“Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Shinobi, randomly rewarding 0.02% of the spiritual development degree.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the elite Shinobi, and randomly rewarding the fire development degree of 0.01 percent.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for killing one Shinobi, and randomly reward the seal development degree of 0.04%.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a special superior ninja, and randomly rewarding 2% of the space development degree.”

Four consecutive voices sounded in Watergate’s mind, but Watergate was clearly unhappy.

Even if you kill these in the middle patience, there is only so little degree of development, even if it is particularly forbearing, the degree of development at this time is only rewarded with such a little, and it is really getting more and more difficult later.

Fortunately, not only kills have rewards, but also defeats, which makes Watergate not incarnate as a slaughtering god, but even if only kills have rewards, Watergate will not deliberately kill innocents, which is his bottom line.

His blade will only reach out to the enemy.

Watergate beckons to Mikoto and Nagaze and signals them to come over.

“What’s wrong?” Changfeng came over and looked at the water gate suspiciously.

“The real enemy is coming, and the strength is very strong, when the time comes, you and Mikoto will join forces to deal with the weakest, and the rest will be left to me.” Watergate said solemnly.

“What? And the enemy? Could it be that those wandering ninjas are so powerful? Mikoto was shocked when she heard this, the two of them are elite Shinobi, and Mikoto would almost have the strength to be particularly Shinobu if she added Nigotama Sharingan.

However, the weakest of the other party need to join forces with Changfeng to fight against each other, which shows the strength of the enemy.

“Is the other party a group of upper Shinobi?” Changfeng tightened the knife in his hand, and there was no fear in his heart, only a strong fighting intent.

“I don’t know, but the strength is definitely not weak.” Watergate is also not clear, but the only thing he is sure is that the other party definitely has upper patience, and there may be more than one.

“Search swish, swish.”

As soon as Watergate’s words fell, four people with masks appeared in front of Watergate, and the pursuit force sent by Shimura Danzo appeared.

However, they were not stupid enough to pass on Konoha’s dark costumes and masks.

Watergate’s Insight Eye probed the past one by one, and suddenly his heart was shocked, it turned out to be two upper ninja and two elite upper ninja, this is definitely not a wandering ninja, but the power of the five major countries.

In the ninja villages of those small countries, the elite upper ninja can be their shadow, how can they have the ability to send 2 elite upper ninja.

Which country it is, their whereabouts should not be known to anyone other than the three generations of Hokage, since he received the task to leave the village, he did not feel the enemy who was tracking.

Wait, received a task?

Watergate’s heart moved, he may have guessed who the other party was, there were only so few people in Konoha who could contact the three generations of Hokage to send tasks, and only one of them had a contradiction with Watergate.

That is Shimura Danzo, the leader of this root, Konoha’s-stirring stick.

In this way, the four people on the opposite side were sent by him, and it would not be unusual for him to send such a strong lineup.

“You are the dark part of Konoha’s roots! Shimura Danzo’s people, you are here to hunt me down!” Watergate looked at the four people and said something shocking.

Not only the four roots on the opposite side were horrified, but even Mikoto and Nagaze were stunned.

“Watergate, how is it possible, how can the dark part of Konoha come to hunt us down, are you mistaken.” Mikoto’s eyes widened, and she couldn’t believe it without touching the darkness of Konoha.

Changfeng also looked at Watergate, he believed that Watergate would not be lost for no reason, so he waited for Watergate’s explanation.

And the dark department on the opposite side was also shocked that Watergate guessed his identity as soon as they met, so they did not dare to act rashly for a while.

Watergate first slowly said his previous speculations and grudges with Shimura Danzo, and then finally said

“Shimura Danzo this person is ambitious, in order to become a Hokage, he can’t do anything, I think if I hadn’t flown the Thunder God Technique, it is estimated that I would have been tied to the root, and the immortal would have become his murderous puppet.”


“No wonder Master Tuanzang wants to get rid of you, not only your strength, but also your mind is too terrible, you are only 10 years old, you can guess our identity through a little clue, it is simply terrible.

If you grow up, maybe you will become the fifth generation Hokage of Konoha, maybe you will be a stumbling block on the road to Hokage, but I am more curious about how do you know our strength, are you still a perception ninja? ”

One of the elite Naka-ninja clapped his hands and applauded Watergate, but the more he spoke, the murderous aura that emanated from his body became.

Obviously, Watergate’s remarks had scared him, and this time saying Watergate couldn’t let this guy return to Konoha.

Otherwise, it would be bad to really make this guy a candidate for the fifth generation.

In his mind, the candidate of the fourth generation is to choose between Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru, and Watergate is the candidate of the fifth generation.

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