“The three of us are wrapped, how is it possible?”

“It’s all scored, what the hell did this guy do?”

They were completely speechless, all stunned.

At this moment, Gu Jian gave them a suspicious smile.

“You guys understand now, right? It wasn’t a three-person bag that could trap me, and the only way to stop my attack was to use the height advantage to bind me. ”

When Gu Jian said this, he suddenly sneered.

“It’s a pity that your Timberwolves’ height is so bad that it’s not enough to look at it.”

This time, everyone was speechless, and Gu Jian’s contempt was too cruel to him.

“But what the other party said is so reasonable, how can we have a reason to refute it.”

They quickly lost hope, and as the game progressed, Gu Jianjian led the Warriors to further open the score.

By the third quarter, they had a twenty-point lead.

Twenty-eight of them were obtained by Gu Jian, and the other teammates also gained thirty points.

In contrast, the Timberwolves are pretty bad, and they only scored 28 points as a team…

“I don’t want to comment on your performance, if you can’t win this game, then give up as soon as possible.”

The Timberwolves coach said coldly from the sidelines.



The point guard and shooting guard are both disdainful.

“Don’t think you’re the manager and you can give orders indiscriminately.”

“I tell you, this match is a show for the two of us, and I announce that from now on, the two of us will join forces.”

“We will definitely win this game, no one will give up!”

He turned to look at the others and glared fiercely.

Those people couldn’t resist the eyes of the two scorers at all, and they all nodded their heads in understanding.

“We understand that we will be serious about the game.”

“We will actively look for opportunities…”

As they spoke, they came to the field.

Soon, the performance of the two men joining forces made excellent progress.

They hit consecutive three-pointers from the outside, and although Hardaway had blocked it, the opponent’s difficult three-pointers scored.

“It can’t be.”

“Can you score goals just like that?”

Hardaway was speechless, obviously approaching the opponent’s face, and the opponent scored abruptly. With the sound of entering the net, his expression was quite ugly…

This retrospective sword came up and said with relief: “Don’t worry, their alliance will soon disintegrate.” ”

“What’s that about?” Hadaway’s brain was simply not enough, and when he heard Gu Jian’s words, he was immediately blinded.

“I would say that the combination of point guard Burt and guard Ledel will soon fall apart.”

“They choose to cooperate for a big contract, and then they will choose to go it alone for the same reason…”

After Gu Jian finished speaking, he looked coldly at the field.

At this time, the two sides warmly hugged each other because of the goal.

Seeing such a happy scene, Gu Jian could expect what would happen later.

Soon, the Timberwolves achieved a very small peak under the attack of the two of them.

In this way, the warriors led by Gu Jian have lost half of their lead.

The Warriors coach is desperate, and he doesn’t want his team to lose the game like this.

But just as he was about to shout for a pause, Gu Jian said coldly:

“Don’t worry! Waiting three minutes! ”

The Warriors coach scratched his head, not knowing what Gu Jian meant at this time.

“Maybe he has other meanings?”

Thinking of this, the Warriors coach is clear, Gu Jian’s thoughts are always elusive, but he believes that the other party may have a better coping strategy. _

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