“It seems … it’s done …”

Uchiha appeared again with the soil. When Uchiha Ye, who was penetrated by the cave, was relieved, suddenly his eyes suddenly, and saw the unexpected scene.

I saw the wounds penetrated by Uchiha’s chest, but it turned into a magma.

Not only melted iron nails, but also immediately ‘healing’.

Uchiha’s leaves continued to fly forward without injury.

“This is … what blood is limited?”

Rao is Uchiha’s soil, but this scene has made him a little shocking.

He has never seen the ability of body into lava.

“It seems … it is necessary to seize his research!”

He is very interested in this kind of blood successively.


This Uchiha Ye can be hidden in Uchiha for so long, and even let him not be aware of it, obviously not a simple role.

He does not intend to make such people grow up to avoid becoming his own trouble in the future.

At the gate of the wood leaf!


When Uchiha’s leaf body appeared from the ground (the ground was also surrounded by the enchantment and could not leave), it was immediately found and surrounded by the root organization where Tuanzang was sent here.

“Hey, there are a lot of people, it is really thoughtful!”

Looking at the enemies surrounding himself, Uchiha Ye licked his lips, and his eyes were unprecedented: “It seems that you can only choose a strong breakthrough.”

One month’s hard training finally came to practice.

“Well! What can say‘ only strong breakthrough ’is really laughing!”

The roots of a fox mask laughed and said with a smile: “Uchiha’s dregs, don’t equate us with those wastes in the dark, we are the real wood leaf elite!”

Between his words, the roots of a black dog head mask had been bullied, and said coldly: “Uchiha Yuli dare to call the name of the Tibetan Tibetan?”

“Hum, give me a regret for the Tibetan Tibetan Tibetan!”

After that, the cold knife was cut over the body of Uchiha Ye.

“Oh, but so!”

The members of the dog head mask sneered, but when he was about to collect the knife, a companion suddenly came from behind him: “Be careful !!”

A magnificent heat suddenly came, and it was instantly blushed all around. A large magma fist swept the air in the air.


The members of the dog head mask were shocked.

Seeing that this was already close to my attack, the body was tight for a while, and my heart could not help but have a touch of fear: “Not good, too late to avoid it!”

“Big fire !!!”

Contains Uchiha Ye’s unlimited fighting spirit this month.

A punch out, the heavens and the earth are sounding!

The burning hit suddenly grown, directly devouring the members of the dog’s mask.


Just left a scream, and his person was completely annihilated in the hot magma.

“How can it be?!”

This scene suddenly shocked the members of the surrounding roots: “Can Tianji who can keep up with the forbearance died like this?”

“Damn, how can the people of the Uchiha family have melting?”

They looked at the young Uchiha leaves, and they suddenly became vigilant like the enemy.

“The enemy is not ordinary! Everyone …”

A flower -faced mask root member drank: “Together!”

After all, the face mask rushed out of the first, and the knot was shot to a large sword in the hand: “Ninja Fa · Sword Shadow Symptoms!”

Suddenly, the densely rainy sword rushed towards Uchiha leaves, and the speed was almost to the extreme.

Behind Uchiha Ye, the two members of the two roots have also come, breaking the back of his dodge.

“Puff puff!”

Uchihaye was completely too late to be dodged as hedgehogs.

In this scene, the two members behind him also released the United Ninjutsu: “Fire 遁 · Haoyan technique!”

“Wind 之 · Cycling!”


The wind helps fire.

When the sea was stunned, the red was half the sky, and the Uchihaye had devoured it ruthlessly.

“do you died?”

“Hmm! I must die!”

The members of the roots looked at the sea of fire, and they firmly believed that Uchiha Ye could not escape this robbery.

Fire sea slowly faded!

But when the scene inside was revealed, everyone couldn’t believe the inverted breath: “How is it!”

I saw Uchihaye’s body flowing into a magma, which was unscathed.

“This is also the ability to melt …”

The members of the fox mask were suspicious, but soon he shook his head: “No, I have never heard of melting the body that can assimer in the body!”

He has heard that the ghost lantern family has the ability to hydrate.

Can you get physical into lava?

There is no such blood -restricted ability!

“Hey, do you have only this ability?”

Uchiha Ye looked at the people around him, with a slight contempt: “I see the so -called wood -leaf elite!”

Angry these people can make them lose their cooling and show their flaws, so that they can solve them faster and leave the wood leaf in time.


As soon as he heard this, these people’s eyes suddenly became cold.

“Huh, arrogant!”

The members of the Face Mask hummed coldly: “Since you are in a hurry to find death, then we will become all you!”

“Regardless of your blood succession, just seize you to study. Master Tibetan must like your special ninja!”

After that, he saw that he rushed out of his sword, and thunder was coming out of his body, and the speed suddenly became strange.

The remaining members of the roots are quite proud: “This is a high -speed body that can not only be aware of the wheel eye. There are already several tolerance to death under this trick. Little ghost, you are dead.”

“What is the Thunder Speed Ninja …”

In their words, Uchiha Ye turned a deaf ear, but he immediately mentioned twelve points of attention.

After all, it is the first time to fight with so many strong people.

Even if there is an elemental ability to be called a bug, it cannot be taken lightly.

Immediately turn on the double hook jade to write the wheel eye, and in conjunction with the insight into the enemy’s all movements.

Immediately captured the movement from his left side.

“Ming Dog!”

The lavaization of the arm is extremely red, and the hot punch of the lock in the sees!

The next moment, the cold thunder knife stabbed silently.


Boxing against the knife, regardless of victory.

But when Uchiha Ye actually blocked his raid, the members of the flower roots suddenly were incredible.

This is amazing even the strong people like Tuanzang, thinking that few people can respond under the five shadows.

Is it actually insight in Uchihaye in advance?

He can’t accept it!

Not to mention him, that is, other members of the roots are also terrifying when they see this.

“How is it possible? Double hooking jade?!”

They looked at Uchihay’s eyebrows, and they shouted incredible: “How can you have such a high -level writing wheel eye?”

The eyes of the flower roots are even more dangerous: “You guy has always hidden your strength? What is your purpose!”

… …

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