Suddenly, under the emergency transfer of three generations of Naruto, Muye Village immediately dispatched a considerable battle to pursue.

This made the people among the people who murmured.

What happened to this suddenly?

Why is it that the three generations of Naruto are dispatched.

But the pursuit results can be imagined, naturally there is no pursuit!

As a San Niho, Dashe Wan, as an apprentice of his “Professor of Ninja”, is naturally far beyond the members of the dark.

The people of Muye could not judge the final whereabouts based on the trace of trace.

In the end, you can only return without merit!

This time, the three generations of Naruto ordered the news.

Therefore, what Dashe Wan broke into the wood leaf has not been known.

after one day!

Dashe Wan returned to Guangyin Village.

“It is worthy of San Ning, Dashe Marujun is really amazing!”

In the face of the return of Dashe Wan, Uchiha Ye naturally greeted himself.

“Some little things!”

Dashe Wan heard a grin and smiled: “It is the vomiting blood that Mando Jun may be angry.”

“After all, he has another handle in our hands, so he wants to get rid of our thoughts. It is particularly strong.”

“Ye Jun, but be careful.”

“Next, you have to face at least the siege of the four major ninja villages. The last challenge of Guangyin Village is coming, you can’t take it lightly!”

Without Guangyin Village, he really couldn’t find such a place that was so suitable for his research.

Therefore, he is rare to make a mouthful!

Hearing the words, Uchihaye took the secret seal scroll full of mucus from Dashe Wan, and grinned: “So, am I not going to strengthen the ‘strength’ of Guangyin Village?”

After wiping the utensils with a rag, the mucus on the scroll was very unavoidable, and then it was put into the system space.

Beside him, ‘Kim’ also came slowly.

Looking at the two is obviously going out.

“Is this … to go to Yuren Village?”

Seeing this, Dashe Maru tentatively guess.

Uchiha Ye just said that it is necessary to enhance the strength of Guangyin Village, and now another relative looks like a far away.

What he has to do is to go with other Ninja Alliances.

Because this is the fastest way to enhance the strength of Ninjun Village under the situation today.

The power that allows Uchiha Ye to move in person is only Yu Ningcun.

Uchiha Ye Zan nodded: “Yes! I really can’t hide everything!”

He entrusted Dashe Wan: “After I leave, I will trouble you to help me secretly alert the village.”

“After all, the enemy in secret can not underestimate it.”

Dashe Wan understood who the person in Uchiha’s mouth was, nodded immediately.

Then he suddenly seemed to think of something, and said, “I heard that I heard that I was on the way back. The two forces of Tang Ren Village were about to visit, that is, the three ships of the iron kingdom will lead the team in person.”

“Count their journey, it is estimated that it is coming. How do you plan to deal with it?”

For Dashe Wan’s words, Uchiha Ye said: “I have listened to the information department in the morning in the morning.”

He looked freely: “, 他 他, Tang Rencun came with sincerity after all, and naturally can’t be neglected. The relevant procedures will be given to you to Zhang Luo.”


Speaking of which, he looked at Dashe Wan: “The intelligence department, because the number of villagers was not large before, so the scale was not large, and it was inevitable that the efficiency was lower.”

“Tong Ren Village, Tang Rencun can see this matter.”

“I have begun to spread in the ninja world, and I can receive information. This is naturally not good!”

He watched Dashe Wan very seriously: “In the time when I went to visit Yushen Village, I hope you can help me improve a qualified intelligence department.”

“So as not to fall into a passive situation after being lost in this area!”

In the world of ninja, the importance of intelligence is naturally needless to say.

Many times, intelligence can save people’s life!

When I listened, Dashe Wan licked his mouth: “I wanted to say that I was more obsessed with various research and I didn’t want to take over this kind of affairs.”

“However, since Ye Jun and you entrust it yourself, then if I shouldn’t, it is too uncomfortable.”

“I don’t know if you have a particularly valued person? If you have any, you will recommend it!”

One is to save the effort to find people, and the other is to make things more beautiful.

Hearing the words, Uchiha Ye laughed: “I can’t hide everything.”

“I intend to let Shenlin Ye help, persimmon fire flying, Feng Mojiro, Yamazaki’s four people joined the intelligence department.”

“When they have enough experience in them, they can be promoted after they have qualified and ability to qualify for a higher position.”

In this regard, Dashe Wan has no opinion.

He understood why Uchiha Ye arranged like this.

Now the number of people in Guangyin Village has surged!

Management and personnel arrangement inevitably face a lot of pressure.

Therefore, Uchiha Ye really needs to cultivate some confidantes to help him.

If you are born in the intelligence department, you can serve the public in ability and qualifications, and have enough prestige.

Naturally, it can help Uchiha Ye share a lot of management pressure.

He believes that Uchiha’s leaves will promote more ninjas behind, cultivate sufficient confidantes, and enrich the number of all aspects so as to better manage the ninja village.

This is an inevitable action of a “shadow” after the growth of the ninja village.

“As for the rest, I still have so many here …”

Uchiha Ye continued to talk about candidates about the intelligence department.

A total of ten candidates!

All of them are outstanding young ninjas in the “Battle of Clouds and Light”.

“In the end, Ye Jun, clearly arranged everything.”

After listening to Dashe Wan, he praised him, and then he suddenly showed a touch of mysterious color, lowered his voice: “However, the ninja exuding strange fluctuations in the village, really don’t need to pay attention?”

“They are likely to be the undercover of Uchiha with the soil!”

Listening to this, Uchiha Ye’s unexpectedly, waved his hand: “No need to care, this matter will soon have a result.”

The people with special fluctuations in Dasumaru said that they are naturally ninjas who are parasitic by ‘spore’.

Through the mutual contact between the spores, you can quietly eavesdropped information and spread to the ‘musts’ hands.

“I have arranged these people in a specific post. The information I heard is half true and semi -false, and the real information will not be leaked!”

Perhaps ‘unbearable’ thinks that his spores are still silent and are difficult to find.


He may be too young to see the sensitivity of hearing the domineering.

From the moment he was parasitic, Uchiha Ye found it.

Of course, Uchiha Ye did not act lightly, but instead deliberately scattered these people who were parasitic spores.

The information they listening to it is also mixed with the error information of Uchiha leaves.

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about leaking any important information.


Uchiha Ye didn’t plan to continue like this.

Late change!

After he finished handling the five major ninja villages to siege their Guangyin Village.

His next goal is Uchiha with soil and ‘Absolute “!

… …

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