Chapter 772 Watch cat

“Yes, yes, let’s look at the cats first, first, there are six of them. After hearing your father say that you are going to take it, I have rejected several people.”

“Ah-thank you very much.

Yang Xiaojing was holding a small cardboard suitcase with a small black cat in it. The little black cat meows.

“Dad, daddy, what is the name of this kitten?” Yang Xiaojing said as he walked.

“Yeah.-Let’s call it Xiaohei.”

“Why is it called Xiaohei, because it is black?”

“Yeah. This cat is fat at first sight!”

Wu An is thirty-three years old.

Wu An is walking on the street, the street is very lively, there are many people. There are many shops, and the shop windows are full of goods.

Wu An walked into the store and bought a new vise, then walked out contentedly.

At this time, a beggar with a gray beard and clothes on the opposite side of the road came with a bamboo stick in his hand; the bottom of the stick was cracked.

The beggar pushed a bowl over, and Wu An was about to pay him.

God! This beggar is actually the teacher of the class fifteen years ago!

“Old Huang!” Wu An exclaimed in surprise.

The beggar shook his head helplessly and was about to leave. He didn’t like Wu An very much before, and now he didn’t want his alms, so he turned and left.

Wu An didn’t care about him, and stepped into the busy traffic.


Wu An is thirty-four years old.

It is summer.

Summer is a very comfortable season.

Wu An bought two catties of plums from the vegetable market, put them on a cutting board and smashed them with the blade of a knife, smashed them, poured the lemon juice, stirred them, and put them on the table.

Chen Yilu was sitting next to her. When she saw the plate of plums, tears shone in her eyes. The man still remembers her preferences.

“Thank you,” she said.

Then the two took the toothpicks and ate them one by one. Wu An ate thirteen. Chen Yilu ate 23 tablets. The plums are sour, cool, and a bit salty, just right.

Yang Xiaojing put down the basketball in his hand and walked to Chen Yilu and said, “Ama, I’m so hot.”

Chen Yilu took out the tissues in her bag to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and fanned him with a small fan.

At this time, Yang Xiaojing whistled. “Dad told me that blowing a whistle can bring wind.”

“Little fool, your father is coaxing you.” Chen Yilu’s eyes lined up.

“Ama, I’m so thirsty.” Yang Xiaojing said.

Chen Yilu took out the mineral water in the bag and handed it to him. He took the water bottle and filled it with half a bottle, and then gasped for breath, like a cow. He sat down beside the pillar and said to Chen Yilu:

“Ama, tell me a story!”


Yang Xiaojing listened carefully.

“Once upon a time. There was a pig essence, which went up the mountain and shit, without paper. At this time, an old lady came to mow the grass. The pig essence borrowed paper from her. The old lady didn’t borrow it. The old lady said, “Use broken tiles.” Wipe it away. ‘Jing Jing believed it was true, but he wiped out blood and hurt himself. The pig spirit said angrily: “Old lady, I will come to clean up you at night.” The old lady was very scared. Back to

After arriving home, the old lady inserted a steel pin in the door, poured cooking oil on the floor, put crabs on the bottom of the water tank, and put eggs on the stove. After finishing these, she sang a beautiful folk song and had a delicious dinner. In the evening, pig essence came, and the old lady didn’t dare to come out. Why didn’t she dare to come out, she was scared! She didn’t agree to the pig spirit asking her. Then the pig essence

He reached out to push the door, but was pierced by the steel needle on the door. When he walked into the living room, he slipped and fell on the ground. He went to the tank to wash his hands. The crab jumped out and bit his hand. He went into the kitchen to borrow the fire in desperation, only to be blown up by an egg. Because of previous experience, he was afraid of the crabs in the tank, so he walked to the well to take a bath, and at this moment the old lady rushed

When he came out, he pushed him into the well, and then stirred with the bamboo pole, and the pig essence was stirred to death. Then, the old lady peddled pork essence through the streets.

Yang Xiaojing nodded and said, “Ama, isn’t the old lady strong?”

“Why do you say that?”

“Otherwise, how could she push the pig essence into the well and stir the well water with a bamboo pole.

“Ha–it seems to be! Hahaha–”


Wu An is thirty-five years old.

Wu An stood on the scale, and the red font displayed seventy-five.

This means that his dream of one hundred and fifty catties has come true!

In the summer afternoon, the sound of students’ recitations on the quiet campus walked down the scorching sun.

Wu An walked under an elm tree, walked to the woman in red, and told her, “Hello teacher, I am Yang Xiaojing’s father.”

She took a look at Wu An and replied: “Hello, Mr. Yang, I asked you to tell you that your son doesn’t listen to classes in class, and he always disturbs other classmates. The order of the whole school is broken by him alone. I told him that he would not listen, and I hope you can cooperate with my teaching work.”

Wu An said: “々Good. I’m very sorry, but I will discuss it with him after I go back. ”

When Yang Xiaojing came home from school, Wu An had been waiting in the living room for a long time. He was sitting on the sofa making tea, and the fragrance of tea filled the whole living room. Wu An said, “Son, come over and have a cup of tea.

Yang Xiaojing walked slowly to the tea table and said, “Abba, I don’t like tea.”

“It’s okay. You have a cup of tea. The tea is still good. When I was your age, my grandma and dad had taught me how to make tea.”

“But I don’t like to drink.” Yang Xiaojing retorted.

“Yeah. Then I know you don’t like to drink, so I won’t force you. In other words, I respect you. But your head teacher told me that you are always whispering in class. This is not the performance of respecting the teacher. You know. What should I do this time?”

Yang Xiaojing stood there and nodded after a while (Nono’s).

He said nothing.

Does he really understand?

People should respect each other and change.


Wu An is thirty-six years old.

There is a statue of a Bodhisattva in the house. Father Wu An burns two sticks of incense every day, once in the evening and once in the morning. He also gave up meat and ate only vegetables. His people are not as strong as they used to be, just thin and old.

Sometimes when Yang Xiaojing saw his grandfather knelt on the ground, he also knelt down and bowed. He bowed and laughed. His laughter gurgled like a bell.

There are four beds in the house, one of which has no one sleeping and no objects. It was just that Chen Yilu changed and washed once after the person slept, put the sheets and pillows on the balcony, and dried them all day. One more day on cloudy days. Then fold it and put it in the closet.

Many of their friends have slept in that bed.

Peng Chengbing. Xu Yuan. Huang Liqin. Chen Shangruo. .

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