Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 362: 361 Tie-break!

Chapter 362 361. Tie-break!

The king is lonely.

The significance of Li Akashi itself lies in the extreme specialization of singles performance.

The Eye of the Emperor of Heaven is the best proof

He doesn't need to rely on anyone or cooperate with anyone..

Your own strength is the foundation of your foothold.

Even in the world of the black basket, he never thought of collaborating with the former miracles before he disappeared.


He's not fit to play team sports!

And in this world, because of the yearning for the pinnacle of the world and the desire to chase Bai Jin, "he" was born at the time of life and death.

If it was said that Akashi would only be born in a similar different dimension, but it became like this because of other factors interfering.

If you really want to describe it, it may be that the "concept" in the impression given by a certain white hair subconsciously in a seamless state was mixed in when it was born.

Finally, a living different dimension is formed.

Another Emperor Akashi!



In the arena, there were no more bells and whistles, but a one-on-one confrontation between Tezuka and Rikashi.

"What's going on, Akashi's actions are completely different from before."

Don't mention how surprised Kikumaru was. Even though he was at a disadvantage just now and Tezuka was chasing him crazily, why is he suddenly able to play with Tezuka at this moment?

"Unable to understand."

Even Gan Sadaharu couldn't find anything from it, and Ri Akashi's sudden change made people completely clueless.

"He seems to have realized the meaning of his own existence."

"And unlock the power that has not been used all this time."

Looking at Ri Akashi's performance, Fuji felt the same feeling.

In the past, he was always "half-handed" because he couldn't be attached to winning or losing.

But even so, he can still beat most of the players until he meets those geniuses.

After knowing his true thoughts and attitude towards tennis, Fuji completed his transformation and reached an unprecedented level.

Akashi is the same

Abandoning the connection with Omo Akashi and focusing on oneself

And made a declaration of "no need for companions"

Win alone, that's what he's for

After understanding this, Richaji gained his own power

Overlord power!

If Tezuka used the seamless domain to achieve all-round strength, then Akashi relied on the power of the "overlord" to reach his apex.

The current Ri Akashi has truly surpassed the limit.


Hitting the ball back, Tezuka watched Akashi's movements, and he ran to the corner under the opponent's volley.


As soon as the ball was hit back, Akashi hit the tennis ball to the other side. Tezuka subconsciously wanted to turn around and chase the ball, but his body stopped consciously.



The ball was ejected diagonally, and Akashi looked at the stopped Tezuka, knowing that his body instinctively stopped the action.

"If you tried to chase the ball just now"

"Then it's down."

The seamless field is quite tricky to deal with on your own, and Akashi himself has already set the usual "ankle terminator" trap there.

But unfortunately, Tezuka didn't work at all.

His body will subconsciously avoid this concealment method.

"Then let's hold on till the end."

Tezuka laughed, not caring about the lost point and feeling happy about the current situation.

This kind of confrontation with strong players of the same age is exactly what he has been looking forward to.

Since last year, the desire to become stronger and confrontation has not changed.

"Just what I want."

"As an opponent, there is nothing more suitable!"

Ri Akashi was equally happy with Tezuka's appearance.

It is because of him that I realized the true meaning, otherwise Ri Akashi might have been lost for a longer time.



The body is constantly running, and the two sides are fighting each other with all their strengths.




"That's... zero stroke?"

"Tezuka really knows how to do it!"

In the end, in front of Tezuka's volley, the ground tennis ball rolled back and scored.

(The use of moves is becoming more and more handy.)

Ri Akashi walked back to the baseline and waited for Tezuka to serve, knowing that Tezuka could hit all kinds of tricky shots.

"But... I won't let you end the game as you wish!"

Even though he mastered the power of "Overlord" for the first time, Ri Akashi has no intention of admitting defeat.

"It's just like the old competitions"

"It's just the process is reversed."

Momoi wasn't worried about the outcome of this match either. In her opinion, Akashi had already gained enough, which was an extremely precious thing.

"Feng Shui Turns"

At that time, it was Ri Akashi who pushed Tezuka into a desperate situation and asked Tezuka to turn on the Zone to fight back. Just when he was about to win, Omo Akaji intervened to reverse the victory.

And this time the process is similar, but the result is not necessarily the same

Because both Tezuka and Akashi are no longer as weak as they were in the competition last year.

They all have the ability to change "fate"





"Ah ah!"


Constantly attacking and defending, the two sides built a fierce confrontation.


"This game was won by Teikou Akashi."



"These two"

"It started all of a sudden"

It was a prolonged war without warning

Even being dragged into a tie-break doesn't stop






After scoring a goal with one goal, Ri Akashi was no longer as comfortable as before, but was sweating and panting.


There were drops of water on his cheeks, and it was not easy for Tezuka to stare at Akashi in front of him.

The cyan brilliance has appeared and disappeared from time to time, and is no longer maintained as it was at the beginning.

"To the limit"

"It's no wonder, after all, both sides are in high-intensity confrontation"

"To be honest, they can persist until such a point before they start to get tired. Their physical strength is amazing."

The onlookers had shouted for countless times, but they still didn't see any tendency to stop.

"Wow, to be honest, I don't even know who can win."

Kikumaru didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and stared at the two on the court.

"The game has reached a point where no one can see through"

Fuji opened his eyes, stared at Tezuka, and then murmured in a low voice.

"I've never seen such a red boy before."

"Are you fighting alone?"

"He looks stronger when he fights alone."

That was not a joke, but an impression from the actual physical sensation.

You know, before confronting Tezuka, it was only possible to suppress the opponent with the power of the pendulum.

Once there is no pendulum, Tezuka can easily suppress Akashi under normal circumstances.

And now Ri Akashi, relying on his own strength alone, can fight Tezuka inextricably.

That's quite an astonishing performance

Rich Akashi can be regarded as mastering the state of competing with him.

"The power of the overlord."

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