[Ghost Spider Lieutenant General: How can it be…! This guy had been injured to that extent before, and he should have been well aware of the gap in strength between him and the Seven Martial Seas, and after surviving by chance, he even had the courage to find it

[Lieutenant General John Jaendo: Isn’t the Straw Hat Boy afraid of death?! 】

Ivankov: Huh? Wait, this time Straw Hat Luffy seems to be carrying something behind his back, what is a secret weapon? 】

[Yellow Ape: Now, useless, right?] The difference in strength between those two people was too big, but it really made someone say it, and the courage to not give up after losing the battle against the monster was really terrible

[Yellow Ape: However, courage is not the same as strength, and facing an opponent with too large a gap is not something that some skills can make up].

【Gore · D. Roger: Well, no one knows the outcome of the battle until the last minute, right? And that kid doesn’t just use brute force in combat, just look at it, right?].

[Red Dog: Boring, the end result anyway is that nothing will change!] 】

With the discussion here in the speaking area.

See only the top of the projection screen.

Faced with Luffy charging again, Klockdale stood high above the city walls.

Seeing that it was Luffy, his cold eyes revealed disdain for his enemies who had already defeated him.

“It seems that you still want to be pierced again, right?” Obviously, I have already said that no matter how many times, you can’t hurt me. ”

As the words fell, Klockdale bit his cigar and his head began to elementalize, not taking the ‘loser’ attack in front of him at all.


A few droplets of water flickering in the sun.

This time, Klockdahl’s body did not succeed in elementalizing to dodge Luffy’s attack.

It’s …

Strong and solid hit by Luffy’s fist! Fall under the city walls!

Luffy landed on the wall, looked at Klockdahl’s fallen body, stood on the wall, raised his head, revealed a face still scarred under the straw hat, and said:

“Sorry, because I’ve already lost your guy once, so… This time I won’t lose! ”

[Bucky: Even, Hard! Hit!!! How can it be?! 】

[Drought Jack: What?! Hit an elemental enemy?! 】

[Ghost Spider Lieutenant General: How can it be!] Isn’t elementalization invincible in such a domineering place as the Great Passage?! 】

[Lieutenant General John Jaendo: This is impossible!] The Straw Hat Boy obviously can’t use domineering, how can he hit the natural ability in the elementalized state! 】

[Whitebeard: Gollum la ~ it’s amazing, Roger, that guy is also really interesting about the talent and intuition of fighting, and even found the enemy’s weakness?] 】

On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard saw the scene on the projection screen, moved his eyes to the barrel behind Luffy, and smiled thoughtfully.

【Gore · D. Roger: Yes, that guy has a lot of shadows of the deceased, but it’s a surprising idea to think of attacking elementalized abilities in that way, haha. 】

[Bucky: That kind of attack? 】

[Marko: What is that attack?] 】

[Golden Lion: Stupid, look closely, this has something to do with the barrel behind the boy!] 】

[Marko: Barrels? Is that…? 】

[Barrett: Use water to stop the elementalization of the enemy… It’s an interesting idea, but the battle won’t end so easily


[Foil Bista:… Water? Is that the way to stop the enemy from elementalizing?! 】

[Ivankov: That’s right, because Klockdal’s Demon Fruit ability is related to sand, so as long as the water fills the opponent’s body with stickiness, it can interfere with normal elementalization, so that the opponent can attack! In this way, this battle, the straw hat has hope! 】

[Red Dog: Water?! Damn it… But don’t get carried away too soon! The battle is far from over! It’s just that the mere use of water prevents elementalization, and the fundamental gap will not change in any way! 】

As the speaking area and the rest of the world shook as Luffy successfully attacked Klockdal, it shook and was shaken.

Right now.

on the screen.

Luffy struck a blow and leaped with Klockdahl to land beneath the walls of the palace.

Taking advantage of Klockdahl’s brief lapse of consciousness, Luffy reached out and grabbed Klockdahl’s shoulders with his outstretched hands, his body spinning like a wheel.

Then he slammed into Klockdale and rushed over!

Klockdale looked back and noticed that Luffy could hold his hands steadily, and his pupils froze.

“Is it true that … This guy…”

Luffy had rushed to him, his head slammed into his head, blood appeared at the corner of Klockdal’s mouth, his pupils were faintly white, and he was knocked out again!

“Stand up, crocodile man! Now you can’t turn into sand, and our battle isn’t over yet! ”

Luffy stared at Klockdale who had fallen out, spraying water on his body.

Lying on the ground Klockdahl heard the words, he sat on the ground, propped up his upper body, half of his face shrouded in shadows suddenly began to smile, then became laughing, and opened his mouth to taunt:

“Do you think you can beat me?”

“Because you can’t turn into sand anymore.” Luffy said firmly.

“It’s funny, in the previous state of dying, I can still see my weaknesses, it’s really remarkable.”

“But there is an insurmountable gap between you and me…”

Speaking of this, Klockdahl’s calm eyes were filled with disdain.

“… That was the level of the Seven Martial Seas. ”


Luffy’s next answer left Klockdahl, so much so that the people watching the projection of the entire world were stunned.

“Ah, what about you being the Seven Martial Seas?”

“What?!” Klockdahl’s face darkened.

Just listen to Luffy pose for battle.

“In that case…. I am the ‘Eight Martial Seas’! ”

Luffy’s voice falls with projections from all over the world.

At the same moment.

Naval Headquarters.

Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.

The Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment station.

And around the world, countless drinkers suddenly froze, and then a sip of wine suddenly squirted out.

Naval Headquarters.

The yellow ape looked at the projection of a natural Luffy, the corners of his mouth twitched, looked at Kapu who reached out to cover his face, revealed a look of intolerable laughter, and teased:

“Eight, Eight Martial Seas? Mr. Karp, what a lot of fun! Do you want to issue a recruitment order to your grandson for the Seven Martial Seas? ”

KAP: …

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