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“Lu Xuan is too lazy to celebrate, I feel embarrassed if I am a fan on the spot.”

“Awesome, my Xuan!”

“Another iconic three-pointer.”

“Just go on like this and prove yourself with strength.”

Domestic fans didn’t care so much, and they all beat their remarks in support of Lu Xuan.

Kobe was so by Lu Xuan, his face was a little dark, but he was originally black and couldn’t see it.

Just now, Kobe didn’t feel anything about Lu Xuan’s dunk, that’s because Lu Xuan didn’t get it in front of him.

This three-point is Kobe’s defensive problem, and Nag feels that he can’t hang on his face.

Kobe has the habitual double-standard personality of Yankees.

Kobe took the initiative to take Gasol’s serve and dribbled the ball through the half.

At the top of the arc, Lu Xuan stared closely at Kobe’s dribbling.

Lu Xuan’s defense cannot be said to be the top, but it is also a good one.

It was obviously not so easy for Kobe to harden Lu Xuan, and Kobe called Bynum’s cover

Gasol waited high on the right side of the free throw line waiting for Kobe’s response.

Bryant bypassed Bynum’s cover and burst in.

Ibaka stepped forward to make up for it, and Kobe swung Hufries away with a Bye move, and once again plunged deep from the right side.

Kobe Bryant’s dribbling is not fast, but the pace is very good, and he is very good at using the position and containment of his teammates around him.

Lu Xuan also had to admire Kobe’s sense of rhythm.

After passing Hufries, Bryant easily picked a basket with a flying body.


Bryant looked relaxed and stepped back to defend.

Kobe fans at the scene began to cheer for Kobe.

This attack is wonderful.

Lu Xuan did not get too entangled in Kobe’s goal, and the players who the whole league said could prevent Kobe Bryant now did not.

Or Lu Xuan caught the ball and quickly pushed over.

This time, Lu Xuan still chose to block, with the help of Humphries’ body, Lu Xuan passed the mid-distance of the emergency stop of the free throw line after Kobe! ! !

Gasol’s defense was a step slower.

Flowing arcs.



Lu Xuan’s attack on Kobe Bryant was also colored.

He’s just going to fight against him.

Most of the fans at the scene still did not shout for celebration, even though Lu Xuan still felt a little strange.

And Lu Xuan’s personal fans were celebrating happily.

Compared with Lu Xuan’s new outside the field, Lu Xuan’s performance on the field is undoubtedly more important.

Lin Xiaolu also opened her hand and shouted, Lu Xuan’s basketball skills are indeed pleasing to the eye, even if she doesn’t know much about the ball, she also knows that Lu Xuan is one of the most powerful people on the court.

After this offensive round, the rest of the Nets began to score as well.

Kobe Bryant did not force Lu Xuan to fight, and the advantage of Gasol and Bynum on the inside is still obvious.

There is still a clear difference in strength between other players in the Nets and other players in the Lakers.

Soon, the Lakers used the overall power to overtake the score.

At 7:23, Gasol hit a mid-range shot to give the Lakers a 15-14 run over the Nets.

After that, Bryant scored the ball to Fisher after successive clips, and Fisher hit two consecutive 3-pointers from the right 45-degree angle, followed by a three-second dunk by Bynum.

The Lakers played a 10-0 offensive wave.

The score between the two teams was 23-14

Fans at the scene saw the Nets trail and it seemed like the team was becoming the same as it was last season.

Although their hearts ache faintly, they are cheering for the Lakers.

Many fans seemed to be rebelling against Lu Xuan’s arrogance just now.

Lu Xuan saw that there were too many gaps between his teammates, and decisively took over the team’s attack again.

Tonight, he needs to play against the Lakers in his own way.

In the rest of the first quarter, the game became a game in which Lu Xuan singled out the entire Lakers team!!

Facing Kobe, Lu Xuan changed direction to break through for a layup.

Facing Gasol, Lu Xuan suddenly pulled up and hit after shaking!!

Facing Bynum, Lu Xuan forced a foul in the three-second zone and occupied the free throw line.


Lu Xuan dragged the team forward with his personal ability, and he attacked by throwing out his body again and again!!

Again and again fell to the ground, again and again violated.

Lu Xuan continued to respond to the Lakers with personal scores, and his teammates finally slowly began to warm up.

Kobe and Ci Shiping are too slow, and their speed can’t keep up with Lu Xuan.

In order to stop Lu Xuan’s attack, Ci Shiping pushed Lu Xuan in Lu Xuan’s quick attack with a broken ball, and this push directly pushed Lu Xuan to the technical desk.

Ci Shiping was whistled for a technical foul, and Lu Xuan was almost injured.

“Rookie, move small, otherwise you will pay for it!!” Ci Shiping roared at Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan also immediately rushed towards Ci Shiping and sprayed back: “You are a waste, your mother should regret it when she gave birth to you, none of you can prevent me, I will also blow you up directly, let me go back to Los Angeles, and learn to defend well.” ”

Lu Xuan is not a good child, how others treat him, he will treat others, which is why he and the fans will directly conflict.

He rarely allows himself to be wronged.

Seeing Lu Xuan insulting him, Ci Shiping was ready to come up and fight with Lu Xuan.

“Beep beep!!”

Soon, the referee separated the two.

“Lu, don’t hit the scheme, they just want to provoke you.” Humphries hugged Lu Xuan desperately.

“Hmm.” Lu Xuan patted Humphries and told him to let go.

This muscular man is too strong.

After Humphries let go of Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan also regained the sharpness of his eyes.

He now wants more and more to win over the Lakers and bring them down.

Today, the Lakers’ defensive enthusiasm is insufficient, and Lu Xuan can easily break through.

Clearly, the Lakers aren’t taking their game against the Nets seriously.

For them, such a net is a cooked duck that cannot fly.

At the end of the first quarter, Lu Xuan also began to hit and throw, and his hand felt open in all directions.

The first quarter ended with the score at 36-30 and the Nets trailing by six points.

Lu Xuan scored 19 points in this quarter. _

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