Chapter 576 : Easy four-game winning streak, the heart to win!

Lectra Lakers and Rockets, two consecutive victories at home, and a perfect start to the new season!

After a day off, the Jazz flew to Seattle non-stop to play against the SuperSonics led by Gary Payton.

Since Sean Kemp left the team, the SuperSonics’ combat power doesn’t seem to have suffered much attenuation, but the regular season record can’t deceive people. The previous seasons have been ranked in the top three in the West. They have never entered the top four, and their overall competitiveness has dropped significantly.

Coupled with the fact that there will be injuries from time to time in the team, this game is difficult to play, and it is already impossible to repeat the glorious record in the past.

This time, facing the Jazz, who are in excellent shape and have a neat lineup, although the SuperSonics played very proactively and wanted to win very much, they faced an 813 player who made 5 three-pointers in a single quarter and scored 42 points in three quarters. Wang Zheng, in the end, had no choice but to swallow the defeat.

After taking three consecutive victories lightly, the fans’ attention was focused on Wang Jing.

In the three games that have ended, Wang Xin has shown a stronger performance than last season, often forcibly rushing into the basket, confronting various bodies, scoring in various ways, or assisting teammates to score. , The three-pointer from the outside is also as accurate as ever.

After three games, the average points per game has remained at 40+, which is really amazing.

In this era, most teams averaged 90 points per game. Wang Zheng’s score accounted for almost half of these teams’ average points per game. The data is also extremely brilliant, averaging 9 rebounds, 9 assists, 4.3 steals and 2 blocks per game, which is simply inappropriate.

The league’s No. 1 shooting guard has become Wang Pan’s exclusive term.

In this regard, the numerous super quantiles in the league are all “dare to be angry but not to speak out”, which is really too big a gap.

The most talented stars must also admit that Wang Xin deserves this title.

In this regard, Wang Zheng himself has no idea, just concentrate on the game, the team is still playing on the road, the opponent is replaced by the Clippers.

It is also located in Los Angeles, but the status and reputation of the Clippers are very embarrassing. After the Lakers won Shaquille O’Neal, their strength has risen steadily. This season has already reached the top level of the league. This season, the team has directly put on a stance and is completely rotten.

In the face of such an opponent who is not motivated to win, and whose fighting spirit is also very general, the Jazz played very easily.

Wang Pan just played less than 30 minutes, and easily defeated his opponent, and Qing (ajde) easily won four consecutive victories.

However, the reality did not give Wang Pan and the others much time to rest, or to reminisce about the game. The next day, they returned to the home court and greeted them with exhaustion. The current challenge of the Trail Blazers, who also have four wins and zero losses.

Compared with the “Supersonics, which is declining, the Trail Blazers have risen significantly in the past two seasons. The team has a perfect mix of old and new, and the team’s combat power is outstanding.”

The inside line has a Lithuanian striker, and the current league’s top-ranked Avidas Sabonis and Rasheed Wallace have also grown up. Both offense and defense have improved significantly. The inside line combination composed of the two is very powerful.

In the small forward position, this season the Blazers got Scottie Pippen, who still has good fighting ability, to make up for the team’s lack of this position. On the back line, create an atmosphere with Steve Smith and Steve Smith. Damon Stoudemire’s combination is also very deterrent.

This starting lineup is full of talent and competitive.

On the bench, the Trail Blazers also gathered outstanding players such as Detrev Schramf, Bunkie Wells and Jermaine O’Neal, and the depth of the bench was guaranteed to a certain extent.

With Mike Dunleavy as the leader of such outstanding teachers, this Blazers team has already become a climate, and what restricts them from going further is the team’s tacit understanding.

Facing such a talented and powerful opponent back-to-back at home, the Jazz played a 12-point spirit.

In the eyes of all the people, on November 9, the game started as scheduled.

For Wang Pan, this is not an ordinary game, because Selena brought Xiao Chen Yu, who can run and jump, to the scene, watching the game in the VIP box, he didn’t want to be with his wife and children humiliated in front of me, so this game must be won…

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