“You guy, you’re really getting more and more arrogant, but when are we going to leave for the new world you call it?”

Sauron took two steps to Rozaki’s side and asked with the corners of his mouth.

“Why, I haven’t met a strong opponent for a long time, and I feel an itchy hand?”

Luo Qi reached out and patted him on the shoulder and teased.

“Ah! You promised yourself that you would let me meet the Hawkeye guy, and now I should have the strength to fight him, right? ”

Sauron’s eyes flickered with anticipation, although the pursuit of the world’s largest swordsman had not diminished.

But as Rozaki raised the tricolor domineering spirit for him.

The first half of the Great Passage.

There are almost no people who can play with him, and there are almost no people who let him play a game.


“Sauron, good news for you, Hawkeye is almost at the water capital.”

It was Nicole Robin who spoke.

Among the dead soldiers who scattered out, the person who was responsible for intelligence gathering was in her hands.

Hearing Robin’s words, Sauron’s eyes lit up, and the look in his eyes that longed for a battle was unobstructed.

“Hawkeye seems to be the Seven Martial Seas under the King, right?”

Vivi interjected and asked.

“I remember that Rasaaki seemed to have mentioned that Hawkeye’s original reward seemed to be very high.”

Nami poked her chin in memory, but couldn’t remember anything.

“Not very high, very high, 3590 million!” You must have been enjoying it and didn’t remember it. ”

Nuoqi Gao stabbed Nami on the side, teasing her lips.

Annoyed her with a big blush.

On the other side, he silently followed the last Kallifa, listening to the chatter of several people.

I was amazed.

TangTang a king under the Seven Martial Seas, everywhere you are knows everything, how terrible the rashomon Chamber of Commerce is.

Under the net of hearts.

The thoughts in Kalifa’s mind were clearly explored by Luo Qi.

The corners of Luo Qi’s mouth were hooked, this is the tip of the iceberg, you are so surprised, then how to do what a secretary should do in the future.


Half an hour later.

The second floor of the manor.

Luo Qi lay quietly in the huge hot spring pool.

Koya and Magino knelt down next to Rozaki and massaged his shoulders…

Kallifa sat on Luo Qi’s body, blushing and patiently wiping the dirt from his body for him.

Not far away.

Nicole Robin put on a mask and lay calmly by the pool, resting with her eyes closed.

Nami swam around in the pool.

As for Nokigo, Vivi and Carumon, they enjoyed this idle moment with a comfortable face.

Around the bath, Bora and Michita are expertly preparing a change of clothes and toiletries for Rozaki.

Only Cornish and Rachy, as Carumin had when they first boarded the ship, were nervously nestled in the corner, their faces flushed.

Luo Qi naturally enjoyed all this.

My mind kept thinking about the latest information I had received so far.


The straw hat boy’s new navigator was still bitten in the little garden.

I don’t know if it was fate or fate, but I arrived at Magnetic Drum Island by chance.

Hawkeye Mihawk, one of the Seven Martial Seas under the king, returned to the Great Passage after a small disturbance in the East China Sea, walking faster than the Straw Hat Boys, and was expected to arrive at the Water Capital early tomorrow morning and take a short rest.

And Doflamingo, who is also one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King, it seems that the latest intelligence feedback has appeared on the Great Route, and is rushing towards the Water Capital.

As for Blackbeard Marshall Titch, this guy didn’t seem to be heading towards Magic Valley after making a big fuss about Magnetic Drum Island, but never showed up.

Of course.

And Fire Fist Ace, this guy has just arrived in Alabastan.


The intelligence of his appearance in the water capital also attracted the attention of the Navy.

The pheasant with several warships had already set out from Marin Fando and came to the water capital.

Several merchant ships in the Chambord Islands, countless journalists are also converging on this side, and it is expected to arrive in about 7 days.

In addition to these.

What surprised Rozaki the most was.

The female emperor who was supposed to be active in the New World hunting pirates, Poya Hancock, actually returned to the Great Route and rushed to this side.

Of course.

Except for the information sent back by the dead soldiers sent out by themselves.

A fact has just been confirmed from Kalifa’s thoughts.

That is, Kallifa is only responsible for temporarily making friends with herself, collecting as much information as possible about her preferences, personality, and strength, and it seems that there will be others after her who will take over the next action.

That is to say, the world government is also paying special attention to the water capital!

Three Seven Armed Seas, admirals of the Naval Headquarters, intelligence officers of higher agencies of the world government, plus journalists from Chambord.

Although there are no figures of the Four Emperors and the Revolutionary Army, it has to be said that for now.

Enough for Rozaki to make the Rashomon Chamber of Commerce famous in this world!


“Kallifa, are you interested in working for me?”

Open your eyes and look at Kallifa, who is slightly panting in front of you.

Luo Qi asked with a smile.

“Rozaki… Sir, you… Want me to… Treachery… CP9, World Government… No… Let me go. ”

With a vibrato, Kalifa exhaled the aroma in his mouth and answered.

“Is it?”

In an instant, the Demon Fruit ability was switched to the Nika Fruit, which suddenly provoked Kalifa’s exclamation.

Eyes glazed over, gritting her silver teeth, Kalifa snorted.

“Mr. Rozaki…, I finally… See why… You’re so attractive. ”

“Thanks for the compliment.”


Luo Qi also stopped opening his mouth, but closed his eyes.

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