Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 100: So-called war

"Patter!" "Patter!" .....

Hurrying footsteps came from the forest in the distance.

Zilai also tightened eyes with Tsunade and looked over there.

When they saw someone, they both relaxed and greeted.

"Tail, Zhiren, it's you."

The callers were of course Inuzuo Oo and Zhinv Zhiren who came to this base later.

The two of them were also very happy to see Tatsuya and Tsuna, and Inuzuo said happily.

"Jialong just smelled the smell of both of you. Zhiren and I came here."

"Since, what are you doing here? Why are you soggy?"

Hearing this, he naturally answered.

"It's okay. I just came back from a small task. How about you? How come here so late?"

Wu Gangste also questioned.

"Yeah, I heard someone who came before said that what happened to the two of you when you stayed at the border?"

When I heard Tsunade's words, the faces of Inuzuka Oo and Zhi Nu Zhiren changed slightly.

The two looked at each other, and then looked back at Tsunade since he came.

"I did find some important information!"

Wu Zhiren said in a deep voice.

"Where I and Tail found some ninjas that were killed!"

I heard that his face had changed, and Tsurai also changed his face, and asked.

"Wooden Ninja? Did Yu Ren do it? Is it a ninja stationed on the border before?"

The **** girl Zhiren pondered for a while, she cried.

其实 "Actually ... they don't have a Koba ninja logo on them, but that dress is unlikely to be a ninja in other villages, and ... from the fighting situation around, only Koba ninja is the most likely!"

When I heard him say this, Tsuna's brows frowned slightly!

"No sign !? Is it the shadow !?"

Inu Tsukao smiled bitterly.

"We are all familiar with the dark parts, naturally it is not, such costumes have not been seen at all, and ... their deaths are very miserable ..."

"It was because we were worried about the unknown and we hurried to meet with you. We collected some of the dead's items. I hope that the people in the ninja base can determine their identity."

Hearing him, the others nodded, and several people quickly entered the stronghold.


At this time, the war between Muye and Yuren Village has moved to the table.

Both sides are no longer secretive.

With the support of Daimyo and many nobles, the country of fire cut off the supply of the country of rain on top of many important materials. Such a blow is also very serious for Yuren Village.

However, Yu Ren Village took some measures to pull the kingdom of the wind that was on the sidelines into the water.

Although sand tolerance and wood leaves are still in the friction stage at this time, it is conceivable.

As long as Kobe is slightly weaker in the war with Yu Ren Village, I am afraid that Sha Ren will immediately shoot!

And Yan Ren Village is also looking side by side!

因此 Because of this, Muye dare not easily break out a large-scale war with Yu Ren Village!

First, because Yuni Village is very narrow and the weather is harsh, if the war breaks out easily and comprehensively, the outcome may not be beneficial to Muye!

Takuji is because of the turbulent side of Sha Ren Village and Yan Ren Village.

Therefore, Koba can only engage in a consumable battle with Yu Ren Village on a small scale.

And this also meets the expectations of Yu Ren Village.

After all, the ninjas of Yuren Village are proficient in assassination. Cooperating with the time and place, they may not be able to compete with the leaves.

Under the gloomy sky, a depression, a fierce battle is taking place.

"Patter!" "Patter!" ...

The rapid running sound sounded.

Several ninjas collide with each other!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" ...

的 The bitterness between several people and the thousands of books are intertwined, and the sound of Jin Ge's impact is issued from time to time!

Mars is splashing!

At this time, a rain ninja in the rear saw his companion and several people on the side of Koba holding each other!

His eyes were cold, his hands quickly stamped out!

"Rain. A thousand copies of rain!"

I only saw him under his control!

的 The stagnant water on the ground suddenly turned into a sharp Chimoto who shot towards the woody ninjas who fought together!

"嗖!" "嗖!" "嗖!" ...

Breaking Voice Ling 冽!

的 The Konoha ninjas fighting together are now looking closely!

But dragged by the opponent's ninja, he couldn't get away and release ninja!

Just when their eyes were fierce, and they gritted their teeth in an attempt to end up with the ninjas opposite!

A slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded on the market.

"Earth. Earth and land return!"


I saw a dirt wall suddenly rise above the ground!

Hundreds of thousands of thousands of attacks!

"Ping!" "Ding!" "Ping!" "!!" .......

The sound of Jin Ge's collision is endless, and Venus is splashing!

The ninjas of Tochigi were very surprised when they saw the visitors.


"Just hold them for a while, I'll clean up that person!"

Dashe Wan said Shen Sheng, and then quickly sprinted forward.

But Yu Ren, who was opposite, saw that Ninjutsu hadn't succeeded, and couldn't help but look gloomy. He looked at the big snake pill that destroyed his good deeds!

I am just a ninja kid, dare to charge me!

Look for death!

I saw him quickly seal his hands!

I opened my mouth and spit forward!

"Water Margin. Water Burst!"


I saw a large amount of water spewing from his mouth toward the big snake pill rushing here!

Facing such huge waves!

Dashe Wan was running, his eyes were slightly cold, and his hands quickly printed.

"Earth. Earth wall!"


I saw a few earth walls rising again from the ground, stiffly blocking the water wave containing Chakra!

At this time, Dashe Wan also arrived at his side!

She Yuren's eyes were cold, and he greeted him with his bitterness from his waist!

And Dashe Wan is not weak!


Two bitter and sturdy bumps together, sparks splashing!


In Yu Ren's horrified eyes!

From the cuff of the big snake pill, he burst out a few colorful snakes and bite him with a big mouth opening his blood!

"Shadow Snake Hand!"


"Ah! Damn it!"

Wu Yuren shouted, and his body immediately separated from Dashe Wan!

But it's still too late!

The venom from Viper's teeth has been injected into his body!

Soon, he felt numb and fell uncontrollably to the ground!

His expression was terrified, but his body couldn't move any more, only twitching.

Da Snake Pill looked at him coldly, lowered and painlessly swiped around his neck, blood spewed out!

Yin Yin's blood quickly stained the ground.

Xun Yuren stared at unwilling eyes, and after a while, vitality passed away.

Dashe Wan looked at this scene ~ ~ but his eyes were a little complicated.

Then his eyes were cold, and he looked at Yu Ren who was still fighting with the leaves of wood.

Uh .........

He Gangshou and others arrived at the Koba stronghold.

At this time, some information from various aspects of the war situation is being processed inside, the ninjas come and go in a hurry, very busy.

A few people of Yun Gangshou soon met the person in charge of the base-Mitarai Juma

Dang Inuzuo will explain in detail the phenomenon that will be seen in the border mound.

Cujuma frowned slightly, pondered for a while, and asked Wei and Zhiren.

"Did you collect intelligence information on some corpses?"

I heard Ju Ma say this, Tail and Zhiren looked at each other, and then took out some of the corpses in the ninja bag.

When I saw these items, Ju Ma had her eyes fixed.

Sure enough ... Is it the root ... Who killed the members of the root ...

Is it rain tolerance? No ... how could Yu Ren go there! ?

Or are other ninja village ninjas involved also ..... things are getting more and more troublesome ... no matter what ... we must quickly report the news to the village!

He looked at the last four of them, and sank.

"You are doing very well! This is indeed very important information, and I will convey it to the village as soon as possible, so you don't have to intervene in this matter."

When I heard what he said, Tsunade and others were heavy.

Is this a war ...... it's full of conspiracy and all sorts of unknown things ...... I don't even know that one day will die ...

It's terrible ...

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