132 Battles More Anticipated Than Christmas Wars!

Christmas War is the annual Christmas Day in the United States, when the NBA schedules only a few heavyweight games, and these games are called Christmas Wars.

Since the '40s, the NBA has had a tradition of launching heavyweight games on Christmas Eve, and this business idea was quite ahead of its time at the time. After the popularity of televising, watching the NBA live on Christmas Eve has become a tradition for Americans.

Americans are very fond of basketball, and they are willing to invest more time and energy into it, which is one of the reasons why the basketball culture in the United States is much better than that of the Celestial Empire.

This problem can only be experienced accurately after Chen Hao came to the United States, so Chen Hao knows that he is constantly accepting new things here, accepting so many new things, and letting himself have this result in the NBA, which is already very good.

In addition to the Christmas War, there are other events that are worth looking forward to.

With the Warriors taking on the Cavaliers, this game will undoubtedly be the most watched game of the 2017 season.

The Finals teams met again, James and Durant's fateful matchup, Irving and Curry's three-point matchup, and the 2017 Finals preview.

LeBrum James is an American professional basketball player who plays as a small forward and plays for the Miami Heat in the NBA. James is one of the most versatile players the NBA has ever seen.

His dominance is almost unmatched in the current NBA.

In the 2003 NBA Draft, the 18-year-old James was selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers as the top pick in the draft and played for the Cavaliers for the next seven seasons.

And broke a series of records for the youngest in the league. That's why this game is a bit more glamorous.

If there's anyone who can match James here, it's Durant.

There is no doubt that Durant is the only man in the league in the past who can pose a threat to James' position.

Durant was once thought by the outside world that he had reached the point of catching up with James, and in fact, fans who know Durant should know it.

In fact, in terms of personal ability, Durant is no longer below James, and even in terms of offensive ability, Durant can be said to surpass James, but Durant's control and leadership ability of the game are not comparable to James.

This is also why everyone likes to watch their matchups, because this Durant will actually be more similar to James to a certain extent.

"I don't know, what kind of attitude and choice everyone has towards the Cavaliers vs. the Warriors, they should have made plenty of preparations this year. "

"Which team do you want to support, whether you support the Cavaliers led by James or the Warriors who support Durant and Curry, I believe this game is quite interesting. "

Because they had already lost to the Lakers when they played against the Lakers before, I believe that the anger at this time was about to spread to the chest.

I can just take this opportunity to vent all the grievances I have suffered, but the strength of the two teams is actually about the same, it depends on how the game is played.

But seriously, except for the Cavaliers vs. the Warriors.

There is also a match between the Lakers and the Bucks, and it seems that the attention of the Lakers and the Bucks is much higher than that of the Cavaliers and the Warriors!

The Bucks lost to the Lakers before, why is it so high, this game?

Maybe it's because you've seen the recent reports about Brother Alphabet, I heard that Brother Alphabet's state has exploded recently, and Chen Hao of the Lakers team is injured, everyone doesn't know if they think this is a hint.

However, although Chen Hao's injury was a minor problem, everyone seemed to have grasped this point and did not let go.

In fact, Chen Hao at this time was already participating in training, and he had already recovered, everyone was so concerned about Chen Hao's injury, I hope it wasn't a little careless if he was injured.

After losing to the Lakers, Brother Alphabet seems to have played very well, and Middleton is also more famous here.

I heard that the Bucks have spent a lot of money on Middleton, Middleton's all-round and individual offensive media lately. Good players in the middle and on the outside.

And he didn't occupy the ball that matched the sister's letter.

Everyone feels that he is the future of this team, and the extent to which it will directly determine whether this player can win a championship or not.

The performance in this position is undoubtedly outstanding. At the moment, it is necessary to increase the development of the triplet so that the Bucks can move forward against the wind.

The game dominated the headlines, and they continued to resound around the Bucks-Lakers game.

I think this game will definitely make people's blood surge, there must be no empty space in the stadium at that time, and everyone can't wait for this game to come.

It's going to be a big surprise.

Outside the door...

"Ding ding," Su Luoxuan's dormitory door rang, and it was Song Yuna who opened the door, and Song Yuna was stunned as soon as she opened the door.

The big guys in suits in front of them were politely asking, "Is Su Luoxuan here?", and smiled after speaking.

Su Luoxuan heard the movement and immediately asked, "What's wrong, Nana", and poked her head out.

"Looking for you," Song Yuna said.

Su Luoxuan came to them and asked, "I am, is there something wrong?"

"We are staff members of the NBA league, and due to winning the lottery before, congratulations on winning two tickets to our league's Christmas game, you can bring a family or friend with you!"

I didn't expect the two men in black in front of me to pick me up to go to the NBA, which was really unexpected, but I didn't expect that someone really sent him to each other.

"Hurry up and pack your bags, and we'll leave for us, on our private plane, and take you to the NBA home base. "

These two people were already excited, since they knew that they had won the lottery, they had already packed their luggage, and after they put their luggage, they were waiting for someone to pick them up.

Finally gave people hope.

Su Luoxuan and Song Yuna dressed up, and walked with the staff, and their NBA journey began, and Su Luoxuan did not forget to send a text message to Chen Hao when they set off, so that he could wait for their arrival with peace of mind.

And with the departure of Su Luoxuan, it also symbolizes the beginning of the Christmas war.

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