ghost laughed heartily. He fully understood why he and Byodoin would desperately fight against Polk and Q·P in the exhibition match in the future.

With such a reliable junior here, it really doesn't matter if I just "play casually".

The bench is deep and you can do whatever you want

Even if the Neon team is now missing the two of them, it will not cause a lack of high-end combat power.

After all, there are several ministers like Akashi standing in front of them. These are at least four general-level players.

There is no more reliable teammate than this.

Not to mention seeing the unique skills of Kagami and Aomine now. When I think about the situation of others, the abundance of talents is really gratifying.

One can’t help but feel that “God helps me”.

(Other countries or junior high school students come to make up the numbers, run with them, and gain experience.)

(But Neon is different. The high school students here seem to be here to make up the numbers.)

(There are very few junior high school students dragged out who cannot be beaten)

It's no wonder that the people in the future feel as if they are facing a formidable enemy when they see them. Their talent base is really so strong, so strong that even the king of Germany becomes pale after hearing about it.

"about there."

"Let's go."

After looking at the time, Byodoin began to stand up, with Oni following closely behind.

"Can you win?"

"Sa, who knows."

Tokugawa's voice came from behind, but the one who responded to him was Onina shaking his head and sweating as he pondered.

"No matter what the result is, it will be better than the main game."

"Isn't it?"

The two tall bodies rushed to the court again.


Hearing this, Tokugawa just stared at the two of them, becoming more determined in his heart.

No matter what this year, he must surpass the two people in front of him and fulfill his promise with Atobe.

Become the number one high school student in neon

"I really surrendered to them. This makes me feel very guilty."

Irie sighed, and his heart, which had been silent all this time, began to waver.

"What's wrong? Is it possible that you have the fighting spirit?"

Kimishima turned to look at him, and then asked tentatively.


"Seeing them working hard despite being like that is really hard to calm down."

This is not a joke, but Irie's thoughts from the bottom of his heart.

A group of people are striving for the World Championship. If they are the ones, they will definitely win the championship, right?

If it is such an occasion, if you miss it, you will not only regret it for the rest of your life.

When I think of that kind of regretful scene, Irujiang feels regretful.

(Maybe I should learn from them and fight with all my strength.)

Precisely because of his mentality problem, although Irie has certain strength, he cannot be classified as one of the top ten in the army.

He is at No. 11, but he is always one step behind.

"If we change now, it's too late."

"Isn't that a matter of course?"

What responded to him was the decisive words of the surrounding groups.

As long as everything has a beginning, it will naturally change.

Stagnation is the biggest mistake


"Has the 30 minutes passed?"

Byodoin stretched out his arms, looked at the two people in front of him, and then spoke.

"It's passed, but he and I still don't want to use it at the moment."

"Yeah, I'm not even happy yet."

They were also sweating profusely, but Kagami and Aomine felt refreshed.

There is nothing more satisfying than meeting a powerful enemy.

Both he and Aomine are the kind of people who get happier the more they fight their opponents.

"Really, stubborn brats."

"If you don't want to use it, then I'll force you to use it!"

Without worrying about the aftermath, the ghost made a stern scolding sound.

"If you can do it, then do it!!"

Waiting for the serve, Vulcan said loudly with joy instead of anger.

"Kugami-kun and Aomine-kun seem to be on top."

Heizi on the sidelines looked at the subtle actions of the two, and then hesitated.

"Oh, the strength of their opponents has aroused their aggressiveness."

"However, that's just a hot-headed mentality. At the critical moment, they will still recall their original goal."

Akashi had nothing to worry about. Although Kagami and Aomine would make their own decisions many times, they would still abide by their agreements at important moments.

Anyway, there was enough time for them to experience it in the third set.


"Full power zone and restrictions lifted. Xiao Qingfeng is serious."

Facing Byodoin's serve, Aomine used all his strength to meet it.

The lightning that bounced around the venue looked very scary.

Aomine was even moving at extremely fast speeds.

"Soon is fast enough."

"But how powerful is it?"

The ghost caught the ball's landing point at a glance, and then swung it violently.


A sound like an explosion can be heard as the ball flies through the air.

"Oh oh oh!!"

Kagami shouted, holding the racket to protect it with his armor, and then charged forward.



At just the moment of contact, Vulcan's entire body was blown away, but the ball also bounced back.

“Really incredible explosive power”

Jumping up in the air, Byodoin looked at the Kagami lying on the ground and praised him.

He swung his racket and immediately hit a smash, and a huge shadow began to cast over the court.

"Aomine. Take it!"

There was no time to get up, but Vulcan shouted to him.

"Really, you don't need to tell me, I will follow."

Looking at the huge light hitting the ball, Aomine didn't panic at all, but whispered.

"Give me a helping hand"


As if calling something, a figure appeared behind him.

A bright circle of light began to surround itself, eventually turning into a point of light.


"Is it too much for one person?"

The ball was too fast and even more powerful than imagined. When the ghost tried to catch it, he also realized the effectiveness of the ball attached to it.

(My seamlessness is being cut.)

(Is it an invalid effect?)

The Yin Yin body felt the weakening power, and the ghost judged the secret.

(Not only that, my power was also added to it.)

Through the synchronicity, Byodo-in can also feel the touch of ghosts.

"Tsk, what a bunch of difficult brats."

The bodies of ghosts and gods began to expand, and huge shadows appeared on the ground, as if they were trying to cover the sky and the sun.

In everyone's field of vision, the ghost's other dimension appeared half-length in the air, looking so powerful.

The huge ghost carried the weapon in his hands and chopped down, as if he was going to cut the stadium in half.


"not that simple!"

The ball was hit back, Vulcan had already stood up, raging flames enveloped his body, lightning exploded, and the holy beast appeared here. He jumped up with the racket in front, roaring at the huge ghost and god.

Looking at this scene, people watching have only one feeling.

"Like a fairy tale."

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