Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 468 467 Losing temper!

Chapter 468 467. Losing your temper!


"Oh, teenager, what's wrong?"

"Could it be that I dreamed of a beautiful woman at night and was obsessed with it?"

There were still twenty days before the opening of the Kanto Tournament. Ryoma, who had nightmares at night, finally decided to lose face and go find his all-powerful father.

There was nothing he could do, he was really "tortured".

In the past few days, I was exhausted just from training during the day. I had to be "chased" by my white self at night, which was really difficult to deal with.

It was difficult for him to persist for so long.

But as soon as he found Nanjiro, who was lying on the board and pulling the rope with his feet to ring the bell, the first words he said made his face darken.

He hoped that the dream was a good dream, but unfortunately the "white dragon horse" didn't look like a good person.

During this period of time in his dream, he finally realized what world-class strength was.

He was beaten so hard that he couldn't even fight back.

Huge White Light Strike, Seamless Clothes, Samurai Dimension, Nine-Headed Dragon Flash.

A lot of skills or skills that he couldn't resist came swarming at him. Even if he had the impression of these moves, he was not qualified now and couldn't stop them at all.

As a result, he was knocked out of his dreams by "White Dragon Horse" every time.

He never had an advantage once

No, let alone the advantage, I didn't even win a single point.

To be honest, Ryoma was really suffocated.

So much so that during the club training during the day, he would get a little "crazy" and irritable.


It can only be said that he was really desperate and had no other choice, so he came to Nanjiro.

If other people encountered this kind of thing, they would definitely think that they were overthinking.

After all, I dream about playing ball with others, and if I tell anyone about it, it would be a joke.

But Ryoma is different. His brain nerves are abnormal at certain times.

In the theatrical version, after Ryoma realized that he had traveled through time, he was able to openly tell Tezuka about it and seek help from him.

He really dared to talk about many mysterious things.


"What, I thought you would definitely hold it back and not say anything."

But Nanjiro's reaction was beyond Ryoma's imagination.

Although it was still as "ridiculous" as he remembered, the attitude expressed surprised him.

(Already known?)

With such doubts, Ryoma looked at Nanjiro in confusion, not even paying attention to what the other party was laughing at.

On the contrary, he was very curious, how did Nanjiro know about such a mysterious thing?

"Hey, you don't understand adults' things."

"You're not even close yet."

He stood up from the clock platform, walked down, pressed Ryoma's head with his hand, and in the face of the other party's disgusted eyes, Nanjiro said leisurely.

Unless you are someone who has deep contact with other dimensions, it is impossible to react to that strange aura.

Nanjiro only felt it based on his rich experience in the past.

Otherwise, ordinary players would not notice the strange aura on Ryoma's body.


"So tell me how to deal with that guy in the dream!"

Curling his lips in displeasure, Ryoma did not ask how he discovered it, but wanted to know how to deal with the hidden "enemy".

“It’s very simple”

"Just beat him with a tennis ball."

"Does this need to be said?"

But unexpectedly, Nanjiro's few short words immediately stunned Ryoma.

"Don't rush to refute me yet."

"If the opponent is yourself, wouldn't it be easier to win?"

"Or do you think your opponent is stronger than you?"

"How can someone born from your spirit be stronger than you in person?"

Before he could say anything, Nanjiro's next words silenced him.

"Don't think too highly of your opponents."

"It's always you."

Pointing to his head, Nanjiro reminded with a slight smile.


Frowning, Ryoma could only vaguely feel that Nanjiro's words were not that simple.

"The rebellious period is unique to teenagers"

He turned around and walked towards the inner court, leaving only a slight word.

(Always me.myself?)

Recalling what Nanjiro said before, Ryoma began to think.

After such a reminder, he seemed to have figured out something.

(if it is like this)

(That makes sense.)

After roughly understanding what happened, Ryoma's eyes flashed with a strange light.



In the middle of the night, Ryoma, who had obviously fallen asleep long ago, came to the huge stadium in his dream this time.

I don’t know how many times this was the first time I came here. Ryoma looked at the fluttering flags of many countries and already recognized where this place was.

The venue of the World Championship Finals!

The reason why such a stage appears is undoubtedly caused by the memory of the future self.

In other words, the scene in the memory was used by "White Dragon Horse".

Even though there is no one here now, without any spectators or other players, there is no doubt that this is the event that Ryoma has experienced in the future.


The familiar light ball struck from the front, and Ryoma was able to deal with it calmly at this moment.


The golden light ball flickered, and Ryoma used the same technique to hit it back.

Sweet spot technology.

He has already mastered this technique that requires microscopic observation of the tapping area.

Now it's not a big problem trying to hit light shots.

"come yet?"

But then, he saw a strange radiance starting to emanate from the "White Dragon Horse".

Pure white light shrouded the surroundings, and his movements sped up a lot in an instant.


"If you don't realize this, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat you in my life?"

Looking at the tennis ball flying in front of him quickly, Ryoma felt the weakness of his body, but he didn't waver in any way.

Instead, with a calm attitude, he used the sweet spot to hit the ball back in the future.


This ball, Bailongma rarely missed and lost a point.

"You're just using his memory, experience, and appearance."

"That's not your thing at all."

"How about showing your true face?"

The white brilliance had dissipated, and even the terrifying aura it had before was no longer there.

Ryoma stared at him with calm eyes, and said solemnly.

The white figure began to crumble, as if its body disintegrated, and finally a pitch-black shadow was revealed.


When he saw the other person's face clearly, Ryoma didn't know how to describe it.

Because this player has no definite shape at all.

In other words, except for the hand that looked like it was holding a racket, all other parts were obscured by blurry shadows, making it impossible to see what kind of creature was inside.


"People in different dimensions can also get angry and so on."

"I'm really far behind."

PS: Make up for yesterday’s...

I went to bed at six o'clock, but woke up at half past one in the morning.

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