"I've always said that Ren Xiao's talent is terrifying, it's simply... the peak shark possessed.

  Looking at his stunning performance time after time now, it's unimaginable."

  Director Zhang's expression suddenly changed, and he said angrily: "But because you are talented and far beyond other pass players, you can't get the whistle and fairness you deserve."

  "Just now... the home whistle is also very obvious. Baines deliberately glanced back before swinging his elbow. What does that mean?"

  "It means he knew where Clarkson's head was, but he still smashed it with his elbow."

  "He is an obvious malicious foul, that is... an action aimed at hurting people is completely unnecessary!"

  The host bald-headed Meng also nodded in agreement, and then added: "Looking at Ren Xiao pressing his hat twice: Baines, I guess he is also a little angry this time."

  "I am very dissatisfied not only with Baines, the villain, but also with the inaction of the referee."

  "Baines deliberately slumped his shoulders to hurt Brother Qiu, and now he deliberately swings his elbow to hit someone.

  If it wasn't for Clarkson to dodge in time, he would definitely have hit him in the head."

  "How fragile the head is, such a strong man deliberately swings his elbow and hits it, his face is covered in blood, and even a concussion is entirely possible."

  "He's a member of the same country as Teresa, De La Villeneuve and Ingles. He's just so dirty, he's always thinking about revenge and hurting people."

  "Back then, Dayao was also special..."


  The scene of the game, .

  The referee blew a timeout.

  Ren Xiao could only put down the basketball and walked to the Lakers bench angrily.

  The scene of the Devil's home, the audience, began to be lively again.

  They booed Baines, a wicked man with a beard, for his actions, which almost caused him to be seriously injured.


  "Chinese rookie, damn villain!!"

  "Get off!! He must be expelled!!"

  "That's...he! He hurt Baines!!"


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Chapter 122? 58 points!Do your best to stop Ren Xiao from breaking the record? ! (9/7 for subscription)


  Labor and management when you are farting! Ren Xiao is speechless.

  Before, Brother Qiu was fouled by Baynes... the villain, deliberately shoulder-shouldered and maliciously fouled.

  There was even blood on the field.

  How come I didn't see you boo that... The villain is some extreme fans of the Green Army, even clamoring to bump into it.

  Nima! Ren Xiao has seen how crazy and wonderful the audience in this devil's home court is.

  Perhaps it is the most obvious hostility to the feuding team of the Lakers.

  Having experienced the Jazz's devil's home court, Ren Xiao has long been immune to this kind of booing scene.

  in the face of absolute strength.

  You guys are... no matter how loud and screaming you are, you can't stop the labor and capital from blowing up your home team! Ren Xiao even raised his hands towards the surrounding auditorium, and then shook his palms provocatively.

  The meaning seems to be: say, come on, keep booing, don't boo until your throat is hoarse, you are... grandsons! Ren Xiao's slapstick action to the scene, the audience booing him to help out, is simply unheard of! In the past, only the home team Players who played a good goal or tied the score or made a lore, etc..., will use this way of interacting with the audience to enhance the atmosphere of the scene.

  Barkley, who was sitting in the commentary booth, saw this scene, and he grinned and said hi.

  "Hahaha, Shaq, I'm getting more and more fond of this flamboyant big man!"

  "In the face of boos from the sky, he even went the opposite way to provoke him!"

  "That... arrogant little bastard treats the audience's boos as cheers for him."

  "Look at those . . . the audience who hate him with itchy teeth, even I can't help but want to get rid of him:."

  The big shark Ao Pang who was sitting opposite him smiled disdainfully: "Charles, it's not that I look down on you, but with your bloated and fat figure, let alone beat up Ren Xiao, even any member of the staff can do it. You get down."

  "But the arrogance and personality, to be honest, it's hard for you not to like it!"

  "This guy and my good buddy, Dayao, have a personality like... two extremes!"

  "Dayao will never take the initiative to provoke his opponents, let alone the audience at the scene.

  He is a very good person, even if he is bullied and spammed by others, he will humbly choose to tolerate."

  "But this fellow from Dayao... a talented fellow, has an arrogant and arrogant personality. He takes the initiative to talk trash about his opponents, and he will report his hatred immediately, but he is extremely protective of his shortcomings."

  "If the other party deducts or bullies his younger brothers, he will immediately use the strongest means to fight back, and it seems that he will pay back double, even the audience dares to provoke him!"


  back to the scene,.

  The Celtics' Devil's home ground has released an urgent piece of news.

  The bearded man Baines will not return to this game due to a fractured elbow. When he will be able to return, he needs to make a plan based on the progress of his recovery after the operation.

  This is the fourth player to leave the field for the Celtics, leaving only eight players in the active lineup who can play.

  Lakers bench.

  "Ren, that... the notorious villain has been carried out!"

  "Look at the . . . malicious fouls he's still doing to Lonzo and Clarkson before, and now his retribution is finally here."

  "Ren, your mid-air cap is very clean and beautiful! Why are these... the audience and fans still booing you non-stop"

  "Probably because they like me too much, express it in this special way."

  "Hahaha, Ren, your cheeks are as thick as ever!"


  Ren Xiao, brother Qiu and other Lakers teammates laughed and bragged.

  The referees repeatedly checked the replay.

  A fair sentence was made.

  Although the bearded man, Baines, fractured his elbow, Ren Xiao's mid-air cap was very clean and beautiful, without any problems.

  On the contrary, it was Baines's dangerous action of guarding the ball and deliberately swinging his elbow to hit Clarkson, and was called a first-level malicious foul by the referee.

  A technical foul could have been dealt with.

  But from the replay video, the referees saw that Baines had a clear tendency to intentionally hurt others.

  Therefore, a malicious foul must be called! In addition to the first-level malicious foul by Baines, the bearded villain, on Brother Qiu, after the accumulation of two first-level criminals, he was directly ejected by the referee.

  Although the seriously injured Baines has been out of the game for a long time, he was whistled and ejected.


  "You are too partial to the Lakers! Black Whistle!!"

  "Why don't you say that... the rookie of the Celestial Dynasty fouls maliciously and he is the murderer!!"

  "That... the rookie of the Chinese dynasty should be expelled!!"


  The boos from the sky resounded in the sky above the Devil's home court.

  Pause back.

  The last 21 of the game is left.


  Two free throws for the Lakers.

  Perhaps considering the audience's mood to calm down the scene, as well as the repeated complaints from the Green Army.

  The referee did not give Ren Xiao a free throw.

  Otherwise, he hits two free throws.

  Ren Xiao was able to refresh directly, and Zhang Dashuai, the ancient mythical beast, kept the scoring record.

  Maybe the scene will get out of control again, or cause conflict.

  The referee continuously whistled the Green Army for malicious fouls, giving the Lakers many two free throws and one throw opportunities.

  This has already made the fans, spectators and generals of the Green Army very dissatisfied and booed them.

  This time.

  The referee chose balance and did not give Ren Xiao a chance to directly set the scoring record.

  He assigned Lakers guard Clarkson to free throws.

  The reason is simple.

  Because this first-degree malicious foul was originally committed by the villain Baines on Clarkson.

  Wharton is also not good at continuing the theory.

  Whether Ren Xiao can refresh this 55-year-old scoring record depends on his final attack.

  Clarkson at the free throw line.



  He withstood the wild boos from the sky and the interference from the audience across the bottom line.

  Steady hit two free throws.

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