Ren Xiao told him that Howard and Rose are strong enough to start any team.

They are now willing to join the Lakers, and even as the No. [-] pick and a former superstar, they can change the James team's three consecutive best defensive players and the youngest in history.

You should trust them and give them enough respect and opportunities.

Coach Walton relied on holding Renxiao's thigh to achieve a big turnaround last season.

Not only did he lead the team to take off the hat of the super weak team, but also played an extremely dreamy and crazy season.

Won the championship trophy, he also won the best coach.

So Walton is very willing to listen to the suggestions of Ren Xiao, the absolute core and leader of the team.

as predicted.

Howard and Rose, who received applause and encouragement from the players on the bench of Walton and the Lakers, as well as the audience, continued to devote themselves to the counterattack process.

Ross dribbles through the frontcourt.

Nance stepped up and gave him a pick-and-roll.

James did not defend closely, giving Rose almost a meter away.

After all, the entire league knows that this... the youngest person to be devastated by injuries and illnesses.

He is best at making sharp breakthroughs, but he has never developed a mid-to-long shot.

So James, who was defending Rose, directly gave Rose, who was still one meter away from the three-point line, and let it go.

He's a breakaway guard against Rose, letting go of his [-]-pointer.

What's more, it is still a super long three-pointer, which is even more impossible to hit in James' view.

After receiving a return pass from Nance, Rose glanced at James who was one meter away from him.

Ross, with a cold expression, opened his hand to make a three-pointer.

When James saw it, his expression was obviously stunned.

Even with doubts and surprises, I didn't understand why Ross directly shot this, but it was a super-long three-pointer.

At the scene, the spectators were also shocked, and their eyes moved with the basketball that crossed the beautiful arc in the air.

Many players on the Lakers bench stood up, and even took towels, ready to wave to Rose who made the shot.

They were also full of surprise, but they didn't expect Ross to shoot suddenly.

Only Ren Xiao looked at the basketball spinning in the air indifferently, as if he wasn't surprised at all by Rose's ultra-long three-pointer.


The basketball crossed a beautiful arc, and finally fell into the net pocket.


There was thunderous applause.

The players on the Lakers bench waved towels one after another, and some even jumped with exaggerated expressions.

Rose kept his shooting motion and gave James a blank look.

Give him a death stare!! The arrogant Rose Rose, once the top pick, the youngest in history! For any provocation, he can always fight back hard! "!!"

"Derek, nice job!"

"Keep throwing and throwing them down!!"


Coach Walton, who was standing on the sidelines, shouted encouragingly at Ross, who was running back.

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Chapter 383 The proud champion refuses to recruit James!The thorny rose finally blooms! (please subscribe)

Super long three-pointer! Hollow into the net! It was like dropping a blockbuster, detonating the emotions of the audience.

In particular, James knocked over Rose strongly, and then flew to Howard to complete the dunk.

He also showed his muscles and even gave death stares to the two poor champions.

This made the 3-man [-] commentator of the scene, and many viewers sigh.

It also made the players on the Lakers bench feel indignant and dissatisfied.

The foresighted Ren Xiao acted calmly and calmly, he knew that the rose with thorns would never wither easily.

Roses with Mamba Mentality will definitely fight back fiercely.

Even though Ross's ability has fallen sharply now, he once bloomed arrogantly.

That arrogance and backbone will never allow himself to bow his head.

Ren Xiao looked at Rose and Howard on the court, both of them were embarrassed and lost at the moment.

He was successfully beaten [-]v[-] by his old rival, and then humiliated by the stare of death.

Presumably these two down-and-out No. [-] draft picks and former superstars must be very uncomfortable.

But this is brutal competition, a business alliance that follows the law of the jungle.

Ren Xiao knew that they would definitely perform well in the future, as long as the Lakers gave them trust and opportunities to perform on the court.


Regarding the past of the two people, and the humiliation of today.

