Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 47: Accidents always happen

   Without the addition of the sandstorm pot, the sand armor was soon insufficient to wrap the whole body.

   Victor had been full of current waiting for the opportunity, which made Zhang Lan, who was not completely in the isolation layer, hit by the current, and his body movement was delayed for a moment.

  Victor, who had been waiting for time, immediately noticed keenly and immediately increased the output of current.

   The strong current immediately connected the two of them. Zhang Lan's body was erected with electricity, and his body was numb.

  Victor sees this, and once again strengthens the output of electrical energy, the stored electrical energy is lost very quickly.

   First get rid of Zhang Lan who is good at body surgery, the rest is easy to handle!

   Excited Victor didn't notice at all. On one side, Reid had secretly climbed a telephone pole, and he continued to climb up. There was no intention of helping him, although his eyes were full of worry.

   Victor and the two were entangled together for a full eight seconds, and Zhang Lan's body was already showing a burnt black before letting go.

  He thinks Zhang Lan is already dead.

   Unexpectedly, Zhang Lan stood standing still, still trying to send a smiley face to Victor.

   "There is no... electricity... right? Small battery!"

This "small battery" greatly angered Victor, only to see him stretch out his hands, a powerful electric current was brewing alternately between the two palms, and it was brewing for three seconds before releasing it to Zhang Lan. .

   However, three seconds is enough for Zhang Lan to release ninjutsu using sand hand!

  【Tu Dun·Beheading in Heart】


   A cloud of smoke rose, where was Zhang Lan's figure?

  Victoria, although confident in his stroke, didn't blindly realize that Zhang Lan would be wiped out with that blow.

Thinking about it, Zhang Lan, who was completely black, jumped out of Victor's body, kicked it with one foot before it did not react, and then the arm without the palm pressed the fracture to the ground, and the arm muscles quickly bulged , Full force burst, the body followed Victor to take off.

   Linked feet are more ruthless than one, wrapping the last sand, sending Victor to a higher sky.

   This time, Zhang Lan sent Victor alive to a height of 17 meters. This was exhaustion, and there was a tendency to fall.

   "Natasha! It is now!" Zhang Lan roared.

   With Zhang Lan's roar, a spider silk in the distance came and firmly stuck Victor.

At the other end of the spider line, Natasha holding the Zhang Lan spider silk launcher, standing on Rhett, smiled faintly.

   is like a black widow spider, charming but toxic.

Now Rhett’s feet are in Building A, but his hands are in Building B. Natasha’s left hand is holding a lot of spider silk, which is connected to each point of Building A and B. .

   With buildings A and B as the bow body, she was like an arrow, leaning on Reid as a bow string, and pulled out an extremely large half-moon.

   The power of bow-drawing is exactly the pile of spider silk in Natasha's hands.

  Before Victor had reached the reaction, Natasha, who was the apex, jumped from Reed—the spider silk that connected Victor had already been handed over to Reid.

Without Natasha as a fulcrum, Reid who pulled the half-string of the bow immediately flew into the sky. Of course, there was Victor on the spider silk. When the highest point was reached, Reid loosened the spider silk. , Victor was ejected straight into the sky.

Zhang Lan below, watching Victor's high ejection, did not relax, standing on the spider web woven out by Natasha, watching carefully, until a figure jumped from the side of the building to Victor , This is to relax.

   That was Zhang Lan's shadow avatar.

   Victor at high altitude, trapped by the shadow-like waving objects, is a long piece of rubber that can bind Victor well without being freed.

   and shadow avatar, wearing a complete set of sand armor on his body!

   The shadow clone hugged Victor, and Victor released a lot of electrical energy, instantly lit up the sky, and the bright light was like an oversized light bulb.

The sand armor of the shadow avatar is unexpectedly thick. Even if the layers of yellow sand are peeled off by victor's electric energy after being vitrified, the shadow avatar in it cannot always be captured.

