“This is the power of the tailed beast jade? Is it true that I think too highly of you? Nine Tails. There was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

With a kick blocking the fifty-meter-diameter tailed beast jade, Lu Tao was sure that he still had room to cast.

It was so simple to block the tailed beast jade, which made Lu Tao a little unbelievable.

He always thought that even if his strength was raised to the super shadow level, he would still not be the opponent of a tailed beast like the Nine Tails. However, at this moment, Lu Tao sensed that the Nine Tails were not as terrifying as he had imagined before, on the contrary, it was too weak.

The Nine Tails are too weak.

The Nine Tails are too weak.

The Nine Tails are too weak…

Say important things three times.

If such words are listened to by others, it is estimated that Lu Tao is an idiot. Nine Tails, that is the existence of the strongest tailed beast defined by the ninja world, even the strongest person in a village does not dare to say such words.

However, it turned out that Lu Tao blocked the tailed beast jade of the nine tails so lightly, and knocked the nine tails flying one after another.

Time, in an instant, pushed forward again from standstill, Lu Tao’s knees bent slightly, and all the force was concentrated on his toes, and he kicked the fifty-meter-diameter tailed beast jade into the sky.

The tailed beast jade kept climbing up.

One hundred meters ….

Two hundred meters ….

Five hundred meters….

A thousand meters ….

Finally, when it rose to nearly two thousand meters, the energy of the tailed beast jade instantly exploded, like ten nuclear bombs detonating at the same time, the fire covered the entire sky, and a spectacular mushroom cloud rushed from mid-air to a higher sky.

On the ground, although it did not suffer the direct impact of the explosion, the power of the aftermath was also extremely terrifying.

In general, at this time, even the characters who are defined as upper Shinobi are difficult to stabilize their feet, those middle Shinobi, elite middle Shinobi can only fall to the ground, or stabilize their body by supporting something.

The three generations of Hokage Ape flew to the sun, holding the Ruyi Stick, and also barely stood firm, their eyes did not look at the explosion in the air, but always paid attention to the movements of Lu Tao and the Nine Tails.

He is a personal old and refined goods, and at this time he knows best that the tailed beast jade is not the focus, the focus is on the next battle between Lu Tao and the Nine Tails.

If nothing else, he was sure that the battle situation had already favored the Nine Tails.

Why? Because he felt that the power of the Nine Tails was endless, and even if Lu Tao had strong strength, there would be times when he ran out.

“Watergate, what are you still doing at this time? Could it be that the people who sneak up on them are so difficult to deal with? Ape Flying Sun’s gaze followed the Nine Tails and drifted away to the place where Jiu Xinnai gave birth. A feeling in the underworld told him that the current wave feng shui gate was still fighting there.

At this time, not only the three generations were thinking so, but many ninjas were also thinking about where the fourth generation of Hokage of Konoha had gone.

The nine-tails attack on the village, such a major event, even the third generation came out, but the fourth generation disappeared, how can this not be said. The smarter Shangnin, the elite Shangnin, can also think that maybe the fourth generation is fighting another enemy.

The reason is that the nine tails are sealed in the body of the fourth generation wife Jiu Xinnai, and the nine tails come out, then the four generations must know.

On the battlefield, Lu Tao confronted the Nine Tails, and no one moved.

Lu Tao didn’t act, because he thought the Nine Tails were too weak. And the Nine-Tails did not act, partly because of the relationship between the mask and the soil, and partly because the Nine-Tails’ instinct told him that the human being in front of him was very powerful.

This kind of strength is not the feeling that the original Uchiha and Senju Pillar gave him, but from the meat. The most direct and powerful body.

The Nine-Tails lived for nearly a thousand years, and he never came across meat. Humans who are physically powerful to this extent. Even the original old man of the Six Dao was not so terrifying.

Thinking of the six paths, the eyes of the nine tails retracted sharply, and at this moment, the control of the mask Obito over him disappeared instantly, and he sensed an inexplicable familiarity from Lu Tao.

Who exactly is this guy? Why is there a six-way smell?

No, it’s not why there is a breath of six paths on his body, but why does the body of six paths have his breath?

The heart of the Nine Tails was shocked.

He wanted to shout: What’s going on here? This is also too impractical.

Who is Rokudo? That was a character from a thousand years ago, the ancestor of the ninja world. How can there be the breath of the people of this era.

The Nine Tails could never have imagined that the reason why the Six Dao had the breath on Lu Tao’s body was because he was Lu Tao’s son.

“Looks like you’ve regained consciousness. In that case, let me see your strength in your heyday. Nine Tails!! At this moment, Lu Tao, who had been paying attention to the Nine Tails, seemed to see the three-hook jade chakra eyes in the eyes of the Nine Tails disappear, and his mouth . Ba smiled slightly and spoke.

As soon as Lu Tao’s words came out, the Nine Tails were visibly stunned, and then revealed an angry expression.

Now is not the time to think about why there is a breath on Lu Tao’s body on Liudao’s body.

The Nine Tails deeply understood that he was going to find the field now! Previously, because he was controlled by others, his strength could not be fully exerted, so he was restrained by the person in front of him, but now, it is not so easy.

“Damn humans!! Since you want to find death, I will give you a ride!!! The Nine Tails erupted again. It’s just that unlike before, today’s Nine Tails is a Nine Tails that can exert 100% power.

“Hmph! Why talk so much nonsense. With so much effort, it’s better to attack quickly, but I can’t wait. With both hands clenched into fists, Lu Tao had already taken an offensive stance.

If the Nine Tails didn’t take the initiative to attack, then he would have to do it first.

It is said that the wave feng shui gate has solved the mask with soil, which means that he does not have much time left to fight with the nine tails, and if he does not do it now, it will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future.

“Arrogant !!!” Roaring, the Nine Tails did not give Lu Tao a chance to attack, the huge body was like a mountain pressing, the hideous claws were extremely terrifying, and the sharp Chakra was condensed, as if to tear Lu Tao to pieces.

“Good to go!!!” Seeing the Nine Tails make a move, the corners of Lu Tao’s mouth froze, and the whole person burst out, like a leopard pounced on its prey.

‘Boom!!!!!! ’

The fight between the fist and the claw before broke out again, and the entire earth, because of the impact of two huge forces, shattered.

What used to grow here was a forest, but by this time it had already been razed to the ground.

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