Ren Xiao still felt a burst of sigh, the real version fell from the cloud to the abyss.

Sometimes he also thinks of himself, he is playing an unprecedented terrifying performance, and he continues to refresh more peak performances.

Ren Xiao also thinks from time to time that he will get old after many years, or suffer a serious injury, but these... all are difficult to happen, because he has a system that is more powerful than support.

However, Ross and Howard were not so lucky and experienced a cold encounter.

If it weren't for the repeated injury troubles of the two, especially Rose, the youngest in history.

The two who led the Magic and Bulls back then, frantically blocked James' monopoly of the Eastern Conference's No. [-] draft pick and superstar, how could they be so humiliated? As the only Warcraft Howard in the league who could replace James alone, he even led the Magic to be eliminated with a single core. LeBron James, who also single-core led the Cavaliers to the league's best record.

Rose also led the Bulls, which became a weak team in the post-Jordan era, and reached the top record in the league in just two or three seasons.

He himself also defeated the prosperous James and won the youngest in history.

Even led the Bulls in the playoffs, and forced the Heat's Big Three to lore several times.

In fact, the grievance between Rose and James lies in the fact that James was leaving the Cavaliers.

For the first time, he decided to leave the Cavaliers, not the first time he chose to form a team with Wade and Bosh to form the Big Three at his peak, but to join the rising Bulls.

Ross, who was only a second-year rookie at that time, has already shown his super potential and strength.


The arrogant Ross didn't follow the management's advice and didn't call James at all.

In the... hot summer of 201, the free market was full of free agents.

James became a free agent, and both he and Wade considered going to the Bulls.

All members of the Bulls' management team were dispatched, all of which invited the team's leading star Rose to attend the meeting to recruit James.

But Ross, who was arrogant and a rising star at the time, declined the invitation.

Rose said in an interview later that he didn't want James to join the team.

Rather, he thought that if James wanted to play with the Bulls, he would welcome it and the two could play together.

But the Bulls absolutely core Rose will take the initiative to invite, and then recruit another player to come here.

Faced with the heated discussions from the outside world at that time, Ross, who was expressionless, didn't care at all.

Ross told the media that he was in Chicago.

If James really wants to come, he can be called.

Rose himself would be happy to do so, but if he wanted him to get on a plane and go to Cleveland and beg James to play, he would never do it.

So the final result is that Ross's arrogant attitude and James' desire to be the boss conflicted, and the two competing pairs did not work together.

James turned to the national broadcast, high-profile announcement to bring talent to Miami.

He joined the Heat with Wade, the head of the Heat, and Bosh, the head of the Raptors, and created a precedent for the league's top superstars.

As three typical representatives of the 03 Platinum Generation, and also the absolute core and leading star of the three Eastern Conference teams, they finally formed a team to form the Heat Big Three.

On the contrary.

The arrogant Ross refused to invite James to come, but continued to lead the Bulls alone.

Just in the first season of the three most peak superstars forming a team of the Heat Big Three.

The single-core Ross led the Bulls to a league-best 62-20 record.

Personally scored 25 points, 4 baskets and 7.

The best data of 7 assists and 1 steal!! And this is only his third year of landing, and he is still a third-year student who has not ended his rookie contract.

Rose beat James to win the regular season that year, becoming the youngest player in history.

at the same time.

He also let James realize the dream of three consecutive years, which was shattered abruptly.

There used to be many fans of Rose and James, and even the Bulls fans left over from the Jordan era.

It's a pity for the two not to be able to join forces in the Bulls.

If Rose, who was at his peak at the time, can join forces with James, then the two may really be able to renew the dynasty glory for the Bulls.


The result was good luck, and in the end James did not join the Bulls.

And Lonely Ross, who led the single-core team, also endured the pain and wandered around after the Bulls suffered various injuries frequently.

He even joined the Cavaliers on a veteran minimum in the offseason of 201.

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