Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 306 305 Soul Energy MAX!

Chapter 306 305. Soul Energy MAX!


Sitting at home, Tezuka seemed to have noticed something, he put down the book he was reading, and looked up at the sky outside the eaves.

When he faintly saw a wing in front of his eyes, he probably understood what happened, and then he opened the book again as if nothing had happened, and then read the previous paragraph.

"What is that guy doing again?"

Atobe stayed in the academy, and just as he was walking on the road, he experienced the oppressive atmosphere.

Turning his head to look in one direction, even though he couldn't see the whole body, he knew it wasn't a joke.

"Tch, so it is indeed wise for the organizers of the national competition to plan to build the new stadium in another place."

"People like us don't seem to be welcome in a bustling city."

He closed his eyes and looked around in the space of the Zone. When he knew that there was nothing wrong, Atobe didn't bother to investigate.


Severe wind pressure was blowing, and a stone floated from the front and rushed towards Atobe's face.


Seeing that the stone was about to reach the bridge of the nose, Atobe remained unmoved.

And the next moment a surprising scene appeared, the moment the stone was about to hit, it suddenly stopped in the air.


As if nothing happened, Atobe turned around and walked towards the school with one hand in his pocket, and then snapped his fingers with the other hand.

The stone that stopped just now immediately moved again and hit the wall not far away.

"Isn't that the different-dimensional incarnation from the last time I played against you?"

"That's right, but I didn't realize the power of "His" at that time."

Byodoin was no stranger to this new giant, and turned to look at Long Ya, who shook his shoulders with a look of indifference.

"It's more imposing, it is undoubtedly the incarnation of ghosts and gods that surpass me."

"This kid is really making a fuss."

With his arms crossed, Ghost showed a gratified expression. As an opponent, that kid is a terrible player, but as a teammate, he is quite reliable.

"Wait. Isn't the power of another dimension a person can only have one kind of?"

Sweat dripped down Lin Xiu's face, he turned his head and asked in puzzlement.

Keith was also puzzled. Following the team's expeditions, he saw that there were not many players with different dimensions.

But I have never seen a tennis player who can have two different-dimensional avatars.

"After all, it is the power to awaken after corresponding cultivation and harsh suffering."

"For normal people, that's probably it."

"But for this guy, it cannot be described with common sense."

Counting the red sky-covering dragon and the golden figure just now, the opponent has already displayed three different-dimensional incarnations.

In his hands, the power that ordinary people can't meet is like money in his pocket, and he can take it out at will.

Few people can remain calm while witnessing this phenomenon.

"There are multiple different dimensions"

Kan Retru blinked and remained silent for a long time, as if he saw something that broke his concept.

He has been a coach for so many years, but he has never seen this picture.

I tried to take out the mobile phone in my pocket to make a record, but found that the screen had begun to produce blurred screen and could not be used.

"It seems that we really underestimated him."

Polke frowned, feeling the astonishing breath and said.

He could sense that the blue giant above the city was definitely not a good match.

Throughout the years of playing tennis, I have never encountered such an incarnation of oppression.

But now I actually realized it as a bystander.


After discovering his trembling, Q.P's expression changed slightly. It was the first time that he could experience the feeling of danger from a different-dimensional avatar.

Especially after entering the ultimate quality, there are very few threats worthy of vigilance.

But now his body is frantically conveying bad news.


After hitting the ball back, he still intends to test out the depth of the opponent.

He didn't think the young opponent could control such a powerful force of another dimension.


The crimson arrogance has dissipated, only mixed with blue brilliance.

phantom power

The momentum went straight to the sky, and Bai Jin swung the racket head-on for the first time and easily returned Q·P's shot.


"Strike back!!"

Seeing that Bai Jin actually hit the ball back, Q·P tried to catch it.


But at the moment when the racket touched, he realized that he still didn't seem to be cautious enough.

Violent vibrations came continuously from the surface of the racket, which was no less powerful than his.

