
  With a point difference of 1 point, he defeated the Cosmic Yong who was sitting on the Big Four.

  This round of attention is no less intense than the tragic Western Finals series of the finals. The Lakers swept the defending champion Warriors 4-0 with a big score, and the curtain came to an end.

  In the first three rounds of the playoffs, he swept all the way to the finals! Although Ren Xiao was directly ejected with 1 minute and 12 seconds left in the final quarter.

  But he was still voted the best player of the game and dominated tonight's game! Played 36 minutes.


  19 of 16 free throws.

  And most of his points come at crucial moments.

  Especially when the Warriors played a high score, Ren Xiao was always the first to stand up.

  Take over the Lakers' offense and play a super suffocating defense on the defensive end.

  no doubt.

  Ren Xiao once again dominated both ends of the court.

  He was the biggest contributor to the Lakers' elimination of the defending champion Warriors throughout the Lonce Finals.

  And Cosmic Yong, who is sitting on the Big Four, was swept out by the Super Belly Lakers, who were the third-lowest in the league last season, with a big score of 4-0.

  It quickly caused a sensation in the whole league and completely detonated the entire network!! Shocked countless people! This night, many people are destined to be unable to sleep! download

Chapter 321? The alliance is about to change!When will Paul touch the Western Finals floor? (4/4 for subscription)

  Oracle Arena.

  The game is over.

  The score was fixed at 121.

  And the much-anticipated Western Finals series also decided the final winner.

  The Lakers!! This super belly, the third-to-last in the league last season, played the role of the big dark horse to the end.

  With a big score of 40, they completely swept out the defending champion Cosmic Yong, who was sitting on the Big Four.

  I can't believe it! I can't take it! That's the Warriors who have swept the league for the past three 3 seasons.

  How could it be swept away, and it was completely blown up and swept out of the game by a 5-year-old team that had never entered the playoffs.

  This is even more fantastical than a movie, how could it be reality? At the scene, many Warriors spectators sat or stood, just staring at the stadium and the big electronic screen.

  They were unwilling to accept the fact that the invincible champion team was eliminated just like that.

  I don't even want to believe that I was swept out of the game by a super belly that was the third-lowest in the league last season, with an incredible... an incredible score of 40.


  When looking at the center of the arena, the Lakers were awarded the Western Conference Championship trophy by the league.

  Then the generals of the Lakers had a carnival celebration, raising their arms and screaming.

  At the scene, the audience who were unwilling to leave finally accepted this fact.

  The cosmic warriors, who are aiming to build a dynasty this season, are going home to go fishing.

  Their journey this season is all over.


  The Warriors generals and their fans can only sit in front of the TV and watch their mortal Lakers compete with their eastern rivals for the final championship.

  Post-match interview.

  Facing the long guns and short guns of the media reporters, Ren Xiao said indifferently: "I once said when the season started, this league is going to change!"

  "The dominant big man will never go out of style, only the team that is king in the paint deserves the championship, and I will definitely raise the banner of the center to win the championship again!"

  "The death five lineup and small ball play are really good, the offense is more enjoyable to watch but the confrontation is less and less, this approach will bring basketball to an exhibition game like the All-Star."

  "But the essence of basketball is competition, and it should return to confrontation."

  "So the Lakers are making a head start now, and I'm sure more and more teams will follow suit and join us to make the game: more competitive."

  "Of course, other teams can stay the same, and they can even continue to learn from the Warriors' approach and wait for us to be swept out of the game."



  A huge mansion.

  In the large living room.

  On the south-facing wall, there is a huge LCD TV.

  Paul, who was successfully operated and discharged from the hospital, was staring at the big TV screen at this moment.

  The nervous and focused expression finally eased off as the game on TV ended.


  "The defending champion with the Big Four was swept out by 40."

  "If I hadn't pulled a muscle back then, maybe I would have touched the floor of the Western Conference Finals."

