Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 216: 216 Overcome each other!

Chapter 216 216. Overcome each other!

The golden ball of light was swept by the hurricane, turning into a tornado and rushing towards the rear.

"Hoo hoo!!"

That natural disaster-like attack made Tezuka unable to strike for a while.



Until the tornado subsides, the referee reads out, which also indicates that the score is valid.

"how come."

"Can't you just hit the ball?"

If it was said that he was full of confidence before, then Kikumaru's mood is very complicated now.

"He actually guarded everything?"

Oishi also couldn't believe that all the moves and skills possessed by Tezuka were cracked by Akashi.

Realms and Phantoms Seen Through

Light hitting doesn't work either.

Even being perfect is only half the job

"It seems that Akashi Seijuro has far exceeded our expectations."

Holding the notebook and crossing out part of the text, Qian Zhenzhi raised his glasses and said in a low voice.

"He should be Tezuka's most difficult player to deal with."

It can be said that it was complete restraint in the style of play, which made Tezuka unable to play at all.

"Hit the light bat again?"

"I was hit back by Blast!!"




"Why do you keep hitting the ball?"


"Ah ah!"

As if he didn't give up, Tezuka still hit the light shot next. Although he was scored by the counterattack of the burst, he still persisted.

"It's also impossible."

"If he doesn't hit the ball, he doesn't have anything else to play."

Atobe was in the stands, watching Tezuka who was struggling and commented.

Ordinary style of play has no meaning at all for the two Akashi.

Whether it is trying to play a pull, or the lobs and volleys in the front and back courts, they are all defeated.

Normal play simply cannot score from Shuang Akaji.

After all, in a sense, the opponent can be said to be two people on the field.

In the case where the domain and phantom are also seen through the blockade by the eyes of brilliance, what is left of Tezuka?

Seamless and sweet spot technique with light batting.

Originally, this kind of deadlock was the best way to break through, but it is a pity that Akashi does not want to eat the weakened side. The increase alone cannot make Tezuka stronger than Akashi who has entered the state of resonance and attunement at this time.

The only thing left is to rely on light hitting.

It's a pity that even this only move was restrained by Blast Liupo.

It can only be said that Akashi's coping methods are so rich that he suppressed Tezuka.

"This round is won by Teikou Akashi!"



The score was overtaken again, and it was also a time of anxiety.





The only thing that may make others gratified is that the zero-style serve is still effective.

(How about it.?)

(it should be OK.)

(Then you can try it next time.)

Akashi and Akashi talked through their hearts. When Tezuka was chasing points, they were also thinking about how to break the zero serve.

You can't just watch Tezuka play four rounds before opening the score, right?

"Here we go again! Single time difference serve!"


After Akashi sent the ball, Tezuka was not deceived, but came to the correct position and swung out.

The golden ball of light rushed towards the opposite field shining again.

"Then let's see, how long will it take you to break the blast!"

Akashi also knew what Tezuka was thinking, just like they wanted to crack the zero-style serve, so why wasn't Tezuka looking for the weakness of the burst?

"Hurrah! 1"

Several tornadoes struck again, Tezuka closed his eyes.

"This is."

"He doesn't intend to see with his eyes, but to chase with his senses."

Bu Er is very familiar with this set of operations, just like his mind.



But unfortunately, Tezuka failed to find the correct hitting point for the first time trying to do so, so that he was scored.

"Because the airflow under the wind pressure blocked the ball, Tezuka couldn't catch the key point and used the technique of the sweet spot to return."

"But chasing it with feeling seems to take some time."

The power of Blast Liupa is also proportional to the moves used by the opponent.

The stronger Tezuka's light hits the ball, the stronger the burst will be.

If he wanted to fight back such a move, he would undoubtedly have to find another way.



It lasted until the moment the round was about to end, but Tezuka caught a little feeling.

"As expected of him, really sharp."

Akashi knows that there are at most two goals, and Tezuka may completely grasp the key point.

"But we also have no right to refuse."

Seeing that Tezuka hit the ball again this time, Ri Akashi rushed forward and still hit a burst.

Facing light hits, they can only hit back stably by relying on bursting.

"Hoo hoo!!"

"it's here!"

With his eyes closed, feeling the violent wind pressure blowing, Tezuka pinpointed the positions of the three tornadoes and made swings.


"Called back?!"

Seeing that the tornado was scattered and the tennis ball flew back with golden light, Akashi was not surprised at all.


The "eye" has already seen this picture!


"Out of bounds!"

"This round is won by Teikou Akashi!"



"such a pity!"

Although he fought back this time, it seemed that the accuracy was a bit off, so that he failed to hit the boundary, but touched a little outside the bottom line.

"This means that Tezuka has cracked that trick!"

"I can continue to play just by hitting the ball."

Takashi Kawamura was naturally very happy watching Tezuka's performance.

"That's the truth."

Gan Sadaharu was not overly optimistic. Judging from Akashi's lack of any counterattack action just now, Tezuka's actions have obviously been seen through.

The ability to see the future. In this situation, it is particularly scary.

Just thinking about it makes people shudder.

"It's okay, as long as there is a zero-style serve, Tezuka can at least tie the game for two games!"

On the contrary, Kikumaru was no longer nervous, but spoke with a little peace of mind.

In his opinion, the zero-style serve is a move that can definitely score, and there is no way to break it.

"Here we come! Zero serve!"

"Eh? What does he want?"

But when Tezuka hit the zero-style serve, everyone realized that Akashi had actually taken action.

The two Akashi swung their rackets at each other and collided with each other, causing a cyclone in an instant.

"That's... the crack of the wind?!"

Budu, who was already sensitive to "wind", was shocked when he saw this operation.

The tennis ball that fell over the net actually swayed under such wind pressure, and finally twisted and bounced a little after landing.

(Using the principle of wind injury to interfere with the zero-style serve?)

Baijin watched Akashi's actions off the court and understood his thoughts.


Although the referee announced the score, the scene just now undoubtedly gave the zero-style serve a flaw.

“The strength seems to be a little bit smaller”

"Next time the cyclone will be a little bit stronger."

"Should be enough."

Following Akashi's communication, everyone also realized that he had been trying to break the zero serve for a long time.


Well, the guarantee is also finished! It feels like a long time no 4D update.

Really tired.

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