Chapter Ninety-Seven: Product Endorsements from Whitebeard!!。

Compared to the embarrassment of the Navy.

The Whitebeard Pirates were noticeably much more relaxed.

Whitebeard was alone and jumped off the Moby Dick.

Striding over to Rasaki,he unceremoniously took 5 bottles of the “God Forbidden Zone” potion from his hand. It was in this instant.

Razaki copied the Shock Fruit!!

Whitebeard unscrewed the lid of a bottle of potion on the spot and directly poured a bottle of belly! Moment.

Whitebeard felt his physical strength return again, and the dark disease that was densely packed in his body was eliminated little by little.

“Kula la la la la!!!! la Rozaki! You Rashomon Chamber of Commerce is indeed honest, and I feel that my strength and the dark disease in my body have all disappeared!! Oh my!! Ku la la la la la!! ”

The white-bearded Lang Shuang’s laughter spread throughout the world!

As the four emperors of the new world of King’s Landing, the strongest man in this world!

His words were undoubtedly the best publicity for The Rashomon Chamber of Commerce for Rasaki.

It’s like one Piece Roger announcing before his death that “onepiece” really exists for 17. Push the reputation of the Rashomon Chamber of Commerce to the highest point!

The white-bearded pirates were even more overjoyed, and with their father’s body returning to its peak, their confidence in rescuing Ace was even more sufficient!


Some people rejoice and some people are sad.

The 100,000 elites of the Naval Headquarters are facing a great enemy at this moment!

Watching Whitebeard regain his peak strength under their eyes. Even the iron blue face of the Warring States was extremely red at this moment.

Hesitated for a long time.

Eventually, Sengoku himself jumped off the execution table.

As he walked in the direction of Rozaki, he shouted loudly.

“Karp! Crane! Pheasant! Yellow Ape! And the red dog, have you laid down enough! Get up and pick up the goods! ”

This also blames the Warring States for wanting to vomit blood at this moment.

In fact, the whole thing is clearly seen by the whole world. The Navy first spoke provocatively, which was the result of Being Punched in the Face by Rozaki. Then people came up with formal reasons and came from far and wide to deliver the goods. The reasons are strong and irrefutable.

Even after the fact, if the Navy wants to issue a reward to Rozaki, I am afraid that it will have to consider whether the Navy’s justice will be frustrated again!

Will the inhabitants of the four seas, the Great Passage and even the New World question the Navy? And it is on the battlefield of this most important war on top.

The president of this Rashomon Chamber of Commerce has worked tirelessly to deliver goods to them, so that the whole world has seen the concept of honest management of the Rashomon Chamber of Commerce, and at the same time, the atmosphere of this war on the top has been stirred up!

Most importantly.

It is the white beard that faces its heyday.

Even the Warring States themselves were not sure whether they could win this war on top! Not to mention.

At this moment, Whitebeard alone came forward to take his goods, and they needed six people…. It is clear that from the very beginning, this war, at this moment, has fallen into the inferior position.

“Rozaki! Tell me if you didn’t mean to come here! ”

Follow sengoku to Rozaki.

Face to face with Whitebeard, while taking the “God Forbidden Zone” potion from Rozaki’s hand. The pheasant asked in a deep voice.

Red Dog looked at Luo Qi with a cold face at this moment, no longer had the arrogance he had before, just that moment, it really made him feel strong and solid about what is called evil coming out of his mouth.

Of course, the Red Dog’s heart is naturally filled with endless anger. This account, no matter what, he wants to get back!

As for the Warring States, he didn’t say a word from the beginning to the end.

The question asked by the pheasant was meaningless at all, whether It was intentional or unintentional, in this case, it was impossible to give an answer, and the Navy could not do anything to Rozaki at all!

The Sengoku is even less likely to be stupid enough to drag Razaki into this war at this moment. And this scene was also faithfully broadcast by the live phone bug. On the battlefield on top of this great.

Navy with Whitebeard, since the appearance of Rozaki.

Harmonious face-to-face, taking away their respective goods, there is no sense to fight.


After retrieving the potion.

Sengoku turned his head with a cold face and led several people back again. At the same time open the mouth command.

“All the people above the rank of rear admiral, all came out of the line, stood next to the ten thousand Barretts, picked up their weapons, and quickly moved to the rear!”

Next, take out two bottles of “God Forbidden Zone”. One bottle was handed to Karp and one bottle was handed to Crane.

I also picked up a bottle and poured it into my mouth.

“Karp! Crane, this war, I’m afraid it’s more tragic than imagined, drink this potion, this time, you don’t want to go up! ”

As he spoke, he jumped up again. Jumped to the execution table.


“From today on I am a big fan of the Rashomon Chamber of Commerce, Marin Fando’s battlefield delivery, such a service attitude, I am happy to spend more money!”

“This wave of operations of the Rashomon Chamber of Commerce is simply too showy, the Navy and pirates pick up goods face to face, the two sides are not fighting, you can contract me for a whole year!”

“President Razaki is really handsome!! I’m also going to the Great Passage and see President Razaki with my own eyes! ”

“Ten thousand Barrett, this is also too spectacular, Rashomon Chamber of Commerce is really big!!”

“I just knew! Every time our favorite President Razaki appears, it is the most eye-catching one in the audience!! ”

It was different from the eerie atmosphere on the battlefield on top.

At this moment, the people all over the world watching the live broadcast of the war on the top are all expressing their opinions. If there is a barrage in this pirate world.

Then at this moment, the battlefield on the top is afraid to be overwhelmed by a dense barrage of bullets.


The moment I saw the Navy holding Barrett in his hands. Luo Qi immediately and gracefully withdrew from the battlefield.

Back to the corner where he landed, he said politely.

“967 is sorry to bother you with what you have at hand, now that the delivery is complete, you can continue, I promise!” The Rashomon Chamber of Commerce will never interrupt any of your movements again! ”

Done. A wave of the hand.

A sofa made by The Island Cloud was placed in the corner, and a coffee table appeared in front of the sofa. A pot of hot tea is served with several stacks of fruit and dried fruit.

Luo Qi generously led the crowd to sit on the sofa and watch.


“The little ones!!! The Navy has received the goods! Grab me the weapons immediately, and use those weapons to give me a fierce bombardment of the navy to snatch Ace back!! ”

Whitebeard raised the Cong YunChe in his hand and shouted with a big hand! Then raise your left hand!

Randomly smashed in the direction of the Rear Admiral of the Naval Headquarters holding ten thousand Barrett! With the smashing of the fist, the entire sea set off a monstrous wave.

In the direction where the rear admiral of the 10,000 naval headquarters was located, the whole ground was lifted, and the rear admirals who were rushing to the rear fell back to the same place!

Countless weapons flew into the air and landed on the battlefield! The peak of the four emperors white beard!

With a single blow, the horror is like a hiss!!!

The pheasant, who had just turned back, turned his head again, jumped high, jumped into the air, and drank coldly.

“Ice Age!”

A trick erupted directly towards the surface of the sea, and the entire sea surface quickly froze into cold ice at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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