Naruto: Konoha Uzumaki Shirataki

Chapter 113 Sunagakure’s defeat and Hanzo’s thoughts

At this moment, Shirataki, who was attracting the attention of everyone, looked at Chiyo and Chiyo with a calm expression, and slowly said, "You guys." Unexpectedly, before he even finished his sentence, a blue figure flashed beside Chiyo and Chiyo, and in the blink of an eye, In a short time, they both disappeared on the spot, apparently being carried away by wind erosion.

As for the large pile of placer gold and the three Chikamatsu puppets left there, no one on the Sunagakure side cared about it at this time. After all, since Shirataki, who has solved the three generations of Kazekage and drought, is here, they will definitely die if they stay here.

This is very clear to both Wind Erosion, Luosha and Qianyo. Therefore, all the desire to fight disappeared in an instant, and it was time to withdraw. And it couldn't be delayed for a second!

Seeing the three of them escaping, Hatake Sakumo subconsciously wanted to pursue them, but after thinking for a moment, he stopped, looked at Shirataki and asked, "Do you want to pursue them?"

Shirataki did not answer in a hurry, but shifted his gaze and looked at the battlefield in the distance for a while. Noticing that the Konoha ninja were chasing the Sunagakure like a herd of sheep, and that the mountains and fields were filled with running crowds, he responded casually, "No, Sunagakure has been defeated."

"They fought well, let them go." Perhaps Shirataki's last words unintentionally revealed some of his true thoughts. Both Orochimaru and Hatake Sakumo turned their heads in surprise. He glanced at Shirataki.

Both of them had seen this kind of admiration for the enemy ninja in Shirataki. Such emotions should not appear in a strong person like Shirataki. This is not good for the camp that Shirataki is in or for the village. That's not a good thing.

"What do you think I'm doing? Give me the order to withdraw the troops. The war is over for now." He suppressed his desire to yawn and ignored the two of them. After giving a very clear order, he went about his own business. 's left.

At this time, Bai Taki's mental strength was extremely weak. In addition to the long battle, it was mainly due to the sudden entry into the alien space at that moment. The super-massive space power made Bai Taki vaguely feel like facing the time when he first traveled through it. The energy vortex encountered is general.

At the end of the war, Sunagakure was defeated across the board, and it was likely that he would not be able to recover for several years, or even more than ten years. However, Shirataki's thoughts had never been spent on Sunagakure, so his progress could not stop here.

After all, his enemy is not Sunagakure Village, but the indescribable and intangible power of fate. Sunagakure Village is just an enemy of Konoha and has nothing to do with Shirataki. Facing death again, Shirataki made up his mind and set a clear goal for himself. Now the rope tree seems to be safe, but Shirataki is not relieved because of this. As long as the second ninja war is not over, the rope tree will not be absolutely safe, so he decided to use his own power to end this war. an early closure.

Until Shirataki's back gradually faded away, Hatake Sakumo, Orochimaru, and Aburame Shihi looked at each other silently, and then without saying anything, they all used teleportation to leave.

At this moment, with Uchiha Genmon leading the Konoha ninja army to clear the ground, the Suna ninjas naturally began to flee because they could not see the slightest hope of victory. After the Konoha ninja army chased the Suna ninja for a while, they received orders one after another from their superiors. They immediately stopped and returned to the camp.

Although Konoha's camp has been completely destroyed by the Sunagakure Division led by Monzaemon, the ninja's ability to survive in the wild is still relatively good, and it is naturally not a problem to casually use earth escape to build some temporary residences. As for the subsequent action arrangements, including the next strategic plan after defeating Sunagakure, Shirataki and a group of high-ranking ninja army officials will naturally come up with the results after discussion. The lower-level ninjas do not have to worry about that.

After this battle, in terms of the high-end combat power of Sunagakure's side, Drought was killed in the battle, the third Kazekage, Kaze Erosion and Hayakura were seriously injured, more than 70 first-level jounin ninjas were killed or missing in the battle, and almost all the rest were One is injured.

In terms of low-level combat power, more than half of the chuunin and genin were directly defeated. In the end, the number of ninjas who returned to the camp was less than a thousand, and only eight or nine hundred survived. More than 4,000 people were killed and only more than 900 people were left. It has to be said that Sunagakure's long-planned decisive battle ended in a disastrous defeat. It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire army was close to annihilation.

The reason why such a result was achieved was that Uchiha Genmon and the ANBU troops who arrived later had contributed a lot. After all, they alone had killed at least a thousand Sunagakure. Sunagakure suffered unprecedented heavy losses. All the Sunagakure were killed. I received the order as soon as I returned to the camp, and then started packing my luggage very decisively.

On the day of the defeat, the remaining more than 900 ninjas returned to the Kingdom of Wind without hesitation. Not a single Suna ninja expressed any objection during the process. Obviously, in the face of Konoha's endless high-end combat power, no one was willing to continue. Fight it down.

It can be said that on the two-wing battlefield, after Uchiha Xuanmen and ANBU troops participated one after another, the battle began to gradually change, and eventually evolved into an extremely bloody massacre. With the help of this war, Uchiha Xuanmen even received the nickname "Konoha Red Eyes", and the limelight was still slightly above Shirataki.

Compared to Sunagakure, which suffered heavy losses, Konoha's side suffered almost no losses in terms of high-end combat power. Except for Matt Dai, who was seriously injured, everyone else only suffered minor injuries.

