Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 332: 331 The strongest skill! No knowledge of the nine-headed dragon flash (light hit the ba

Chapter 332 331. The Strongest Skill! No Unknowing · Nine-headed Dragon Flash (Light Hit the Ball)!



The sound of the ball being hit back sounded, and Akutsu's expression was full of anger.

Atobe's "Hydrospace" and Shiratsu's "The World" are full of special attacks on fastballs.

Even though Yakujin was able to sublimate the Nine-headed Dragon Flash with the help of Wuwuzhi's power, he was still restrained.

"Just that is not enough"

With a fixed gaze, Yajiujin's eyes became fierce.

He decided to make that move.

"Let's do it for ourselves!"

"Trace Department."

As a reminder, Akutsu will serve.


Atobe was surprised for a while when he heard Akutsu's cry.

But its action did not stop.

The eyes searched for the dead corner of Yakujin's body, and at the same time, he was alert to the opponent's counterattack.


Akutsu, who is constantly moving, changes the dead angle of his body. Even Atobe can only hit the ball to the trajectory that may have a dead angle.

"Looking good!"

"This is my strongest move!"

Yajiujin's figure appeared again, and seven clones filled his field, and they all made an action at the same time.

"Are you going to fight Wuwuwuju Nine-headed Dragon Flash again?"

"It doesn't matter how many times you try!"

Subconsciously thinks that Akutsu is still not giving up, and Atobe is ready to use the power of "Time and Space of Ice" to deal with it at any time.

"Could it be Akutsu!"

"Hey! Qianshi, he's going to make that move!"

Sengoku and Haizaki, who were sitting on the chairs, seemed to know something, and their expressions changed in shock.

"What's wrong?"

The teammates on the side didn't understand why the two of them looked so pale.

"That's Akutsu's masterpiece!"

"If you really type it out."

Biting his thumb, Qianshi was also worried about what would happen later.

In his opinion, that move was too dangerous.

It can be said that it is a move developed by gathering all of Akutsu.

No Unknowing · Nine-headed Dragon Flash (Light Hit the Ball)!

Sengoku and Haizaki were fortunate to have seen that trick before.

Its power is terrifying.

Huge destructive power and unparalleled speed!

A super shot that combines the best of both worlds!

The most important thing is this is a multiple ball!

Imagine that the light hitting the ball has the characteristics of "super speed", which itself carries "huge destructive power", and multiple players appear in an instant and then cooperate with Wuwuzhi. What kind of picture will it be?

This is absolutely impossible in normal times.

Because there are too many conditions required! And it's not easy.

One is the ability to play nine-headed dragon flash

The second is to be able to hit the ball

The third is the power of unconsciousness

The last thing is to have a meticulous ball control technique that can integrate light hitting into the nine-headed dragon flash!

None of these conditions are easy to achieve.

But Akutsu insisted on completing it in a harsh environment

From this we can see how terrifying his talent and talent are, and how lucky he is to possess so many rare conditions at the same time.

It can be said that it is the strongest killing move in his hands.


Shouting angrily, Akutsu swung his racket and slashed towards the ball.

No Unknowing · Nine-headed Dragon Flash (Light Hit the Ball)! !


At that moment, even Atobe was shocked.

"The Time and Space of Ice!!"

At the moment when the ball flew across the net at an extremely fast speed, Atobe came back to his senses and immediately launched that move.

The golden ball of light was divided into several parts and stopped in the air.

Each one possesses unparalleled destructive power

Even Atobe has to treat such a ball with caution.

"Non-ignorant nine-headed dragon flashing ball."

"He really dares to do it!"

Bai Jin was in the auditorium, watching Ajiujin's move, and was amazed.

Even though he had a strange mind, he never considered such a combination.

Unconscious power makes the trajectory of the ball impossible to figure out.

The nine-headed dragon flash itself has super fast speed and has also increased the multiple trajectories without knowledge.

At the same time, the integration of light hitting the ball has increased the purity of the moves by at least two levels.

Ordinary light hitting the ball itself has arbitrarily destructive power, and with the blessing of the nine-headed dragon flash, it is not an exaggeration to say that that power has been strengthened several times.

Complementing each other, this is really a three-in-one combination that forms the strongest offensive skills!


"My mind just went blank, I didn't know how to return that kind of shot."

After Kise understood the principle, his heart was filled with amazement.

Even an optimist like him knows how scary the doorway is.

Even if he uses a perfect double imitation, he may not be able to reproduce this feat.

"How could his brain develop such a move?"

Ziyuan's lazy voice sounded, also full of curiosity.

This kind of ball. Theoretically speaking, it shouldn't have appeared at all.

"Hey, it's pretty good"

Aomine's eyes lit up, and he grabbed his hair and wished he could switch places with Atobe on the court.

"Suddenly fast power balls. And there are plural."

"Even if you have the sweet spot technology, you can't fight back this kind of enhanced light shot?"

Midorima observed carefully, and then came to a conclusion.

"Ah, because not only the power has become stronger, but also the excessive speed and countless ball paths have been added."

"You can see through one, two and three."

"But definitely can't see all the balls"

"Not to mention dealing with the multiplied destructive power contained within."

Akashi nodded, also affirming Midorima's statement.


"I can only try to get them out of bounds."

"And it will take many tries to make it all"

"That's the shot I really can't hit right now."

Facing Fuji's inquiry, Tezuka directly interrupted his words.

"Oh? Even you, Tezuka, can only do this?"


The voices of teammates sounded, and none of them expected that even Tezuka would give such an evaluation.

"Hmph, Akutsujin."

Sanada stared at the contestant with a fierce expression on the field, completely remembering his name.


"Even our ministers were surprised"

"Speaking of which, I've felt weird since just now."

"My lord, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, just explaining the game to the minister in the Zone. Deputy Minister Sanada also knows."

"Isn't it too convenient for you?"


"Is it the beast's dying counterattack?"

Atobe looked at the group of photospheres that stopped in front of him, and was thinking.

He naturally knew what Tezuka and others thought of.

So even if he freezes the ball, he is in a dilemma.

Even if ignorance creates redundant ball paths, there are actually "nine" nine-headed dragon flashes.

The time and space of ice can weaken the power of the future ball a lot, but the problem is that the combination of the nine-headed dragon flash and the light hit ball is far beyond the ordinary version of the light hit ball.

Hitting back one by one, even with Atobe's current physical fitness, it may not be possible to do it.

Yakutsu looked at the group of photospheres that had stopped, and said to Atobe with a sneer.

"Even if you stop the ball! As long as you can't hit it back, it's meaningless!"

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