   By the time it reached the top, it was already much taller than the Victor Building.

  Under the control of the Shadow Doppelganger, the two of them fell head down and down, followed by a violent rotation. All Chakras on the Shadow Doppelzette were released through acupuncture points, making up for the disadvantage of being unable to open the door.

   "FUCK, you yellow monkey is harder than chewing gum! Fuck me away" Victor is already in a hurry.

   Immediately he couldn't speak anymore, the high-speed rotation made his tongue only swing along centrifugal force.

   had no idea that the shadow doppelganger would ever leave, he had only one role, to accelerate the rotation.

   This group of electro-optical gyros, carrying extremely terrible potential energy, rushed towards the ground incessantly.



   The two loud noises were very close. This time, the sewer was smashed directly, and a new pothole was added to the ground, and a large number of cracks were spreading around.

  At the end of the impact, Zhang Lan witted the shadow avatar.

   Otherwise, the memory of how the shadow avatar was killed will also be brought to the body, he does not want to experience this kind of destined bad feeling.

   With the joint efforts of the three people, this tactic that Zhang Lan initially conceived and supplemented by Natasha was successfully implemented.

   looked nervously at the ground, Zhang Lan didn't think that this blow could directly kill Victor. His original intention was to let Victor's power reserve run out, so he dropped countless grades.

   Victor’s electrical energy reserve was indeed exhausted this time, but—

  It was just 10 seconds, and the surrounding lights began to flicker again and again. This is because Victor, which has exhausted the power reserve, is absorbing power.

   "Damn! Vampire! 71 seconds! Laozi delayed for 11 seconds, why haven't you cut off the power supply?" Zhang Lan, angrily corrupted, roared again in Natasha's ear.

  His earphones are in the system space, he has no hands, it is too difficult, and he speaks in the ear of Natasha, don't have a flavor.

  Natasha is very disgusted to push away Zhang Lan. She feels that her ears are echoing. Zhang Lan was really anxious and corrupted. The roaring voice was very loud.

   seems to be hitting Zhang Lan's face, and the next second, the lights of the entire block are gone.

   Electricity-was cut off!

   "Although it's late, it's still timely and beautiful!" Zhang Lan couldn't help complimenting.

Natasha on the side raised her eyebrows. She and Coulson were on the same channel, knowing what the price Furry paid.

  Military projects can't be destroyed wantonly!

   "Ah! FUCK!"

   Victor's roar came from the pothole, and some of the attacks on his steel body is only a spiritual fear.

   Zhang Lan: "Fuck! Why is this guy so hard?"

   scolded, let Reid pull Victor up, still so shiny, even the sewer water can not stay on the body, sliding down the body all the way.

  Like an iron loach!

Victor, who did not store electrical energy, was defeated by Rhett. Although Rhett could not do anything about his steel body, Victor was even more miserable. .

  Insufficient energy, Victor can only emit some electric light, and itchy to Reid.

   If it is the rubber that Rhett did not dare to do just now, it has been exposed to electrical energy for too long, because it has a higher electrical resistance and stronger heat absorption.

   Reid: "Victor, I'm sorry, but you also saw that the machine I made can help you recover..."

   "Who is going to recover?" Victor directly interrupted Rhett's chanting: "What's wrong with me now? This is the real me, I am God, do you know?"

  Fairly, Victor laughed wildly.

   Zhang Lan's heart: "...this is different from the Victor I know!"

   is thinking about how to deal with this guy, an unexpected guest visited.

   A green skateboard aircraft flew in the distance. Standing on it was a person wearing green armor. Zhang Lan knew that it was the green demon armor, that is, the green demon-Harry.


   The kinetic energy of the Green Demon Armor seems to be the energy source used to convert electrical energy!

   Then the question is coming, assuming Zhang Lan's guess is right, then...Can Victor absorb this kind of electric energy?


   Xiaolan's group of book friends: 607469827.

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