“Immediately send someone to discuss cooperation with Guangyin Village!”

The village of Tong Ning Village, as the only village under the five major ninja villages.

‘Ying Ying’ was built after the news that Guangyin Village defeated Yunyin Village.

Immediately realized that this was an unprecedented crisis, but it was also an unprecedented adventure!

As long as they are alliance with Guangyin Village!

Then they don’t have to worry about the Ninjin Village again. Will they be affected by the war of the five major ninja villages someday and the losses will be heavy.

Moreover, they can use this to get more right to speak, and they do not have to worry about being attacked by Guangyin Village.

After all, Guangyin Village is now strong.

But because it is very strong, it is easily targeted by the five major ninja villages.

They need allies.

And they are a good allies!

There are people who have the same ideas as him, as well as the ‘leader of Tang Ren Village.

As the forces that directly bordered the “Tianzhiguo” where Guangyin Village was located, they were more panicked than Yulin Village.

For a long time, they have been living in the surrounds of Dali Village.

Although it is said that in order to survive, they also maintain sufficient respect for the Da Ren Village, which has exchanged the non -violations of the Dali Village.

However, the senior management of Tang Rencun was naturally afraid that one day when the Ninja war war, the war fire would affect their place.

Over the years, the spine has been interrupted by the fire of war, so there are still few in Ninjun villages in chaos?

Isn’t Cao Ren Village and Cao Zhi the best example?

Originally, in the era of thousands of hands that year, it was still a good little ninja village.

But now it has passed for more than 50 years!

Caotan Village has been destroyed by the war in three ninja wars, and has completely become a chaotic area.

Therefore, Tang Rencun naturally thought about forming an alliance with the surrounding Ninja Village forces to achieve the purpose of self -protection.


The surrounding Da Ren Village is not allowed to do so.


This plan can only be shelved and is infinitely fearful to the war that may come at any time and affect their war.

In such fear, the state of the Tang Ren Village is naturally deteriorating.

In five to eight years, it is estimated that it will really become the second Caotan Village.

But now!

The leader of Tang Ren Village saw the hope of Fuxing Village.

There is hope to build the village into Yu Ningcun, and the height of the village.

Although he lost to the five major ninja villages, he faced the absolute strength of other Xiao Ren Village.

There are also the possibility of not being crushed and losing power when the Ninja War is coming.

“Kayosuke, the horns, go to Guangyin Village with me to discuss cooperation!”

In Takiun Village, Tang Ren Village sent people.

The “three ships” leaders of the Iron Kingdom Samurai, the same bordering the country of Tian, set off to the kingdom of Tianzhita in person to prepare to meet Guangyin Village.

these years!

Although the country of Tie is relying on its strong strength, and the structure of the samurai army that is different from the Ninja Village.With an absolute neutral attitude, the five major ninja villages and the five countries agreed not to do it against them.

But because of the neutral country, the economy of the Iron Kingdom was also blocked by the five major countries.

Therefore, development is particularly slow.

Because the five countries do not need a powerful neutral country.

And ordinary small kingdoms naturally do not dare to settle the country of iron.

Therefore, the three ships are extremely worried about the future of the country.

It was also tried to find the way out of the country of iron, but no exception was not feasible.

Because the country of the iron country was restrained by the five major powers.

And this is an unsolvable thing.

Because except for the five major ninja villages, there will be no other forces that can give him the country.

But the way out of the five major ninja villages is not enough to revive the country of iron.

But the emergence of this incident in Guangyin Village made him see a turnaround at once.

A forces that have the strength of the strength of any five major ninja villages, but will not be accepted by the five major ninja villages. Isn’t this the key to breaking the situation he dreams?

He believes that with the wisdom of Uchiha Ye, he will never refuse his cooperation request.

Yurn Village!

“Uchiha Ye … Is this guy developing too fast?”

Nagato pushed a wheelchair, and appeared on the ‘terrace’ of God ’s building accompanied by the company of Xiaonan. He looked dignified but jealous.

“But for a few months from my” Xiao “, we will develop into such a behemoth while we ‘Xiao” entangled in the entanglement of the five major ninja villages? ”

“How did this guy do it? Where does his Guangyin Village come from such a strong strength!”

Longmen is quite puzzled.

With the two thousand soldiers of Guangyin Village, can you do this?

It is impossible to look!

But now!

The members of his Xiaoshan organization faced the pursuit of the whole ninja village in the five ninja villages, and had to dormant.

In order to avoid suspicion, he did not dare to show any horse feet recently, so as not to sneak into the village undercover investigation and find out something.

Coupled with the only ‘intelligence artist’ absolutely left.

It is really difficult to get some intelligence.

It’s really a little blind!

Therefore, it is completely confused how Guangyin Village beats Yun Ren!

“So, should we continue to fight with this guy?”

Xiaonan on the side also worried: “No one expected that this guy would grow so rapidly!”

“Today, he has grown to the point where five major ninja villages are difficult to limit.”

“Although it is said that with your strength, you still have an absolute advantage that can sanction him, but you must pay a lot of money.”

“In case of the time, the person who controls the behind -the -scenes of Uchiha Ye is the news of our news.

“Even if Uchiha leaves will not be preached, what about Uchiha with soil?”

Xiaonan looked dignified: “We must plan for the future!”

After hearing the words, Nagato couldn’t help but look at Xiaonan: “You mean …”

Xiaonan bit his lips and said, “I mean to put down the resentment with Uchiha’s leaves before, and let me all alliance!”

“Only by this can we still have the siege of the five ninja villages after the identity is revealed!”

Changmen suddenly clenched his fist, and his eyes flickered.

It is clear!

This proposal made him extremely tangled and even unwilling.

“Is this necessary?”

The sound of the long door was dull and the expression was somber.

He went to ask a mortal, how did this make him look down?

Xiaonan Dao: “This is the best way!”

Nagato heard that he took a breath, but did not agree on the spot, but just gritted his teeth: “You let me think about it!”

After speaking, he pushed the wheelchair and left the terrace.

Xiaonan understands this.

She also knows that this decision really needs to give Changmen a little time.

An underground!

“By the way, you have to tear your face with Nagato, why don’t you tell his true identity?”

“He is the news of the person in charge of Xiao Organization, which will definitely make him fall into a fairly passive situation and let you take his reincarnation more calmly!”

“Absolute” asked curiously.

… …

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