Hinata Saburō’s repeated provocations made Shitong quite annoyed.

If it was usual, Shi Tong didn’t want to deal with him, but today, Hinata Saburo insulted his teammates, which Shi Tong couldn’t bear.

Ignoring Hinata Saburo before, it was Shiki who felt troublesome.

After all, it is the same family, and if there is a fight, it is inevitable that it will be scolded by the father.

But here, in times of war, the Hyuga clan doesn’t have the kung fu to care about such a trifle.

Shitong’s voice was low and cold, but Hinata Saburo was not afraid, but had a defiant look, as if to say, what can you do with me.

“How? Do you cowards still dare to make a move with me? ”

Hinata Saburo said this, there was a faint expectation, he had long wanted to teach Shikiri a lesson.

But every time he competed without fighting, much to the annoyance of Saburo Hinata.

He didn’t think about doing it directly, but every time Shi Tong ran fast, he couldn’t start.

It’s just that he never thought about it, if Shi Tong’s strength is not as good as him, how can he throw him off every time and slip away first?

“Didn’t you always want to fight me? I fulfill you! ”

Shitong’s answer this time did not disappoint Hinata Saburo, and Hinata Saburo was even more excited when he heard this.

“Good! Let me teach you a good lesson! Let my father see who is more powerful! You guy, it’s just a lot of theoretical knowledge, what’s the use! ”

Hinata Saburo spoke coldly, full of disdain for Shitong.

It’s just that vision makes Shi Tong look down on him even more.

The ninja school was founded by the second generation of Hokage, if theoretical knowledge is useless, isn’t it hitting this forbidden grandmaster in the face?

What kind of character is the second generation Hokage? How can you do such a boring thing.

When the two sides put on a fight, they will fight.

Akimichi didn’t stop it, he also wanted to teach this Hinata Saburo a lesson.

And he didn’t think that Hinata Saburo could win against Tokiri, so he simply leaned on his uncle and watched the battle while eating sushi.

Both of the Hyuga clan, the two attack methods are extremely similar.

Both of them are separated, and naturally they cannot use the various secret techniques of the Zong family.

Unless they can make meritorious achievements, it is possible to obtain them.

But now, they only have the most basic soft boxing.

Jiuquan is also a type of physical art.

Before becoming a chu ninja, most of the lower shinobi used physical skills to fight.

So during this period, the advantage of the Hyuga family is still quite large.

After all, close points, as long as one hit hits, basically lock the victory.

But for people of the same race, the soft boxing routines are very familiar, and it is not difficult to beware of points.

“Roll your eyes!”

Hinata Saburo directly opened his eyes, and his face was bruised.

Shi Tong was quite surprised when he saw this.

Unexpectedly, this Hinata Saburo actually opened his eyes.

Although the white eyes of the Hyuga clan are not as difficult to open as the Sharingan eyes of the Uchiha clan, they also require a lot of accumulation to open.

Don’t look at their natural pair of pure white pupils, but if the real white eyes are cast, they want their faces to burst out.

That’s the sign of an open eye.

And the average Hyuga branch family can be opened around the age of twelve, which is considered good.

If it is a sect family, it may be able to open it at the age of six or seven.

This naturally has something to do with caged birds.

Under the seal of the caged bird, it is more difficult to separate the family and open the white eyes.

But to some extent, it is also more accumulation.

Whether this is a bad thing or a good thing, it is difficult to say.

“I didn’t expect me to roll my eyes, did I? Hahaha. ”

Saburo Hinata smiled proudly.

A few days ago, he participated in the mission for the first time, and it was only after he realized his potential that he opened his eyes.

Shi Tong was indeed quite surprised, he didn’t expect Hinata Saburo to open his eyes so quickly, sure enough, the battlefield is the best stage to improve his strength.

Opportunities and dangers coexist.

“You who didn’t open your eyes, in my eyes, are just a waste!”

Hinata Saburo said, his right foot raised, and his figure flashed instantly.

The opening of the white eye represents not only the opening of the ability of the white eye, but also the improvement of various skills of the body.

This is the same as writing wheel eyes.

Sasuke’s opening of the Sharingan Eye is not just an improvement in eyesight.

Hinata Saburo pointed his right hand together and pointed at Tokiri’s left arm.

If it is in the point, it will be paralyzed for a day.

In this way, Hinata Saburo can naturally taunt Shiki again.

Shi Tong’s eyes narrowed, turned slightly sideways, and easily dodged.

The attack failed, and Hinata Saburo shook slightly.

Unexpectedly, Shi Tong could actually dodge it.

“It’s a bit of a skill, but it’s not enough! My strength is far above yours! ”

Saburo Hinata turned his body and went faster.

Right hand again!

Shi Tong waved his right palm and patted it gently.

Hinata Saburō’s right hand had not yet touched Shitong, whose right palm had already hit the joint of his right hand.

The offensive was instantly defused, and Shitong kicked out with a kick, right in the lower abdomen of Saburo Hinata!


Under the force, Hinata Saburo withdrew directly three meters away.

The lower abdomen hurt, and Hinata Saburō’s face also changed.

For a while, it didn’t slow down.

Seeing this, Akimichi smiled lightly, and the action of eating sushi became faster.

Shi Tong looked at his right hand and was slightly surprised in his heart.

In the face of Hinata Saburo’s attack, he could actually be so calm.

The method of cracking the offensive just now was even more obtained from the previous misty forbearance.

Unknowingly, a battle has improved Shi Tong’s ability a lot.

It’s just that Shi Tong didn’t find it before.

Now that I think about it, I have summed up the various experiences of that battle before.

I also learned some of the strategies to deal with the enemy from my opponents.

To deal with the attack of Jiuquan is to be faster than him.

Interrupt his point when it reaches him.

In this way, the point point naturally has no effect.

Theoretically, the Hyuga clan can release from various acupuncture points in the body, but some acupuncture points are very difficult, unless you deliberately train, otherwise you may not be able to do it in a lifetime.

Such as elbows, head, neck, etc.

These areas are either too hard or too immature and require extremely careful Chakra control.

And these places often become the weaknesses of the Hyuga clan.

As a member of the Hyuga clan, Shitong is well aware of this.

Not long after, Hinata Saburo changed.

The head was raised and looked at Shi Tong viciously.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not open his eyes, and was actually able to dodge his own attacks continuously, and even gave a counterattack.

How is this possible?

How could he be so powerful!

“Bastard! I don’t believe you’re so strong! ”

Furious, Hinata Saburo rushed up again.

The soft fist was unfolded again in his hand.

A little!

One poke!

One palm!

One punch!

Change is constant!

It is the basic boxing technique of Jiuquan!

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