“Gentlemen! Ladies! Welcome to the 1st Rashomon Chamber of Commerce Global Trade Fair! Introduce yourself, I am the President of the Rashomon Chamber of Commerce – Razaki! ”

A beautiful hand waver, smiling gracefully in front of the camera.

Immediately let countless women in the entire pirate world fall for it.

Inside the group of reporters under the stage, there were even more screams.

Looking at such a powerful effect, Luo Qi couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction.

Then slowly take out a card, attach it with both hands, and the next second, a gorgeous firework will erupt.

The moment it opened in the air, the rashomon chamber of commerce logo appeared.


More real, more stable than the embodiment of the phantom fruit of the famous singer Anne of the New World, and even a real attack!


The opening ceremony ends.

Luo Qi opened his mouth again, and finally entered the main topic.

“There are many categories of goods in this trade fair, and I believe that there will always be one that you like while watching this live broadcast!”

“Of course! At this trade fair, all the goods will only be displayed during the live broadcast process, and those who need it can contact me to trade after the trade fair is over! ”

As he spoke, he clapped his hands together.

A dead man walked up with a beautiful box.

Everyone’s eyes were instantly drawn to see what was in it!

Only to see Luo Qi open the box and hold out a demon fruit from it.

It was placed on the display stage in the center of the stage.

Looked at the people in the audience.

Many people immediately wondered whether this demon fruit was a special line of demon fruit.

There are even many people who have the Devil Fruit Atlas in their hands who want to flip through the Atlas to see which fruit it is.

However, Luo Qi smiled indifferently and suddenly opened his mouth.

“The first item of this fair is the Devil Fruit, not one, but 40!” And it’s 40 animal-based demon fruits! Of course, I promise that I have never checked in advance which animal lines these demon fruits are! ”

40 animal demon fruits!

The moment this sentence is spoken!

Kaido, who was far away in the New World, sat up violently, and his eyes looked dead at the Demon Fruit on the stage!

Be aware.

He was planning to form his own legion of animal-based abilities!

These 40 animals, so to speak, are simply carefully prepared for him.

“Purr! 40 animal demon fruits! This trade fair was so big at the beginning, and this guy of Doflamingo really didn’t lie to me! ”

After laughing loudly, Kaido did not hesitate to look at Drought Jack next to him and commanded.

“The trade fair is over, call this Rashomon Chamber of Commerce, anyway, I want these 40 demon fruits!”

The same scene happened in Marin Fando.

The last 25 Superman Demon Fruits, but let the Warring States suffer a small loss, although Luo Qi clearly stated that he had not seen the Demon Fruit Atlas.

But sengoku is still very suspicious, after all, in addition to the 5 animal systems, the remaining 20 superhuman systems are all garbage!


Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, this time directly took out 40 animal demon fruits, making the Warring States difficult again.

After all, the animal system is much more stable than the superhuman system, and even the garbage animal system can more or less increase the combat effectiveness.

In any case, it cannot be left out.

Hesitated for a long time.

He made up his mind that the Navy still had to buy these 40 animals!

Of course, people like Spandam also want to buy a few.


In fact.

This was bought by Rozaki a moment before the end of the last 12-hour promotion.

These 40 animals are demon fruits, of which 30 are docile and weak animals such as chickens, ducks, geese, and rabbits.

There are only ten decent ones, such as the cat cat fruit and the dog fruit, which are not strong in the two branches of the common cat and dog family.

The purpose of this is actually very simple.

Luo Qi wanted to reduce the occurrence rate of garbage demon fruits in the system mall.

Then go and open the blind box.

Although the blind box is opened once in 2000 points, the 10% discount of Devil Fruit is not often available, and the promotion is not often available.

It is equivalent to a 20% discount on the purchase of devil fruit, which is also a very good deal.

There are fewer garbage demon fruits, and the probability of a good demon fruit opened in the blind box will naturally be greater.

Then you can even build a legion of capable people!


The expressions of everyone at the scene were all in sight of Luo Qi.’

Although it was only forty animal demon fruits, it was enough to make the opening atmosphere of this trade fair climb up.

In particular, Luo Qi is almost certain.

Just these 40 animals are demonic fruits.

Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, and the Naval Headquarters will certainly not let anyone go!

Two dogs strive for a bone and a third runs away with it!

Regardless of the ending, it was his Rashomon Chamber of Commerce that ultimately profited!

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