It is not called combat deployment.

That’s called a talked about the soldiers.

The situation of the battlefield is ever -changing.

The coach needs to sit in the whole audience by person, and always issue the most favorable station deployment to his own side.

It may even make the error of the coach, which will cause the results of the station to fall to the abyss.

So this combat deployment is not particularly complicated.

In the discussion of the Warring States Period and others.

Eventually unanimously decided.

Let the seven Wuhai of the Wang Xiandi stand on the front line as the first front of the White Beard Pirates.

Because these pirates even have a serious identity.

But their essence is still the evil pirate.

It is impossible to help the Navy in this station.

“Eighty -40” so.

Rather than let them touch fish in the rear muddy water.

It’s better to be at the beginning of the standing.

Let this group of fish -touching guys do the first line of defense and resist the first wave of the White Beard Pirates.

This is also the only group of Qiwuhai who can do it for the Navy.

It can be used for everything.

At this time.

A deputy general entered and reported loudly.

“Marshal of the Warring States Period, Qiwuhai was escorted from Mary Joya.”

Listening to the report of the deputy general.

The yellow ape browed his eyebrows and joked.

“Wang Xiaqihai is not a prisoner, but you can’t use this word?”

Yellow Ape smiled and said.

The deputy general was stagnant.

“Sorry, General Yellow Ape!”

The Warring States nodded, and looked at the Yellow Ape to wave.

“Polusalino, go to the group of Qiwuhai, and tell them the deployment of combat.”

This is the Navy Headquarters.

Not only do you have 100,000 sophisticated soldiers.

It also has the top torrential power of the sea, and Lieutenant General Lieutenant General also has nearly 20.

Such a horrible lineup dares to be here.

Qiwuhai did not have this courage.

The yellow ape nodded and got up.

“Mr. Warring States, then I’m going.”

He knew that he was dissatisfied with the Warring States Period because of yesterday.

But the yellow ape didn’t care.

It was the five old stars that gave him a salary, not the Warring States Period.

So he naturally understands who he is loyal to.

He didn’t care about the people’s views of the people of the Warring States Period.

The apes inserted their pockets with both hands, walking slowly towards the door.

Looking at his appearance.

The Warring States Period, Red Dog, etc. frowned slightly, and they were dissatisfied.

Haven’t waited for the Yellow Ape to get out of Marshal’s office.

Another deputy general came in and reported loudly.

“Marshal of the Warring States Period, Fire Boxing Ace came from promoting the city, and arrived in the headquarters ten minutes.”

Listen to this news.

Ben laughed with a smile, and Karp, who didn’t care about anything.

Men and Peach Rabbit turned their heads and glanced at Karp.

The eyes of the Crown Crane were complicated.

Peach Rabbit is also slightly complicated.

But the complexity of the two means completely different.

But Karp didn’t know.

He only thinks that Lieutenant Generals and Tao Rabbit are concerned about himself.

Carp squeezed a smile from his face and pretended to be ignored.

“Xiaohe, Gion, don’t care about the old man.”

“The old man is okay.”

Can be said.

Karp’s hand was a little stunned.

The top of the sea is strong.

Iron fist kap.

Together with Roger, he ended the sea overlord Lockez, and Roger’s world runs.

Now it’s shaking.

How big jokes.

But in front of his grandson Ace.

Karp really couldn’t help shaking his hands.

The Warring States behind the desk glanced at the cape on the sofa without trace.

After thinking about it, he looked around and said sinking.

“Everyone, Qiwuhai and Huoxing Ais to the headquarters together, let’s see them together.”

The rest nodded.

Only Kapop was unwilling.

But the Warring States could not help but say.

He walked out with everyone.

Finally, there are only silver and Karp in the room.

Yin carefully looked at the hesitation on Karp’s face.

Knowing the other party is because of his uncle Ais.

Silver came to Karp and said.

“Lieutenant Karp, I want to ask you a question.”

Listening to the little guy in front of him.

Karp stunned and laughed.

“what is the problem?”

Silver did not hesitate to speak directly.

“Lieutenant Karp, you are the heroine of the navy.”

“Presumably, your persistence in justice is extremely profound.”

Carp scratched his head with a smile.

The little guy with this marshal praises so much.

Even if he was a little embarrassed.

Silver didn’t see the embarrassment on Karp’s face, and continued.

“Lieutenant Karp, I want to ask you.”

“Is everyone’s justice, the same?”

Silver words fell, Capu’s eyes flashed, and the answer was quickly given.

“Of course, justice is different, everyone has the justice of everyone.”

Speaking, he thought of the three generals today.

The absolute justice of the red dog.

The lazy justice of the green pheasant.

The justice of the Yellow Ape touched the fish.

These are naturally different.

But they are all justice.

Silver nodded and looked at Karp’s eyes.

“Lieutenant General, do you think Ace is evil?”

Listen to the silver.

Karp’s eyes shrank sharply.

Then, strong complexity was gradually exposed in the eyes.

This time, he thought for a long time.

In the end, Karp said nothing, he couldn’t give the answer.


Is Ace evil?

It’s okay to say.

After all, Ace is a pirate.

He also joined the White Beard Pirates and became the captain.

The Four Emperor Pirates have been in the sea for so many years.

Even the more righteous white beard pirates and the red -haired pirate group.

I dare not say that I have never done something wrong for so many years.

This sea, after all, weak meat and strong food.

But to say that Ace is evil, and Karp does not agree.

Ace grew up.

The other party shouted with Luffy as a pirate all day.

Karp did not take it seriously.

I thought the two children were just talking.

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