"Could it be that the power among the three kings contains such a strange phenomenon? Being able to control sea king creatures and even use their power for themselves is not something that ordinary people can possess! "

Thinking of this, Lu Yu looked around.

After seeing Lu Yu staring at him, the Sea King was a little puzzled.

But when he saw Lu Yu's eyes, constantly wandering back and forth between himself and Princess Bai Xing, there was a nervous feeling in his heart, and he didn't dare to look at Lu Yu.

"It seems that there are indeed some tricks in it!"

With such a powerful ability in front of him, no matter who he is, he will feel some heartbeat.

And when Bai Xing was not able to grow up, such ability is not a blessing, but a disaster! After a slight cough, Lu Yu didn't think about it any more.

Regarding the sea king creatures outside, Lu Yu knew in his heart that the ability of this kind of creature to hide itself was very powerful, not to mention that they have more advantages in this seabed.

"Oh, come on, Hody, you don't have to be pretentious here. If you want to fight someone, I can satisfy you! Oz, please."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yu let Oz walk forward.

For this kind of situation, Lu Yu didn't have the slightest fear in his heart. With Oz's years of fighting experience and his special state of being immortal, he was completely able to crush it! Sure enough, seeing Nip now After a man who was not burly but full of arrogance came out of Dun's camp, Hody's heart flashed.

A look of anger.

In this state of completely despising himself, Hoddy's already irritable state became even more tyrannical.

The next moment, Hody launched his own attack towards the front.

The terrifying machete in his hand chopped off Ozzy's head. If the average person took this move, he would be separated from his body and head.

But for Ozzy, all this is like playing tricks, nothing at all.

I saw Oz's right hand, clenched into a fist, facing the machete that was hitting him, without the slightest timidity, he punched the edge of the blade.

Seeing that the other party was so clueless, a wild smile appeared on Hoddy's face.

"Hahaha, I've never seen such a stupid guy! Well, I'll chop off your hand!"

Hody laughed coldly, and then the long knife in his hand did not stagnate at all, and he slashed Oz's hand directly while swiping down.

Today's Oz was naturally exerted by Lu Yu to transform his form into the size of an ordinary person. After his arm was chopped off, he suddenly became extremely huge.

"What the hell are you! Why do you have such weird arms"

Seeing Hody's terrified look in front of him, he stepped back again and again, but a mocking smile flashed in Oz's eyes.

Immediately before his severed arm, he did not see any movement, but the two arms shrunk again and returned to Oz's body.

There was no sign of being cut off at the point where the wound was connected.

"If you only have this little strength, you can't kill me! With your little strength, you dare to challenge my master's naivety!"

There was a sarcastic look in Oz's words, but after this scene was seen by everyone present, except for the other people who knew the truth, a look of horror appeared on their faces! After being cut off, it can be reconnected, is it the power of a new devil fruit?”

Chapter 128 Shocked, Hody's readme [Subscribe!Ask for automatic! 】

Facing the surprise in Hody's heart, Oz did not answer the other party.

As soon as his arms were connected, he rushed towards the place where Huo Di was in front of him.

"Hmph, with a body like yours, if you can't break it with a big knife, then you might as well use my sharp knife to cut your body into pieces, completely annihilating the vitality in it. can't live"

Hordy's tricks didn't work, but a short knife in the hand of an octopus-like murloc beside him took out, looking like he was drunk, frantically eating the forbidden drugs in his hand.

With a maddening smile on his face, he rushed towards where Oz was.

"I've already told you whether you people are annoying or not. I've explained everything clearly, and if you take the initiative to admit your mistakes, you may be able to let you live. If this continues, I'll be angry!"

Lu Yu rubbed his eyebrows, a little impatient.

"Don't be mad at me, kid, it'll be your turn when I solve it!"

After the fish people behind them said this sentence, they all ate the forbidden drugs that were given to them.

At this moment, Lu Yu could clearly feel that there was a devil-like aura on their bodies, and they began to slowly condense.

Above their heads, more and more blood-colored auras enveloped them in the shape of a death skull.

"It's really asking for a dead end! Can medicine be eaten indiscriminately? It's three-point poisonous, not to mention something so powerful!"

Lu Yu's face twitched slightly, this is basically suicide.

"Shadow Mimicry!"

Once and for all, Lu Yu did not let his men attack again.

With this amount in front of me, even a redhead rushing in would probably cause a lot of trouble.

Therefore, Lu Yu once again used his shadow imitation technique, but this time the objects used were only those of Hody.

"Hey, don't you think your power can only be used to restrain others! Tell me everything you think!"

As soon as the words fell, Hody could clearly feel that the binding Buddha on his body had weakened.

I was about to open my mouth to ridicule, but I didn't expect that what surprised me was that the power of the shadow penetrated into my body from my mouth.

It seems that he wants to take out all the essential things of his body. After feeling such a situation, Hody panicked.

"How could I possibly tell you what's on my mind"

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