It only took Ren Xiao one season to make a name for himself in Taiwan.

As an enhanced version of the peak Shark, even if he retires now, he can be elected to the Hall of Fame.

If the big superstars can still be selected, Ren Xiao will undoubtedly be able to join them with unanimous votes.

The original big shark was able to be selected almost unanimously by virtue of its violent destruction and dominance in only 4 seasons of landing.

Ren Xiao now combines the terrifying abilities of Peak Shark Talent, Peak Postman Malone's Power, Peak Dayao's Free Throw, Peak Big Dream's Dream Footwork Technology and other terrifying abilities.

At the same time, he scored 29 points in a rookie season when he averaged only 516 points per game.

3 assist 26.

Basketball 8.

2 attack 2.

Crazy data of 1 steals! Won the unprecedented six consecutive weeks of the best and the best of four consecutive months, the rookie season won the all-star vote king, all-star, regular season, finals, championship, scoring champion, rebounding champion, King of Blocks, King of Efficiency, Best Defensive Player, Best Player First Team, Best Defensive Player First Team... and Ren Xiao has been praised by Chinese official media many times, and has even been featured many times. CCTV News Network.

After Dayao's retirement, there is no successor for the basketball talents of the Celestial Dynasty, and now there is finally an excellent candidate.

Ren Xiao!! He now carries the basketball dreams of countless Chinese fans and Asian fans, and even the hope of the rise of Chinese basketball, starting the second season of his career.

Towards his second championship and more honors! The hope of the whole village! Saying yes is now Ren Xiao! Jordan, Kobe and James and other league superstars have a lot of fans in Asia, but now they have He was gradually caught up by Ren Xiao.

Especially in the Celestial Dynasty, where the basketball superstar has been broken, Ren Xiao's popularity is even more popular than the original Dayao.

The Lakers have become the home team of Chinese fans, and almost every game must be broadcast live.

The number of fans watching the game, crushing any country in the world.

So the 201 opener, the Lakers and Nets.

The two teams gathered Ren Xiao, Kobe, James, Durant, Rose, Howard and Jordan and many other balloon stars, which attracted tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of fans around the world to watch.

There are tens of millions of fans watching the Penguin live broadcast online in China alone, not to mention the millions or even tens of millions of viewers who watch the live broadcast simultaneously on the 5 sets of CCTV.

The local viewers who watched straight also set a new viewing record for the opening game.

Tonight's new season opener has ignited the passion of fans all over the world!

Chapter 376 Humiliate James at the beginning!The audience screamed mvp! ! (please subscribe)

On the spot, the commentary seat.

Explaining the three people in the sky group 3, they are also chatting at this moment.

"I buy Karma!!"

"God, Shaq, I just got a set of data."

"The opening game between the Lakers and the Nets actually broke the ratings record for the opening game!"

"And there are also statistics from the Chinese side, adding up to nearly [-] million fans watching the game."

"Gift to Hitt! It's crazy!!"

"This game is destined to go down in history, it's unbelievable!!"

"Last season, the Lakers won the championship by counterattack, with Xinke and Ren Xiao, as well as the legendary superstar Kobe, and at the same time joined Rose and Howard, two former superstars who are looking forward to re-proving themselves, making them the most popular team in the league. "

"The Nets have also become one of the most watched teams in the league due to the combination of the previous first player in the league, James and the second player in the league. "

"When these two teams show up in the opener for a top match, it's just... Mars hitting the Earth."

Barkley, the... big-mouthed pig, his voice suddenly rose, and he shouted excitedly.

The big shark Ao Fatty, who was sitting opposite him, provocatively said with a smile: "Hey, Charles, the new season has begun, and our new bet should begin."

"One is the champion Lakers led by Ren and Kobe, and the other is a super team with LeBron and Durant. Who do you believe will win tonight's game"

"Oh, Charles, my advance statement, my answer is still the Lakers!"

"For.. Ren this great shark heir, as well as my good buddy Kobe, and my former home team, the Lakers, you know, I will definitely support it to the end."

"Charles, the Nets have LeBron and Durant, two of the league's top two giants, as well as the rebounding monster Jordan, as well as a group of powerful players with good combat power. Are you still hesitating?"


The two old urchins were teasing and arguing with each other, and Kenny Smith, sitting in the middle, quickly introduced them to the fans watching the live broadcast.

"We've seen players from both teams come on the court one after another, and the Lakers are still keeping their regular starting lineup from last season, which is also their championship-winning starting lineup."

"The point guard is Lonzo Bowe, the shooting guard is Kobe Bryant, the small forward is Brandon Ingram, the power forward is Dario Saric, and the forward is both the regular season and the finals!"