"What's wrong."

"Where did the calmness go?"

Seeing the slightly changed face of the other party, Bai Jin knew that Q·P was not at peace.

Colossus of Obelisk.

The phantom god power he bestows is different from Sky Dragon's kind that only carries lightning bombs and superconducting wave thunder cannons.

In addition to God Fist Smash and Soul Energy MAX, the Giant God Soldier itself can give the holder a huge blessing of pure power.

It is no exaggeration to say that Bai Jin has directly transformed into a "strength player".

That's why he can easily catch Q·P's ball

If you have improved in terms of strength, then you don't have to worry about anything, just confront the opponent head-on.



Only after two goals were confronted, Q·P had the idea of ​​avoiding.

The strength of the opponent is above him.

Although it is a bit unbelievable to say this, it is the truth.

Every time he catches a ball, the arm will bear too much burden. After judging that he cannot play a protracted game, he changed his style of play.




"Obviously you have achieved the ultimate quality, but are you still afraid of confronting people head-on?"

Seeing that Q·P hit the baseline ball aimed at the corner, Bai Jin said while holding the racket.

as he expected

The ultimate quality achieved by absorbing three seamless

It's just a super-large "hexagonal warrior".

Once you encounter an opponent with stronger individual ability, gaps will also be exposed.

"It's an exaggeration to say it's perfect."


With a sarcasm, Bai Jin's expression also became serious.


Q.P still didn't answer, but was preparing for the next serve.

He saw through Baijin's state. Although his strength had improved tremendously, his other attributes couldn't match that "strange strength" at all.

"Are you thinking right now, I just can't catch or react to your shots?"

"As long as I can't catch the ball, no matter how strong it is, it doesn't matter?"

With a sneer, Bai Jin still looked very calm.

"Don't forget, I was fighting you in the first place."

"If you want to use your speed to pull me, then you have to consider whether you can stand safely when you can't avoid it."

That short sentence made everyone else startled.

"Could it be...?"

Kan Retru frowned, and suddenly thought of a terrifying thing.

The crimson arrogance burst out again, but compared to the first time, this time the breath was suffocating.

Realm King Fist + Phantom God Power

"Do you think you can catch my ball now?"

In the state of double buffs, no one else can imagine how terrifying his ball will be.

"Don't let him touch the ball! Q·P!"

Can Retrou could see that they had indeed provoked a very good junior high school student.

The current form is very serious. With the batting in that state, it is difficult for Can Retrou to imagine that someone can go on without incident.

"I didn't expect that the middle school students of Nihong would have such a strong player."

Polk was silent for a while, and finally had to admit that this was a player that was enough to put the German team on guard.

Although it is three years before this junior high school student participates in the World Championships, at that time there will definitely be a huge threat to Germany.

Three years from now, he will be unimaginably strong.

Even Polk didn't dare to say that he could suppress this enchanting junior high school student three years later.


Realizing what kind of situation he was about to face, Q.P hesitated for a while.

He really didn't expect that he would be forced to such an extent by an unknown middle school student.

But for the trust in the ultimate quality, he finally hit the serve.

The ball bounced at an extremely fast speed, but Bai Jin was able to react and chase after it, and then swung his racket violently.


People around even felt their ears hurt from the shock.

Even the air exploded, and the flowing air flow scattered around as if being squeezed.

To accept or not to accept?

This question arose for the first time in the consciousness of Q·P.

He has never had such emotional fluctuations in any game.

You must know that in the past, no matter what situation he faced, he was known for his calmness.

But there is a saying that is true, you can keep your face unchanged, but the things you encounter are not enough to make you panic. Once you exceed the upper limit of your ability and understanding, you will also have other emotions.

In the end, Q.P still chose to catch the ball

But the truth is far more cruel than he imagined.


The ball was even a little short of touching the racket, and before he could use any strength, the racket exploded in the air, as if it had been blasted, and the shattered sawdust even scratched his cheek with bloodstains.


