Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 334: 333 The blocked road! Alaya knowledge!

Chapter 334 333. The Blocked Road! Alaya knowledge!


With the help of the power of "Unknown Nine-headed Dragon Flash (light hitting the ball)", Akutsu regained another round.

"It's ridiculous."

"Is this considered to be backlashed?"

Holding the tennis ball and preparing to serve, Atobe glanced at the energetic Akutsu and said in a low voice.

If he continued to play at this pace, he might really be forced to be embarrassed.

In any case, he still misestimated Akutsu's strength.

I thought it would be enough to take out the "Time and Space of Ice".

I didn't expect Yakujin to have such a strong offensive ability.

But this can't be blamed on Atobe. After all, even if Akashi, Tezuka, and Yukimura were present at this time, it would not be any better if they couldn't find some targeted skills in time.

It can only be said that Yakujin's move is full of strength.

"However, if you continue to let it go, it will only make the situation worse."

"Just solve it quickly and neatly."

After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, Atobe finally decided not to hold back.

If the game is lost, there is no point in keeping the last resort.


Looking at Atobe with his eyes closed, Akutsu frowned, and he felt that Atobe's momentum had changed.

If it was full of publicity before, it is now in a restrained state.

As if something is brewing.

The captivating light flickered in his eyes, Atobe opened his eyes, looked directly at Akutsu, and then he threw the ball up.

"Hmph, Atobe Kingdom is useless to me when attacking!"

A familiar feeling came, and Yajiujin knew that it was the eyesight to see through the dead corners of the body, and his body began to move suddenly, splitting into avatars to avoid blind spots and be captured.

"And now will be the time for me to fight back!"

Witnessing the ball flying in front of him, Akutsu tried to hit "No Miknow·Nine Headed Dragon Flash (light shot)" again.

He firmly believes that as long as he hits out, he will definitely score, even if Atobu uses "Ice Time and Space", it is meaningless.

In fact it is.

But this time there was an accident.

When he maintained his previous posture and slashed and slashed, there was a shocking scene.


The moment the ball touched the ball frame, a hole broke out directly, so that he couldn't hit it.



After the referee declared the score, everyone saw that Akutsu failed to hit that crucial blow because of the damage to the racket.

"That is.?"

It looks like an accident happened, but many people feel that there is something strange.

"what have you done?"

Akutsu glanced at the racket with a gap in his hand, looked at Atobe and asked.

He is very sure that the racket was not damaged due to quality problems, but because of something Atobe did.

"Sa, don't you know if you try again?"

Atobe sold a pass, half raised his head and smiled.

"whispering sound"

Seeing that Atobe didn't explain, Akutsu curled his lips angrily, and then went outside to change a new racket.

"That move is indeed very strong, but at the same time it has high requirements for posture, power, and ball control."

"Once the balance is broken, Akutsu cannot be used."

Fuji itself is the developer of moves, and he is very clear about the conditions for a move to be used.

Wuwuzhi · Nine-headed Dragon Flash (light hitting the ball) is the strongest offensive method?

At present, there is no way to crack it, so as long as he can't type it out.

It will be very difficult to destroy Akutsu's own posture, and the response to the racket is the simplest and clearest.

Although they don't know how Atobe does it, this is the best way.






"This round is won by the Ice Empress Division!"



But the next three goals completely exceeded people's expectations.

Akutsu's racket was broken three more times, damaging the racket frame, resulting in unsuccessful moves.


"The most notable thing about Atobe is his eyes."

As a player of the same type, Akashi sensed Atobe's "tricks" and said.

"Oh? Is Akutsu's racket damage related to Atobe's eyes?"

"It's impossible for him to destroy Akutsu's racket with his eyes, right?"

Kise didn't quite understand the secret, so he turned around and asked.

"Is it a weakness?"

Bai Jin turned his head to look at Akashi, and then spoke.


"Should be like that"

Compared to the confusion of the crowd, Akashi and Baijin seem to know something.

"Atobe. He."

"The ability to see the weakness of anything!"

(Won't give you a chance to play it again. Even if the weakness is visible, it's very difficult to deal with.)

(In this case, you will never be able to type it out)

(The upper frame is more fragile)

(If you try to fight back, you will definitely choose here)

A strange light flickered in the pupils of the eyes, and Atobe had an insight into the "defect" of the racket in Akutsu's hand.



As Atobe thought, the moment Akutsu tried to catch the ball, the racket was cut open again, causing the ball to bounce out of bounds, causing him to lose another point.


This inexplicable picture is really eye-opening.


(it's useless)


(No matter how many times you try, you can never avoid my eyes.)

Compared with the gorgeous duels before, these few confrontations seem unpretentious.

Atobe even easily reached the end point


Seeing Akutsu's indignant expression, Atobe remained silent.

Others may not know that the strongest thing about him after exercise is not his physical stats or moves.

It's these "ice eyes" that can see through weaknesses.

When you start playing with this vision, once you target the weak point, everything will be broken at the touch of a button.

It can be said to be a veritable "weak point break".

(As long as it is something that can see the weakness.)

(Even if it is a god, I will defeat it for you!)

Thinking of this, Atobe revealed his strongest strength.

Originally, these eyes were intended to be saved to deal with other ministers, but Akutsu's too strong strength forced him to expose them in advance.

It can only be said that the player Yakutsu is too strong.

"Damn it!"

When the last ball hit, Akutsu's eyes were wide open. He had a hunch that if he tried to play again, the racket would be damaged again, and he would lose the game.

In desperation, he tried to take that step.



"Ler me get through!!"

In the space full of light, Akutsu was blocked by the electric current and could not take a step forward.

"The guy named Byodoin has passed, why don't you let me pass!!"

Gritting his teeth, Ajiujin knew what was blocking him, and he shouted angrily.

In the depths of the "spiritual consciousness" hides a more complete and stronger ability than no consciousness

Akutsu knew it.

But "Zone", a conscious guy, refused to let him experience that power in the past.


Still being blocked, Akutsu really had no choice.

He had met a person named Byodoin here before, but others passed by unimpeded, but he was stopped.

But now being forced to such an extent by Atobe, he just wants to turn defeat into victory with the help of the power in the depths.

As long as he gets that ultimate "throwing tile", he believes that he will be able to break the deadlock.

The name of the superior who hides ignorance.

Alaya knowledge!

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