Feng Lei Gorge!

A huge enchantment shrouded the entire canyon, monitoring everything around.

On the towering mountain peak, a circle of iron nets formed a tall wall.

Around this ‘wall’, there were more than a dozen Yun Ren patrolling.

Suddenly, in the ground in front of the enchantment, a figure appeared from the lava.


Immediately, there was a leading team to find the person, and immediately rushed to the person: “Quickly leave!”

After hearing the words, the coming people looked at the team to endure, showing an extremely bright smile: “Guangyin Village, Uchiha Ye!”

The name that listened to the team suddenly changed the color as soon as he was hit by lightning, and his face was shocked: “How can it be you !!”

Looking at the cynical evil face, he suddenly erupted the dazzling Thunder light, and his eyes closed quickly, and at the same time, he loud: “Be careful, the enemy is …”


He hadn’t finished this, and his body was smashed into the mountain wall like a broken kite.

“what’s the situation!”

“The captain was forbearing, but he lost one face?”

“Who is the enemy !!!”

The scenes around the surrounding Yun Ren couldn’t help but shock.


Yun Ren, who had a special level, immediately sang the Ren behind him: “Quickly notify Master Lei Ying, there are strong enemies invading …”

It was still not finished, and a figure had already reached him, and a pair of scarlet eyes projected into the unknown obscure fluctuations.

The man was frightened immediately, as if he saw something that was afraid, he fell to the ground, constantly twitching.




There is no chance to react half of these Yun Ren at all. It is so powerful that they are enough to make them lose consciousness and come to them.

“Get it!”

Uchiha Ye patted the dust on the palm of his hand, looking at the enchantment in front of him, his body began to swell and hot.

He took a deep breath and blasted a punch of the color of the world: “Big fire!”


The sky of the entire Yunyin Village seemed to be dyed instantly, and the terrible momentum of landslides spread.

The four generations of Lei Ying, who were holding the meeting, couldn’t help looking towards the direction of the movement, and then suddenly changed the color: “No! That’s the direction of Feng Lei Gorge, something happened!”

“The meeting was suspended, all of them follow me !!!”

After speaking, it was directly incarnate to break the wall like a thunderbolt, and he first rushed out of the Thunder Shadow Office.

This made the people present could not help but be ashamed.

Of course they dare not imitate, they can only leave from the main entrance.

Feng Lei Gorge!

“It’s a bit, this enchantment is quite strong!”

Looking at the enchantment that was still sticky like a broken glass in front of him, Uchiha Ye thought about it, and once again waved a heavy punch.


It was a blow from the ground to the mountain. After the hot storm hit, a hole that could be passed by one person collapsed.

“Being able to withstand your two punch, this enchantment is really terrifying!”

“Gold” came up and said so much.

With the power of Uchiha Ye today, the punch ‘big spray fire’ does not say that it destroys the mountains, but it is not much bad.

Such a heavy fist has two punch to break, but how strong this enchantment is.

“After all, it is the enchantment of Chili Pilgly.

“The power of the tail beast jade should not be underestimated!”

Uchiha Ye stepped into it: “The action is fast, Leiying will soon come!”

“Can’t be blocked by them in the enchantment, and then gathered the enchantment of the entire enchantment, even us can not easily break through!”

In the original book, the enchantment arranged by a Yunnan enchantment can make Chilabi and Golden Naruto join forces to break through.

How powerful is a complete enchantment created by a complete class.

Therefore, Uchiha Ye never wants to appreciate a complete enchantment in the enchantment.

“I really can’t underestimate the five major ninja villages!”

With a lame of ‘Kim’, he stepped into the enchantment.

And somewhere outside Feng Lei Gorge!

“Not good, the enchantment is destroyed!”

A white hair suddenly opened his eyes, facing a golden beard in front of him, and a report on the left bangs’ shock reported: “There are two enemies who break through the enchantment, and they are approaching the pole where the wooden people are located.go!”

“Captain, what to do!”

Hearing the words, the golden beard immediately said, “Fix the enchantment, the largest output!”

He waved his palms with white gloves, just like the commander: “Since he broke into the‘ empty trapped array ’, it will be left forever!”

Listening to the golden bearded words.The white hair tolerates to the ten -position tolerance: “Everyone, start!”

The strong Chakrala out of them suddenly broke out, and the enchantment that had just been destroyed by Uchiha leaves was repaired at once.

“Report the things here to Lord Lei Ying!”

The golden beard continues: “No matter who it is! Since you enter here, then never want to go out!”

“Five shadows are here, it’s the same!”

“This is not even the tail beast, even if it is the legend of the melee eight -tail -the three generations of Thunder Shadow that cannot be captured by the copper wall and iron wall!”

Uchiha Ye here!

“Allahla, the enchantment has been strengthened and strengthened. It seems that this is going to fight hard!”

Uchiha Ye rushed towards the atmosphere where the wooden man was, while facing the “gold” road next to him.

Under the perception of the color, all the changes around him were in his control.

“Have you prepared this kind of preparation, right?”

Jin Wenyan grinned: “Seeking for wealth and insurance!”

There are no holes in the enchantment, in the jungle densely, chaos.

The wooden people looking for Uchiha Ye were above the forest, with an open -air platform.

“Huh? The enchantment was destroyed just now? Someone broke in!”

The wooden man suddenly opened his eyes and was surprised.

“Who? Can we break into these four generations of Thunder Shadow and Chilaby?”

She immediately closed her eyes, and after communicating the second tail, the strong perception of the tail beast covered the space in the entire enchantment.

Then she felt a sense of itching that made her hate.

“Uchiha Ye !!!”

The wooden man was suddenly excited and looked directly at the direction of Uchiha’s leaves that approached the speed.

She immediately got up and rushed to the location of Uchiha.

Uchiha Ye here!

When he hurried on the road, he suddenly moved his face. After he quickly stopped his body, his arms were entangled with armed color and domineering, and his strength was condensed into a heavy punch in front of him.

Burning and sharp, the air was torn and made a blast.

The next moment, a figure that also broke through the sound restrictions appeared in front of Uchiha’s leaves, and the fist with a blue flame fist directly towards Uchiha’s head.

… …

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