Chapter 277: Tangled Lun’s Feelings, Playing Orangutans in the Finals! (Subscription please!) )

Shake down, I’m serious!!

The ball pass shook off the camera, and the photographers were all aimed at Jiang Lin to watch him go for a layup, but when they heard the audience’s exclamation, they found that Jiang Lin was passing the ball and gave Randolph a super good pass.

This pass also made Wade fall to the ground, miserable or Wade.

And because of his meniscus injury, he can’t get up as fast as James in the last game, which looks even more embarrassing, embarrassment and embarrassment is embarrassment, and eventually attracts ridicule from fans.

Guy shouted in the back:

“Want to play passing?”

“How about playing with 20 assists?”

The fan said that Jiang Lin’s opening few passes that didn’t look at people really turned over, was this intentional, and only after tangling Lun Jiang Lin was teaching him, he couldn’t help but pat his head.

Jiang Lin: This is really a human bewilderment, sometimes I really don’t know if he knows if this is the last game of the finals or if this is an entertainment game.

In the eyes of all the fans at the scene, if Jiang Linzhen played this game badly, did not win the championship at home or performed very poorly, then after capsizing, go to the other side to play another away game, and you will definitely be sprayed to death!

The charm of winning at home is so great!!! Can’t play smashed!

But this is the strength, the old fans are very relieved, play casually in the first half, 30 points behind Jiang Lin can win back.

The jokes of the fans on the sidelines are like a piercing in Wade’s heart, the cheek gang is really out of school in the next round, and he used a trick to shoot with his back, which is considered to be the best in his shooting skills, first to the right side, and then to the left, it is still very handsome.

This moment seems to activate Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin still did not carry out a personal attack, jumped up during a backward jumper and directly folded a pass to Gasol Jr., at this time Haslem, who defended Jr. Ga, was already facing the basket with his back to the basket in the card position, and did not know that Jiang Lin was a pass, and then Xiao Jin successfully scored an easy high ball.

Easy and enjoyable!!

When a player’s offensive threat is so great, the likelihood of his pass turning into an assist is greatly increased!!

Kobe fans cried!

This is what they want to see Kobe look like after he passes the ball!! With Kobe’s offensive level, he can attract too much defensive attention, and if he can pass the ball more, it will really be a perfect supergiant!

Hu Mi Sheng: “Eh, there is no way, isn’t it because of his style of play that I like perfectly?” He’s just nagging! ”

Not only Kobe fans, but all fans of singles kings or offensive talents like Jiang Lin’s mode of switching between offense and passing at will.

Like Durant fans, like fans of Nick Young, Iverson and others, if they can be repeated, if these players can pass as wonderful as Jiang Lin, how fierce it would be.

In fact, there is a person who plays similar to Jiang Lin… It’s just that he belongs to the utilitarian nature, that is, the turtle is less powerful, he is generally for a triple double to pass and score and the like, which has big data to show, he will not assist much after assisting, and after scoring a double, he will subconsciously brush the assist.

As for rebounds?? Their own people’s rebounds have to be grabbed!

The game continued, Jiang Lin directly got 8 assists in the first quarter, and these 8 times were all passes that did not look at people, not simply ordinary assists, and did not look at people.

Although the score did not open, 27:21, but Jiang Lin in the first quarter ah!!

For a big playoff average of 40+ per game, as long as he wants to score 40 points, he can definitely get it!

This is the cruelest of all, right?

I can score 78 points on your head and get a feat like 8 assists in a single quarter on you!

Passing Feast!!

Although there is no friction with James, James directly dropped the hood and braces, and the finals are still playing like this? ? Can you give some respect??

Although the basketball culture in the United States is open, you can’t play like this.

Let’s just say that these balls belong to the simple pass, but Jiang Lin is going to pass without looking at people, and the backward shot is the most obvious, and you can shoot, because Wade has no possibility of capping.

But Jiang Lin just looked directly at the basket… And then passed out!

Thirty-six voices hit the west?

Finals orangutan?

Jiang Lin studio members are still not slacking, a studio beauty employee in charge of the public account angrily posted an article written by the recording left by Jiang Lin, and also @ stunned tangled Lun:

The title is: “Tangled Lun, you feel it!” 》

It is a passage in the series that Jiang Lin wants to do to teach fans to play, teaching everyone how to pass the ball.

Now the heat is just right, and the publication is definitely the most explosive!

Look at the expressions of the fans, it’s all a desire for this skill.

The feeling of playing with your opponent in the palm of your hand!! In the NBA, there is this thrill without watching people pass.

In the finals, when everyone was fighting hard with bayonets, Jiang Lin was there to play an assist, a commotion!

Jiang Lin’s words have long been converted into text by studio employees:

Passing is an art, just like many netizens ridicule white chocolate, “one person holds the ball, nine people are afraid”

The opponent doesn’t know how he’ll pass the ball, and neither do his teammates.

Therefore, his passing can be described as unpredictable, and it is difficult to judge how and when he passes.

Then, “how to practice well without watching people pass”, there is a key word “passing” in the middle, no matter how good the pass is, it is useless for teammates to catch it.

Therefore, in order to practice passing well, the long-term run-in of the team is very important, knowing the location of the teammates, knowing the characteristics of each teammate, and the tactics implemented by the team, etc., each of which is very important.

This is also the basis for us to practice not watching people pass, with this foundation there is “technical level” training.

This refers to why elbow passes are the cooperation of Jiang Lin and the UAE many times, because their tacit understanding is really high.

Next, let’s talk about how to practice not watching people pass!

First, to pass accurately, many times, when we pass back to teammates, teammates are often not very comfortable receiving the ball, either crooked or high. Therefore, when you don’t watch people pass the ball, the first thing to practice is the accuracy of the pass.

This can be practiced with the help of a wall, draw a few points on the wall, and then pass it to these points by back passing. The size of the dots can get smaller and smaller as the practice progresses.

Second, the timing of the pass should be in place, many passers, in order to reflect how good they can pass, no matter how good their chances are, to pass one more hand, this will not make people feel that you are a good passer.

Really good passers must have a particularly strong ability to grasp the moment, and we often say that “people get to the ball” is this truth.

As for how to practice this, first of all, you must make sure to dribble with your head up, observe your teammates running at any time, and over time you will develop a habit.

However, we must avoid the mistake of passing the ball directly, running more positions, and must be good in the face of good opportunities.

Third, practice good ball control, good passing, build on good ball control. Generally, those who can pass without watching people are “guards”, of course, I am talking about average. So, we first practice ball control, we don’t need any fancy passes, but we have to do it, be able to look up and watch your teammates running, and at the same time take care of the defender pulling your ball, which is not easy, especially against a good defender.

Fourth, watch more videos of “passing masters”, such as: Jason Williams, Nash, Kidd, Rubio, etc., of course, watch mine, watch the video mainly to see how they attract defense, and then how to send the ball to teammates, watch more videos, practice more in the process of playing in normal times, naturally the better the pass.

This paragraph was directly exploded after Jiang Lin’s public account.

Tangled Lun, do you feel it?

This is called not watching people pass!! Practice this way!!

Just during the break between festivals, a group of people asked Cheng Xiao, the manager: “Sister Cheng Xiao, when did Jiang Lin teach us to play?” ”

Cheng Xiao replied to everyone on Weibo: “Jiang Lin’s basketball teaching will be updated in the offseason, and everyone will not be alone in the offseason!” ”

“Now, just wait for the birth of the championship!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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