"The Nets made a major roster change in the offseason. They sent a starting lineup of point guard Spencer Dinwiddie, shooting guard Joe Reese, small forward Kevin Durant, and power forward LeBron James. , Andre Jordan at center."

"Both teams have their own starting lineups and they seem to be evenly matched.

Who can win tonight's game, let's wait and see."

"Le Bron is still habitually throwing magnesium powder, showing the domineering domineering of the world."

"Okay, the game has started."

"Lakers center Ren Xiao and Nets center Jordan Jordan came to the center of the court for a jump ball."

"The talented beast Ren, won the jump ball in the season opener."

"He hasn't lost a jump ball since he logged in last season."

"This is an extremely horrific record, an unprecedented feat."

"The first jump ball of the new season, Ren once again won the jump ball with Jordan, and continues to set the record for consecutive games won by him!"

"Let's keep our eyes on the game scene,,..."

on the field.

Ren Xiao and Jordan had a fierce confrontation in the air, and won the jump ball strongly.

The basketball was dialed back to the ball by him.

Compared to last season's opener, it was much quieter this time around.

But this seemingly quiet and peaceful atmosphere hides a more violent storm.

Last year, Ren Xiao, who was possessed by trash talkers, started the trash talk guinea pig experiment with Griffin and Jordan, the top three insiders in the league.

His non-stop trash talk, and the two big stupid people who sprayed it out, almost caused a fight.

In the second and second seasons of his career, he was too lazy to spray Jordan.

His goal is to defeat the super-king combination of James and Durant, and repair the Nets, the mercenary team that once overwhelmed the Lakers in the offseason.

If you want to overturn the Lakers, you have to ask him if he will answer.

As for the other Nets' small fish and shrimp, Ren Xiao has no time to take care of them for the time being.

Lakers ball possession.

The Nets took James and Durant as the core of offense and defense, and adopted an oppressive defense that pressed the whole court.

Lakers coach Walton, who was standing on the sidelines, was speechless when he saw this scene.

Labor and management believe in your evil! When the media interviewed, they all agreed.

Saying that we only treat tonight's game as an ordinary regular season, and deliberately make arrangements for the opening game.

In such a special start, the whole court is pressed, and the defense and action are so great.

This is the so-called random arrangement of the regular regular season.

The same intensity as playing in the finals!! Walton cast a contemptuous look at Nets coach Atkinson, and also pretended to be a big guy like James on the court, secretly slandered and complained in his heart.

on the field.

At the beginning of the game against the Nets, the defensive intensity suddenly increased.

The Lakers, who won last season's championship, didn't panic.

Swish! Facing the double-teams of Durant and Dinwiddie, Brother Qiu quickly transferred it to Kobe Bryant who came to pick him up.

After a season of experience, especially in the playoffs and finals.

Brother Ball and Ingram, the two second-place picks, are also more confident and calm in handling the ball.

Although they are still rookies, they are gradually playing the expectations of the outside world.


In the first round of the opening, the Nets were determined to fight to the end.

Kobe Bryant with the ball, Ren Xiao who moved quickly to cover the pick-and-roll, and other Lakers players on the court knew very well that the opponent was a bad guy.

The Nets want to give last season's championship a blow to the Staples Center.

Use fierce pressing and oppressive defense, as well as fierce physical confrontation and big moves to prevent and block.

They use these practices to send a clear message to the outside world.

The Nets this season has two top-two players who have dominated the league for many years, as well as a number of good players such as Jordan.

They'll be the league's new kings, and they'll be on top of the Lakers.

The Nets' crazy oppressive defense did have a certain delaying effect.

If it weren't for Ren Xiao, who is tall and long, with broad shoulders and thick arms, as a fulcrum, and passed the ball to Ingram who ran past the frontcourt, it might be... an 8-second error! The Lakers almost made a mistake way to start the first round of the new season.

Nets coach Atkinson, who was standing on the sidelines, folded his arms with his arms in a calm expression, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly when he saw the scene just now on the court.

He is still very satisfied and content with the iron barrel defense line he built.

In particular, the two superstar leaders in the team, James and Durant, personally participated in every defense and double-team, leading the team's defense by example.

Saric stepped forward to pick and roll the ball, but the effect was not very good.

He was ruined by the tall and long-armed Durant, and he could only pass to Ren Xiao on the weak side on the right.

The Nets player who is in charge of defending Ren Xiao is center Little Jordan.

His athleticism is very strong, and he has a strong jumping and rebounding ability.

But the shortcomings are also obvious.

The offensive means is single, and there is basically no independent offensive ability.

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