About thirty jounin-level ninjas died. These were all casualties caused by the giant puppet prepared by Sunagakure before Uchiha Genmon joined the battle.

As for the low-level combat power, the chuunin genin lost a total of more than a thousand people. If we add the more than a thousand people killed by Monzaemon's troops in the camp, Konoha lost a total of more than two thousand ordinary ninjas.

In other words, Shirataki currently has about 3,000 troops under his command. The above is the situation of this battle. Sunagakure lost more than 3,000 people and Konoha lost more than 2,000 people.

Since the battlefield was named Ishikawa Hill, this time it was destined to be recorded in the history of the ninja war. It was written into the ninja school textbooks and the tragic battle involving nearly 10,000 ninjas was named the Battle of Ishikawa Hill.

The Battle of Ishikawa Hill marked the complete defeat of Sunagakure Village in the Second Ninja World War. It had to temporarily withdraw from the historical stage of the Ninja World and officially enter a state of hibernation in order to recuperate and regain its strength.

As for the armistice agreement with Konoha, or in other words, the surrender document, it is a matter for later and will not be detailed here.

After both sides of Sunagakure and Konoha retreated their troops, time slowly flowed. It was now sunset, and the afterglow of the setting sun spread down, seeming to bring a strong blood color to the entire world.

The Ishikawa Hill area should probably be called the original Ishikawa Hill area at this time. The reason why it is called so is because the landscape here has undergone very complete changes, and it can no longer be seen as it was before the war started.

The ground seemed to have been extremely severely damaged, with pits hundreds of meters wide spread across various areas within a few kilometers, forming extremely awkward basins.

Even on a relatively flat ground, there are countless cracks on the surface, which looks extremely ferocious. It seems that you can see the bottomless abyss below. The overall feeling is as if you have experienced a major earthquake with a magnitude of ten or above.

All the hills were flattened, all the weeds disappeared without a trace, and the traces caused by various ninjutsu covered the end of the field of vision. What was left were endless uneven rock formations, almost as far as the eye could see.

On a towering cliff away from the original Ishikawa Hill area, a tall figure wearing a black cloak stood silently. Looking at his movements, he seemed to be looking at the vast battlefield in the distance.

The dusk light shone over, and strands of light yellow hair slowly drifted behind the head. The palm holding the scythe tightened unconsciously, and a haze appeared in his eyes.

The next second, a deep voice slowly came from the mouth covered by the respirator, "Is this right here?" The violently surging inner emotions were reflected on his face, which looked slightly pale.

Sanshouyu Hanzo stared at the fragmented battlefield motionlessly, and asked the people behind him his questions without looking back, even though he already had the answer in his heart.

"That's right." The old voice came. Monzaemon, who was wearing a white robe, took a step forward, turned his head slightly, looked at Hanzo with a gloomy look, and then continued, "Hanzo, you violated the rules of our Sunagakure I think you should know the alliance agreement between us."

"Our agreement does not include this war." Before Monzaemon could finish speaking, Hanzo interrupted him very rudely. Then, he still did not look at the other party, but thought to himself, "Although. I did help you Sunagakure with some things some time ago, but I have never been your subordinate. On this point, I hope you can give me a message."

As if something suddenly came to his mind, Hanzo finally turned his head and glanced at Monzaemon, a trace of undetectable sarcasm flashed in his eyes, but he still maintained the tone of Furui Muha and said, "Oh, I almost forgot to ask. After leaving your Sand Hidden Village, who is in charge now?”

Monzaemon's face froze and he clenched his fists subconsciously, but the seventy-year-old man's self-cultivation finally prevailed at this moment. He did not do anything, but replied calmly, "I, Chiyo, Ebizo, the current The three of us form a decision-making committee in the village, and we will temporarily exercise the power of the Kazekage until the next generation of Kazekage is elected.”

"Hanzo, if you have anything to say, just tell me. Of course, if you feel that I am not qualified enough, then next time, I can invite the other two members of the decision-making team and the wind erosion consultant to come over and talk to you together. ." Both sides spoke in extremely calm tones, and their tone of voice seemed very harmonious, but now anyone present could clearly detect the smell of gunpowder in the conversation between Hanzo and Monzaemon.

"Oh" he said softly again, the slightly elongated and slightly rising tone of his voice unintentionally revealed Hanzo's inner emotions at the moment, which seemed to be... disapproval?

Noticing that Monzaemon's face was getting more and more livid, Hanzo couldn't help but sneer in his heart. However, at that moment, he knew better than to irritate the opponent too much, so he simply went straight to the topic and said, "Monzaemon, after such a big defeat, , I don’t think you, Sunagakure, have any qualifications to negotiate terms with me about the batch of gold you promised before.”

His eyes were staring at Monzaemon coldly, as if he was going to take action as long as he said "no". Hanzo paused for a moment and finished his words word for word, "I hope you can send it to Amegakure within a month." village."

"Otherwise, I will form an alliance with Konoha. I think Konoha will be happy to take this opportunity to completely eliminate you bunch of troublemakers." Hanzo's tone was very strong, and the threat was almost gushing out. Although Zaemon wanted to yell at the other party for being shameless. But at this time, Sunagakure's strength has really fallen to the bottom. He really can no longer withstand any storms, and it is not appropriate to continue to provoke powerful enemies.

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