  "We will definitely be able to knock out the mighty Warriors and compete against the Lakers led by Ren Xiao and Kobe Bryant in the Western Finals series."

  "If me and the Mosaic team led by James Harden are against a super dark horse! The Lakers will never be shaved by 40 and then eliminated in a very disgraceful manner."

  "Oh, what a pity, what a pity!"

  Paul watched the Lakers celebrate on the TV screen and muttered to himself unwillingly.

  As he spoke, he looked at the bandaged right thigh, rather helpless.

  Fate is really unfair! Since the Hornets have been chasing the championship, the Pelicans are no longer the queen bee, and he has joined the Clippers who have white monsters Griffin and Jordan.

  The arrival of Paul made the fish belly, which had missed the playoffs for many years, become a strong team in the Western Conference in one fell swoop.

  The Clippers, which are in the same city as the Lakers, are completely covered up, and their presence is so low that it is almost transparent.

  The Clippers made the playoffs just once in the 14 seasons before they traded for Paul.

  In the Western Conference with strong teams, they are... the typical representative of the super belly team that was hanged.

  This young Los Angeles team has never lacked talent.

  Especially after the selection of No. [-] pick Griffin and rebounding beast Derek Jordan, the Clippers quickly possessed the league's top three athletic talent insider combinations.

  But this team doesn't have a strong ball-handling point, especially a team commander.

  The arrival of the league's first point guard Paul at the time served as the team's brain.

  He brings the talents of his teammates together very well.

  Then let the talent of the team be released in the right way and with the best effect.

  Immediately after.

  The league ushered in the extremely gorgeous Clippers, and soon entered the ranks of the strong teams in the playoffs.

  The arrival of Paul completely detonated the basketball talent of the Clippers.

  Paul, the all-time great in passing playmaking, is responsible for assembling the team's ammunition.

  The athletically talented Griffin and Jordan are two big men inside, who are responsible for taking off and bombing.

  The Clippers, which are in the same city as the Lakers, have changed from being lifeless and low-key and transparent before, they have become an alley-oop team with a gorgeous style of play that makes fans excited.

  The city of alleys, shines in the league!! And Paul's 6 years in the Clippers, led the Super Belly Clippers into the playoffs in a row.

  To know.

  Before Paul joined the Clippers, this super belly had only entered the playoffs seven times in 41 years, and the biggest achievement was winning the playoff tickets for three consecutive years.

  But those...the only accolades that can be obtained are already in the 70s and [-]s.

  During Paul's six years with the Clippers, five of the 55 regular-season wins reached 50+.

  The only exception is the 211 season.

  But that year, because of the lockout, the regular season was compressed to 66 games.

  In the end, the Clippers won 4 games, with a winning percentage of 60.


  If converted according to 82 games, the Clippers also reached the level of 50 wins.

  In the team history of the Clippers, there have been 5 single-season regular season victories of 50+ and these... All records were created during Paul's leadership.

  In particular, the 201 wins in 57 set a team record.

  In his six years with the Clippers, Paul made this long-standing super belly turn upside down in the record and become the top five regulars in the Western Conference with strong teams.


  As the first point guard in the league for many years, he has never been able to touch the floor of the Western Conference Finals, let alone the finals.

  This is Paul's biggest regret, and it is also a joke made by many fans.

  Of course.

  Can't lead the team to the Western Conference finals, can't completely blame Paul.

  The Clippers' lineup configuration in those years was too single-handed against other powerhouses in the upper west.

  Griffin and Jordan wouldn't play once Paul was double-teamed or limited by defense.

  Especially the cake-eating king, Jordan, has completely become a blue-collar defender.

  The most unfortunate and tragic thing, that is, once the key game of the playoffs.

  Paul and Griffin always take turns to be injured and out of season ahead of schedule.

  Let the Clippers a season of hard work, and ultimately in vain.

  This season, the Mosaic team added 71 subsidized cash and first-round picks, and directly exchanged the stud for the old gun Paul.

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