The venue for the fair was arranged at Dock 4 in the Water Capital!

Because of the signing of a 10 billion engineering project with Iceberg.


Iceberg generously leased Ship 4 to the Rashomon Chamber of Commerce for three days.

And on this last night.

Dock Four was completely cordoned off.

Nearly 4,000 dead men, the docks were all fenced off from the top of the dock to the ground.

No one can see anything inside.

Watched by Sauron, Daz Bonis, Joy, Mr.3, Mr.5.


The major islands of the four seas, the central cities of the kingdoms of the Great Passage, the slave auction houses of the Chambord Islands, and several important areas have all erected huge screens, and huge video telephony worms are quietly placed below.

Employees of the Rashomon Chamber of Commerce, stationed aside.

Of course!


There are also some other places that have put up their own video of the film and television telephone worm voluntarily connecting to the auction.

The meeting room of the Naval Headquarters where Marin Fando received the news of the pheasant!

Holy Land Jo maria received CP0 Stucci sent back messages to the Office of the Five Old Stars!

New World because of Doflamingo free help to publicize the post-Teresaros, the Great De Solo, the Ghost Island of the Kingdom of Peace, the Cake Island, the Whitebeard Moby Dick and even the red-haired Shanks station!

When Doflamingo told him the news, Razaki was overjoyed.

The Four Emperors also came to see this trade fair, of course, it was impossible to ask for it.

Even for Doflamingo.

This person took the initiative to send the line fruit, and very much hoped to jump into the big pit of the demon fruit optimization liquid.

Now, because he saw that the admiral of the Naval Headquarters had inserted a foot, and it was not a big deal to see the hilarity, he took the initiative to help him contact the guy of the four emperors.


Luo Qi was really reluctant to take the initiative to let himself be a high-quality potential customer.

Of course.

Wool will always finish one day….

But at present, how can this big smart person not be a little cute!


The day of the trade fair.

There were already countless reporters gathered at the door of Dock Four.

Even Munch D. Dragon and Kera, Blackbeard and his men are hidden in the shadows.

Even Stucy appeared in the crowd as a courtesan.

There are even many pirates who come to visit, but there are very few who offer more than 100 million rewards, and the so-called supernova is even more absent.

Along with Luo Qi, he appeared with everyone.

Pheasant, Yellow Ape, Doflamingo, Hawkeye, CP9’s Spandam, and Iceberg all arrived on time.

The gate of Dock Four was slowly pushed open.

Rozaki took the lead in taking Poya Han Cook, Nicole Robin, and Nami toward the gate.

With a smile on his face, Stusi greeted Rozaki, got his business card on the ground, and successfully followed Rozaki into the door of Dock Four.

Then came the journalists who received the invitations.

After showing the invitation letter in their hands, they also entered the interior of Dock Four.

Iceberg even took a day off at the request of a group of boatmen.

These boatmen were allowed to watch the fair live on the high platform crane tower.

Of course, this is also driven by CP9 and Kalifa as iceberg secretary.

Except for them.

Others were not eligible for dock four.

Munch · D. Dragon, disguised as a style, sneaked into the venue.

As for Kirla, he stole an invitation from a reporter and mixed it in.

Blackbeard was also curious about what would happen at the fair.

However, after seeing the employees of the Rashomon Chamber of Commerce, they killed the pirates who wanted to violently break in one by one on the spot.

Thinking of his own embarrassing identity, in the end, he was still sad and did not break in.

At the same time, he also has a deep resentment towards Luo Qi.

Because the employees of the Rashomon Chamber of Commerce killed the few sea thieves who had a reward of more than 100 million.

This led to his unsuccessful attempt to catch a few sea thieves at the fair.

There was no qualification to go in, no pirates to catch him, and eventually gray slipped away with his crew.


Inside Dock 4.

In the center of the vast open space, there is a huge square stage.

The stage was covered with ten red cloths, large and small.

The red cloth was guarded by dead soldiers on either side.

Around the huge stage, a long runway was built.

Two video telephony bugs stood in open spaces on either side of the stage.

Just outside the runway are VIP seats and press seats.

In the row to the left, sat the members of the Rashomon family, Namely Poya Hancock.

In the right row are Pheasant, Yellow Ape, Tina, Hawkeye, Doflamingo, Monet, Iceberg, Spandam, and Stucy.

After them.

It is nearly a hundred press seats, which are already full at the moment.


Surrounding Dock Four, nearly 500 Rashomon Chamber employees are responsible for safety services.

The direct phone worm, on the other hand, was divided into four directions, pointing at the stage, the runway, the seating seats, and a huge candle wall in the distance.

Luo Qi gracefully stood on the stage.

Sweet Fruit’s ability was unleashed, only to see him with a charming smile.

Looking at the crowd below the stage, he opened his mouth to the dead man in charge of the direct phone bug on the side.

“Turn on live!!”

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