The bouncing ball broke a huge hole in the rear barbed wire, as if it was pierced by something.


"Who once announced to the world that he wants to become the god of tennis?"

"Can you tell me now?"

"What kind of god are you going to be?"

Seeing the embarrassment of the other party, Bai Jin was carrying the racket, and his hair was shaking with the wind pressure.

With his current five-dimensional power, it is impossible to completely suppress Q·P with just the power of Realm King Fist or Phantom God.

But when the two are used together, the power is not as simple as doubling.

Originally, he didn't want to use the two states together, but if Q.P wants to avoid it and play speed, don't blame him for being merciless.

"That's what happens when you catch the ball over your shoulder."

"You are too... arrogant!"

Looking at the other party's hanging arm, Bai Jin could only marvel at the impermanence of the world.

The ghost in the drama was broken by a ball from Q.P

Q.P. was done by him here in the same way.

It can only be said that the way of heaven is good in reincarnation, and Feng Shui takes turns


Can Retru looked at Q.P's blood-stained arm, and stood up abruptly. His previous calm attitude disappeared completely, and he panicked for the first time.

He didn't expect that it was just a match against junior high school students, and even if Q.P was at a disadvantage, he was even injured!

This is simply a great irony.

"What's wrong? Do you want to continue?"

Looking at Q.P's raised hand, Bai Jin asked again.

"So that's the case, maybe this is the so-called desperate situation?"

Q·P didn't feel pain from the arm injury, but instead had a new sense of himself who was at a disadvantage.

He had never experienced such a situation since he was trained.

In the past, he could only see his opponent persevering in front of him, and he never understood the purpose of that meaningless struggle.

But now, he seemed to understand something.

That is seeking the possibility of "winning"!


He walked to the seat outside the court and took out a new racket with the other hand. Regardless of Can Retrou's obstruction, he stood on the court again.

"Although it feels weird to say that."

"But it seems like the next ball will decide the game."

Long Ya supported her chin with one hand, but showed a dumbfounding expression.

"This seems to be the second round, right?"

"That's right, the fourth ball of the second inning begins."

"Counting the previous innings and the ball to be played now, that means only eight balls were played."

"It's not a game at all, it's like a tie-break"

"Isn't it a little too late to wait for it now?"

Looking at Q.P's expression and attitude, Bai Jin would not sympathize with anything. Since the other party chose to continue playing, it was his own choice.


Q·P really managed to serve with one hand, and the power is not weak.

"You can still do that serve with one hand."

"Terrible fellow."

Keith frowned, seeing Q·P's situation, surprised at his strength.

But before anyone else could speak, they sensed something was wrong.


"His breath is soaring"

"what happened?"

A dangerous warning sounded from the depths of their hearts, and everyone turned their attention to Bai Jin.

"This is the first time I have played violently."


"Don't die!"

The aura of the Realm King Fist has dissipated, and the only thing left is the power of the phantom god.


"The Blue Giant"

"What is he absorbing?"

Lin Xiu was obviously not in the game, but he felt creepy. He pointed to the air with one hand, which attracted everyone's attention.

I saw the giant above the city, and new bodies appeared on the left and right sides.

The golden phantom and the red dragon were absorbed into the body, and the giant with a blue body showed red and warm skin like steam.

"He absorbed other different-dimensional incarnations?!!!"

"Not good!! This power."

"Pick up the racket!"

"Hey, hey, this is no joke!"

"I have goosebumps"

Soul energy MAX

It was a move to maximize the ability of the Obelisk Colossus by sacrificing two sacrifices.

It can be called the highest standard offensive ability!

Its effect is simple and crude without any special abilities.

That is.

can increase its own "attack power" to

∞ (unlimited)!


In the previous chapter, there are some places about vector operations that lack consideration of the rules, so they have been slightly modified.

This chapter is 4K words.

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